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tv   The Place for Politics 2016  MSNBC  June 7, 2016 2:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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and so it begins. we're going to have nearly nine plus hours of incredible coverage of the final big primary night of the presidential season. good evening. welcome to our special coverage of 2016 and the last big primary night of the year. i'm chuck todded in new york. six states are holding contests tonight. less than three hours away from the first poll closing in new jersey. but the big question tonight, don't have to deal with the poll closing times. what is bernie sanders going to do and say to be the -- tonight? is the republican party on the
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brink of insurrection. there are three things we're watching. history in the making. after a roller coaster of political highs and lows since launching her first campaign for president, and almost eight years to the day after ending that campaign, hillary clinton has clenched the nomination as far as our numbers are concerned. she did it last night. becoming the first female presumptive nominee of a major party in american history. but sanders doesn't seem ready to step aside. we'll hear from the campaign managers from clinton and sanders in a minute. the second big story we're watching tonight. trump's troubles seem to be getting worse. the presumptive republican nominee now feeling more heat from top republicans for his attacks on a federal judge who happens to be of mexican descend. >> i would like to support our nominee, i just can't. i would love to be able to support our nominee, and i think his extents were racist. >> claiming a person can't do their job because they're racist
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is like the textbook definition of a racist comment. i think that should be disavowed. it's unacceptable. >> just over an hour ago the republican senator with a biggest chance of losing his seat pulled his support from trump official. >> i cannot support him. >> that was the final straw for you? do you hope that other members of your party do what you're doing now? >> i do. >> that was my colleague hallie jackson catching up with republican senator mark kirk in the halls of congress. and the third big thing we've watching tonight, as i mentioned at the start. it is all about the sanders strategy of quote, unquote, landing the plane. the vermont senator gave clinton a race that nobody saw coming. the staff said a campaign will begin a new face tomorrow. sanders doesn't appear to be
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ready to accept the fact he's lost. >> and i should point out all the democratic delegates going to philadelphia in every instance we beat trump by far larger numbers than does hillary clinton. >>well, let's kick the night off with the two campaign managers of the two democratic cane campaigns. we begin with the bernie sanders campaign in l.a. welcome back to the show. >> thank you. >> congratulations on what has been an incredible run no matter what the results are tonight. and i know it's been exhausting and i'm sure people aren't acknowledging that enough these days. congratulations. >> we all need a vacation. >> you'll get to sleep at some point. i promise. riddle me this, what does bernie sanders have to do tonight to give you a rashal to say the primary isn't over?
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>> he has over 10 million votes. he's run the most successful insurgent political campaign in the history of the country outside of the president obama's. so i think he already established his validity going forward. he has over 45% of the electorate. we'll see tonight may go higher than that, obviously. he wants to go to the convention. he's certainly the strongest candidate against donald trump. the polling is consistently showing that. obviously if he wins in california tonight, it will strengthen the argument. i don't think it will change the argument. it will strengthen it. >> why doesn't the california question actually change the argument? i mean, i'm willing to buy into your argument if you win california and get you closer. i get that argument. but if you don't win california, you will not have a majority of the raw vote or the pledged delegates. you are behind on super delegates. you have will lost nine of the
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ten largest states in the country. it would be another state with the diverse electorate you didn't win. don't you have to have california to basically have this rationale to go convention? >> we won the most diverse state which is hawaii and michigan. we have won many diverse states in this country. california, as i said strengthening the argument if we win. losing by one vote versus by winning by one vote is the deal breaker here. >> what is bernie sanders' commitment to party unity? >> a strong commitment to party unity. he's committed to uniting the party going into the fall and beating donald trump. that's not the question now. who should be the nominee, who should be the standard bearer. who can best beat trump. who can best help democrats up-and-down the ballot. i'll tell you when the process is over this party will be united and determined to defeat trump and the republicans. there's no doubt about that. >> what would convince you
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that -- and senator sanders that you didn't have the numbers to win this nomination? >> well, i don't speak for him. so, you know, i work for him. he'll have to be -- he drives the train and i'm just a conductor. >> okay. is it numbers? is it your own survey of super delegates? what is it that will say, okay, you know what metric is he -- does he want to use here? >> well, i think the metric is can enough super delegates be persuaded to support his candidacy he can get over the 2383 numbers. we didn't make the rules in this process. we entered the process with the rules established. as they are now if you don't have 2383 pledged delegates the super delegates will decide. >> what makes you think somehow an argument you've been making publicly for six weeks now, because basically for six straight weeks when national polls have consistency polled both of you. bernie sanders -- you're right.
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your talking point is 100% correct. he's stronger against donald trump according to polling than hillary clinton is. how many super delegates have flipped so far based on that argument? >> well, i can't tell you there are any. i can tell you super delegates are going to be voting at the end of july. they're like every other voter. they're going to focus on the election. >> but momentum begets monumental. it would be a big deal if you could find one to flip based on this argument. i'm guessing you would have promoted it like crazy. one could beget two and so on and so on. >> four and eight. >> exactly. where are they? why hasn't the argument worked up until now? >> we're using a surrogate operation now. once we get past the part of this process where people are -- are done with voting in california and other states. that will intensify the outreach to the super delegates. i think a lot of super delegates, frankly, they want to see how the primaries and caucuses turn out. they know they have time between the end of that process and the
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convention. >> i was going to let you finish your thought. sorry. >> as i said, i think you'll see a lot more intense communication going on in the coming weeks. >> jeff weaver, i'll leave it there. good to talk to you. appreciate it. let's turn to the other side. rob, first of all, congratulations for getting to this point. as i said to jeff weaver. it's not easy being a campaign manager being all these late night. you've made it here. you're exhausted. just to get here, congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> is there anything that jeff weaver said that you disagree with as far as the idea of the rationale of whether they should be able to go on to a contested convention? >> first of all, i agree the party is going to unify behind the nominee. the stakes of the trump presidency are too high for us not to do that. you know, let's let the voters in california have their say in the other five states that are voting today have their say and we'll see after that.
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i think it's incumbent on jeff and their campaign to keep going. to keep making a rationale. let's see where the votes land tonight and then move from there. >> do you think california is a barometer that you're going to use? if you lose california it's harder for you to tell sanders to give it up. >> as nbc said, hilary has the delegates to win the nomination. so, in fact -- >> do you believe that? >> yes. yes, i do. >> okay. go ahead. >> it's important we let the voters in california and these other five states have their say. make their voices heard. hillary said she was going to compete for every vote. all that said the math is clear. hillary is going to be the nominee. we're going to celebrate tonight. we're going to celebrate not only her winning but the historic nature of this victory. that's exciting and something we want to celebrate. the math is clear. and i, you know, it is hard to see the mathematical rational for the sanders campaign, but
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let's let them have their say and let the voters go to the polls. >> bernie sanders, this is a guy who basically came in from the outside and showed, boy, he could, you know, this was a race. okay. you didn't have it easy. i'm sure at times you never thought you would be in a race with a 74-year-old socialist who was never a member of the democratic party. what has he earned for this convention and for a party leadership role in the future? has he earned you considering him as a running mate? >> he earned a lot of credit for, first of all, bringing attention to important issues like campaign finance reform, like helping people afford college. those issues and all the work that his supporters have done deserve credit and those issues deserve attention and platform. they deserve to be part of the dialogue in this campaign. and his supporters deserve a place in the nominee's campaign. it's important that the entire
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party, his campaign, the clinton campaign come together, unify a common purpose to keep the white house in democratic hands. >> do you accept the idea it's important to sanders supporters they get a real roll call? they get to be able to place his name in the nomination as well as hillary clinton's mname in a nomination. or do you think that unnecessarily creates a divisive environment? >> i think it's too early to talk about the convention and the agenda of the convention. as i said, what i think is important is everyone have a place in the democratic party and have a place in the nominee's campaign. we've got to come together. and it is incumbent on the nominee to invite everyone in to their campaign. and it is incumbent on the other candidate to pull their people into that campaign. >> you didn't commit to a full fej roll call. there's a phony roll call and the real one and i think, for instance, ron paul wanted and i
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think some sanders supporters want. >> there are literally millions of people who have turn out and vote. it's way too early to start talking about the convention. we're going to let people vote tonight and go from there. >> are you fully convinced that donald trump is going to be the republican nominee. are you operating on that assumption? >> i think it is very likely. i'm not an expert on republican politics but he's clearly has the vote going into that first round of voting at the convention. their rules a little bit more byzantine than the democratic rules. we have to expect that today. >> their strongest argument and your weakest argument is the match up with the trump at the polls. clinton/trump looks close. sanders/trump doesn't. why shouldn't that matter to super delegates? first of all, let's step back and look. hillary clinton has been in the game fighting for families for decades. you pay a price for that. she's made a real difference in people's lives passing the children's health insurance program. she fought for universal health care. she got -- she took on the insurance company.
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she got knocked down and got back up. >> i hear you. >> that's where you're seeing. whoever the democratic nominee is going to face a baa radiology of spending from super pacs. we have to get rid of citizens united. we can talk about hypotheticals now. the fact of the matter it's going to be a close contest. >> you think because he's not been attacked he's not ready. it. >> i think if you've been attacked as much as she has for standing up for people, yeah, you pay a price for that. but, look, when you put hillary clinton against donald trump the differences could not be clearer. the stakes could not be higher. i'm not worrying -- i think sanders people would say the differences are greater than clinton and trump. >> i do not think that senator sanders had to endure the attacks from the right wing that hillary clinton has. >> robbie mook.
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don't forget to look back and, you know -- not everybody gets to do what you did. >> i appreciate that. it's a real privilege. and the credit goes to the thousands of volunteers across the country making this possible. >> get some sleep. >> thanks. >> sometime next year. shattering the glass ceiling. what hillary clinton's historic nomination means for the country and the world. meanwhile, trump faces the biggest blowback yet. it has to do with comments, of course, he's been making about the judge in the trump university case. we'll discuss trump's what appears right now to look like a slow motion train wreck if the party doesn't figure out what to do. is there anything they can do? stay tuned.
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so you can get back to whatever it is you civilians do when you're not thinking about car insurance. donald trump is facing growing criticism for his comments about the trump university judge. jeb bush tweeted this. that's what he called it.
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racism. we'll have more on trump and whether this is turning into a train wreck for the party. straight ahead.
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welcome back. you can argue it's the bigger story tonight. they're heading to the polls for the last time in the primary season and as the party confr t confronts another crisis created by trump. we're watching what appears and look like a slow motion train wreck following trump's repeated attacks on a federal judge he said is unfit to preside over the trump university lawsuits because of his mexican heritage. after intense scrutiny, bloomberg reported that trump told his surrogates to double down on attacks and impugn both the media as racists and go after the judge. trump's campaign manager that the report is not accurate but refused to say how it was not
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accurate. the fall out continued to grow. paul ryan slammed trump's comments as racist. lindsey graham begged trump's backers to disavow their support. which ryan did not yet do. here is kbram graham with my colleague hallie jackson. >> if you're comfortable with that kind of rhetoric, it says more about you than me. a lot of people want to be loyal to the republican party, including me. but there will come a point in time where we have to understand that it's not just about the 2016 race. it's about the future of the party. and i would like to support our nominee, i just can't. >> reporter: you seem emotional a little bit. are you? >> this is not a good day. >> and late this afternoon, we saw our first unendorsement, if you want to call it that. senator mark kirk up for re-election, very much in a uphill battle for a blue state in a presidential year initially said he would support trump once he clenched the nomination.
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now he cannot support him because what he called trump's bigoted comments. moments ago trump put out a lengthy statement further explaining his criticisms of the judge. mr. trump has not asked for an official recusal of this judge. his attorneys have not asked for that. that's an important point. they're confronting a potential electoral crisis nationally. similar to what happened to the party in california. call it the gop's pete wilson moment. the flip from deep red to blue can be traced baaing to the 1994 re-election campaign. he largely blame the state's problems on immigration. wilson won but the backlash among latino voters basically
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purged the republicans from statewide power. you'll probably get a reminder of that fall out tonight. the leading republican candidate for senator will be shut out mostly of the state's jungle primary because the top two vote getters will be democrats. two democrats facing off in a general election for the u.s. senate. that's marginalized the republican party has become in california. it took 22 years for the gop to get to this point. it's potentially the national crisis they're facing here. let's bring in a great panel. ben ginsburg. man hay worth, and eugene robinson. and i have oklahoma republican congressman tom colt who is, of course, the only former political pollster serving in congress. so, congressman cole, i start with you. you are on the ballot this year. how comfortable are you with donald trump as the republican party standard barer today at
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5:21 eastern time? >> well, probably less comfortable at 5:21 today than a week ago. look, i think the real question here is whether or not you recognize you made a mistake and you begin to back away from it. i looked at the statement i saw a few minutes ago that suggests mr. trump decided not to talk about it anymore and at least if he wants to question whether or not he's going -- he needs to be on the merits of the handling of the case without any kind of racial or ethnic background. if he learns this lesson here, it'll be hard learned. it'll be a step in the right direction. >> any evidence he'll learn a lesson from this? >> tom is one of our wisest heads in the republican party. i'm hoping very much he's right that trump will have to learn a lesson from this. but what pints out -- the thing we have to remember about donald
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trump is he reflects what he thinks people want to hear. this is a regrettable thing he has done. he thought, obviously, it would resonate among his voters. one of the change challenges our politics is it's sufficed. that no way excuses trump's remarks. they were absolutely beyond any support by any member of the party. and it is time for him to lead the way. >> i want to get the to ben in a minute. ben is going to be our lawyer here for a second about the nomination. >> i'm not a lawyer. >> no. you're not. it is startling today that paul ryan said this same was racist. >> yeah. >> you have people saying the sometime is racist. i want to believe he's not. >> yeah. right. >> i've never seen a hair split like that before. >> yeah. and my view, actually, is always
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been focus on the statements and the deed. right. you can't know what is in somebody else's heart. racist statements are enough, for me, frankly. and i think they're enough for a lot of people. they're enough for lindsey graham and enough for, you know, this is a fascinating moment in this campaign. the first unendorsement from mark kirk. so you to wonder if more will come. donald trump said you're right he says what he says what he thinks people want to hear. sometimes thinks he thinks they're thinking but won't says. he'll say what is obsessing. he talks about his own obsession. this case is one of clearly his own obsessions. >> that's the thing. >>, you know, two spends ten minutes of campaign rally rambling on about a personal lawsuit? >> ben, you know the rules of the republican party. i'm only hearing small chatter about, okay, there is still six weeks before cleveland.
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what would that look like? if paul ryan and mitch mcconnell got up tomorrow and said we're done. we're not for him. we think it hurts the party to be more for him than against him. we're going to find another nominee. we know it may not happen but we're going to try. could it be done? >> it could be done as a matter of the rules. there's a simple and elegant resumes change you can make which would be to require your nominee to win a super majority of the delegates on the first ballot. and then majority on subsequent ones. that's the simple, elegant rules change. the political will to do that is an entirely different matter. >> tom cole, do you have the political will to try again? >> i certainly woont do -- it might be legal under the rules. i think changing the rules in the middle of the game is an un-american thing itself to do. any kind of gimmick like that is the wrong way to go. even if it's again appropriate
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under the rules. it's never going to be looked on as legitimate or fair play. and it'll look like washington insiders are trying to trump the opportunities that never were. trying to overrule the will of republican primary voters. >> you're shaking your head. i mean, who is being more loyal to the party right now? the folks supporting the nominee or trying to or the nominee? you could make the case that the nominee is hurting the party's future. that's what others are arguing. look at the california example i used. that is a rationale to say i'm pro republican party and that's why i want to stop. it. >> right. and those that love the party. we don't want to see our nominee making these kinds of mistakes. had is the kind of thing that will hurt us and mr. trump, please pay attention. we cannot win, win, win if, you know, you're making remarks you constantly have to walk back. this is a crucial moment for the
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party. we've never faced something like this. we have a candidate that is not an experienced politician who was voted for by a lot of folks who are not republicans in open primaries. and we have -- but we have this process. if he's our nominee he has got to bring people together. it's about addition at this point. not sub strax traction. >> yeah. at the end of the day when he's standing on the podium and the balloons are dropping. he'll be a candidate who says and does racist things. who says and does sexist things and offensive things. and republicans are going to have to gather around and put a big happy face on that. that's not going to be an easy thing. >> we have to pressure him. that's the only way this is going to work. we have to be like the surrounding elements of a nuclear process. we have to keep pounding it. >> i think you need to approach this from the frame of reference of the delegates in the
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convention hall. tom cole says is absolutely right. it's not going to happen and it will look like insiders. 76% of the delegates are chosen by state and local parties. not with direct input from the nominee. and that's why if you're trying to lawyer this for the presumptive nominee, you're worried about the convention getting its own mind set. >> tom cole, what can you do legislatively? i'll be honest, this is a question i feel like is going to become more to the forefront. does trump now owe the public more of an explanation of how he's going to divest himself of his properties of his brand? how do we know he's not going to use the presidency to promote his brand? how do we know he's not going to use it to mote his businesses. does he owe us more of a way of showing this considering how he used this private civil suit?
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>> in my view, he does. it's not unusual for people in private business to run for public office. i wish we had more. when you do that, you have to stay pretty une qvc icalquivoca. do you take yourself out of a blind trust and take yourself out of the day-to-day operation. if you're president of the united states with, you need to president of the united states. and your personal affairs are secondary to what is important to the people. i think taking those steps early would be good. i suggest there's two things in front of us that mr. trump needs to focus on. the two most important things between that nomination and what person will he pick for vice president? that will define him more than this incident. and second, the convention itself. he's in control of the show, so to speak. the logistics along the rnc and
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the kind of convention that inspires people. >> we could go on longer. but i think we can agree the five week head start that donald trump got he blew it. and now the question is, the democratic disunity is a story that republicans thought they were going to be able to take advantage of and look what we're talking about tonight. all right. i'll stay there. we'll have more on trump's internal campaign troubles all throughout our special coverage. up next it's not about clinton versus sanders. we'll tell you about the five big down ballot races to watch. other states holding elections for other offices. at least the ones that i care about. stay tuned.
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it's the last major presidential primary day of the cycle. it's hard to believe among the most important down ballot days in 2016 as well. there's big ones in august. but tonight we've got in
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california attorney general harris and sanchez both democrats. likely to emerge from california's jungle primary system. it pits only the top two vote getters. if it's two democrats what the statement it makes. montana's governor is running for another term. aims ton the latest republican businessman turned governor. in iowa democrats pick their challenger to six term incumbent senator chuck grassley. patty judge was the candidate democrats recruited in the merrick garland days. but right now state senator rob hog has an opportunity to upset her. we'll see what happens. a winner will likely try to make it a race and referendum on the entire supreme court confirmation process. also in iowa, steve king has a challenge from state senator rick bertrand. king is getting hit over his
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national political profile and backing anti-ethanol candidate ted cruz. bertrand got the backing of the dm des moines register. and one incumbent member of congress will lose a primary. the redrawn districts in north carolina ended up pitting the two against each other. donald trump recorded a row bow call for elmers this weekend. the races could have a big impact on november and also tell us about what the electorate could look like going into 2016. stick withst msnbc for updates up-and-down the ballot. i promise i'll at least make sure we get the down ballot races in. up next diving into the historic significance of hillary clinton clenching the nomination. but first, here is hampton pierce with the cnbc market rally. stocks ending the day mixed with little change. the dow adding about 18 moupoin. the s&p up two and the nasdaq
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falling by seven points. a painful day for biogen. shares sliding after 13% after the ms drug failed to meet the goal. a down day for alexion nearly 11% after the drug missed the call in a late stage trial. but a landmark day for crude. which closed above the $50 barrel mark for the first time since last july. that's it from cnbc. first in business worldwide.
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hillary clinton, of course within is going to be making history as the first woman to clench a major political party nomination here in the united states. by our count just 84 women have
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held the title of president or prime minister positions around the globe. the first ever woman elected president was in iceland in 1980. take a look at history in the u.s. politics. the first state to grant women voting rights wyoming. they remain the only state to do so for nearly three decades. by 1916 women could vote in 11 states. janet rankin of montana became the first woman elected to the house of representatives. after a struggle, lead by leaders of the national woman suffrage association, susan b anthony and elizabeth cady stanton -- wisconsin and texas each elected the first women to serve as governors. they did so in the same day in 1924. patty carway of arkansas became
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the first woman elected to the u.s. senate in 1934. sure lee became the first major party woman candidate when announced she seeked the democratic nomination for president in 1972. in 2008, of course, hillary clinton came very close delivering this now famous speech exactly eight years ago today. >> all though we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, it's got about 18 million cracks in it. >> let's get some perspective on what is an historic day that we get distracted by with donald trump sometimes. well, all the time this election season. i want to bring in doris kerns goodwin, and former representative pat schroeder. the first woman elected to congress from colorado and became close to running for president herself.
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welcome to the program. tell me your feelings today and what it means to you to see the democratic party nominee be the party that nominates the first woman nominee in the united states. >> i am very excited. you know, when jerry was on the ticket, i thought all of the tickets would be better ballots from that day forward. was i ever wrong. but, you know, the white house has kind of been the ultimate tree house in america with the giant "no girls allowed" on it. this is as close as we've gotten to be able to take that sign down. hillary is so well qualified and i am very, very excited today to see this happen. >> doris, you know, it took being the sfopouse of a former president to break the glass ceiling or should have been broken without it? >> it's incredible to real after 200 years of the republic, 100 years of people being able to vote who are women that it's
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taken this long for this to happen. and i think the problem is just been that women haven't been in the upper echelon of leadership positions as governors, mayor, senators, et. cetera. what it took is the spouse of a president and then a person who became senator and then a person who became secretary of state and then a person who had as many qualifications as many men. but it is a historic moment when you think of how long. other countries had so many women before us. we're supposed to be the beacon of hope to the world of large. it's about time it happened. >> pat schroeder you brought up a good point. i'm with you, after '84 i certainly thought, well, you know, after clinton/gore. i thought there's no way the democrats won't have a gender balanced ticket in 2000. no way it won't happen in 2004. no way it wouldn't happen in 2008. it's been surprising that it's taken so long. >> i agree with you, chuck. i knew i liked you!
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it's been such a long pull. and as doris points out, we're joining the world really late. we think we're leaders, but i've never figured out exactly why we've been so late. except maybe we didn't have queens, maybe we didn't see women in those kind of leadership positions and you take many countries and the strongest kings ended up being queens. look at the u.k. >> it's funny you bring that up. the most influential leader around the world after the president of the united states, doris, is angela merkel. perhaps the single most important personal ally of the president's now for better or worse. considering that she is by herself trying to keep europe from cracking up. what is your explanation? answer pat voed schroeder's question. >> in part a lot of other countries where a party or parliamentary system works it easier for a woman to work their way up. in america you need to have the
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show of ambition. especially since the primary system and somehow people think that ambition, which is a great thing, ambition is the striving for success without which success is not possible. it's been seen as aggressiveness. women are outnumbering men in colleges, advanced degrees, law school. there's going to be a whole group of people coming forward and women vote more than men. you got to believe this is the beginning of a long-term trend. i hope what we saw when it took so long after that is not going to be the case now. >> pat, it seems like in some ways, you know, one of the most dramatic divides now in this electorate. college-educated women for clinton versus non-college educated men for trump. it's the starkest divide. i hear that the clinton campaign is worried about the gender gap not as far as winning or losing the election. but they're worried about it as
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far as governing is concerned. what would you advise her to sort of help close that perception gap? you may not be able to close the voting gap but the governing gap that she'll need going forward if she is elected president >>well, we really have to get used to seeing a woman in power. and for some reason, many women get very nervous about that. will she be strong enough? will she be everything? i look at hillary and i think she reminds me of winston churchill, which you may think is crazy, but i remember someone asking winston churchill why he didn't write a biography. he said i didn't need to because there's a poet who wrote about my whole life. when i think of it, that poem fits hillary so well. she kept her head through incredible crises. and i'm hoping as women begin to
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see this a lot of criticism will fade away and understand she's really a steady hand and she has a great mind. >> doris, what do you think of the prime minister of canada said my cabinet is going to be 50/50 men to women. period. is that something that president hillary clinton ought to make? there's a symbolic statement that she can make not just by being elected on her own. what should be the stamp she leaves on the presidency that gets us gender equality in politics? >> that's a good question. some of the other countries have quota. more women have been able to be involved. i can't imagine america liking quotas. if she were able to fill the top positions maybe with even more women than men it would show she realizes the symbolic import of what is happening now. symbolism does matter. and i think this difference between campaigning and governing is that if she were to become president, the confidence you get as president means the
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defensiveness you have as a campaigner is lessoned. maybe that aggressiveness seen as ambition or ambition as aggressiveness is different when you're surrounded by hail to the chief or hail to the chief or whatever going to call it. >> it has a huge impact on little girls. i can tell you, not seeing a female face on that place mat has bothered my daughter. >> good for her! >> there you go. two people i couldn't think of better to have this conversation with today. thank you. i appreciate it. still ahead. how the trump campaign's internal issues could impact his november chances. stay tuned.
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not this way to let me help and the night before the largest primary because the whole process to make the announcements, i was really disappointed at what the ap did. >> suppressing voters. >> this is the largest state in
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the country. a lot of working class and young voters to come out. just a few hours before the process of the vote begins, i was disappointed in what ap did. >> nbc news is calling the presumptive nominee after looking at the data from the ap and confirming that they did find the votes that she surpassed the imagine number of 2383. tune in to nbc nightly news to see the full sanders interview. we'll be right back.
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donald trump is dealing with a major campaign crisis over racial comments he made attacking a federal judge. he's attempting to soften his tone a bit. take a look at what he said last night compared to his previous attacks on this judge. here it is. >> i don't care if the judge is mexican or not. i'm going to do great with the mexican people because i provide job jobs. he is a hispanic, i believe. this judge is of mexican heritage. i'm building wall. i'm building wall. >> i want to build a wall. >> he's a member of a club or society very strongly pro-mexican. i want to build wall. i'm going to build a recall.
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>> we have a lot of time with you throughout the next nine hours. has he done anything to make this better? >> no. late today the senator from arizona said he's not our nominee. i was shocked that he said ben beginsburg is off base. he's gone down 18% among hispanics. >> if you're going to do it, it has to come from paul ryan or mitch mcconnell. the two of them standing up saying we're out. we're going to go to the convention and fight him. short of that, you can't stop it. >> it would require the speaker, the leader and a bunch of candidates to advise the
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committee. when you look at the new polling that's floating around, it's catastrophic. the house republican majority is in danger. when you lose by that kind of margin, you take everybody with you. >> the california pete lesson, is it real? >> i was against prop 187, governor wilson is great man. i met my wife at a fund-raiser 33 years ago. i love pete, but i didn't like 187 for the reasons that happened. >> appreciate it. we have a lot more to come. i'll be right back.
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x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. if you look carefully behind me, you know we're getting started. the big night on msnbc continues. first polling is in two hours. brian williams, rachel maddow and chris matthews pick it up now. tonight, with the primary's season dramatic conclusion in sight. >> we're in the brink of a historic unprecedent moment. >> hillantry is ready to do battle. >> it's not hard to imagine donald trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin. >> anything obama wants, she's going forward with. you know why, she doesn't want to go to jail.
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>> bernie sanders will not back down. i say to the super delegates, if you want to defeat donald trump, we are the campaign to do that. >> donald trump is on the attack. i have a judge who is hater of donald trump. he's not doing the right thing. >> feeling the heat from his own party. >> i'm not going to defend these kinds of comments because they're indefensible. >> this is msnbc special coverage of primary night. >> good evening once again from new york on this historic primary election night. i'm brian williams here with graining rachel maddow. we'll get to that in a moment. the democrats have their presumptive nominee. if you were watching this space last night. hillary clinton clenched the required delegates making history as the first woman to be the nominee for president of major political party. her campaign hoping to go out on top tonight winning the final two super -- you know what i mean. the big super tuesday election of the primary season.
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while tonight's final out come may be a foregone conclusion, what's happening inside the democratic and republican parties is anything but. it's creating a whole lot of suspense and excitement. what will bernie sanders do now? what will he say? we'll hear from him in an exclusive interview with nbc news. some republicans are shunning their nominee. as you may have heard, donald trump facing more criticism just today following his comments about that federal judge. tonight trump is defending his own comments. voting is under way. lest we forget in six states across this country. new jersey here in the east. 126 democrat pledge delegates up for grabs. polls close in two hours, 8:00 eastern time. california where results will be late. chris matthews is there for us tonight on the iconic santa
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monica pier. steve has taken up his position at the iconic big board tracking the vote. our political team, the very best in the business, we hope you'll agree, is spread out across the country. all of them have been on campaigns, run campaigns or covered campaigns over the years. rachel, here we are again. it's going to be an exciting -- look at you. look at you. >> there are some things at my jobs, which makes me feel like i can't ever get fired from this job. i can't ever leave this line of work because there's nothing else i can do other than this work. nights like this. in the big picture, we've got this historic achievement. we have a major party for the first time nominating a woman to be president. in the big picture, we sort of know what happens here on out. hillary clinton versus donald
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trump as of tonight, go. in the smaller picture, this is the time in the primary process, it's never the same thing twice. we never know exactly how it's going to go. in 2008, the last night of the primaries was june 3rd. it was montana and south dakota. obama won montana. clinton won south dakota. barack obama on the last night of the primaries in 2008, clenched and he did the same way hillary clinton did. a combination of the pledge delegates and super delegates saying they would vote for him. that happened on june 3rd. two days later on june 5th, a low profile independent senator named bernie sanders said now that the democratic race is over and it's chosen their nominee, i give my endorsement to barack obama. i'm looking forward to campaigning for him. he did that before hillary clinton got out of the race. he did that when barack obama had not just clinched with pledge delegates but in the same way that hillary clinton has clinched now.
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bernie sanders thought that was sufficient to end a democratic primary in 2008, the way he himself was looking at that race. now he's decided that's not fair and square way to end a democratic race. he's given no indication he's getting out. in the big picture, long term, we know what happens. in terms of what happens next and how this ends on the democratic side, it's anybody's guess. it's really dramatic and really, really important for democratic politics. >> chris matthews is out in the golden state tonight on the golden beautiful pier in santa monica. what are your thoughts this evening? >> reporter: there's no humidity out here. there may be some humility. we'll see tonight. let's talk about emotions. imagine being bernie sanders. it's who he is now that will matter the next couple of weeks. bernie sanders at the age of almost 57 has been able to rouse up something close to a political revolution in this country.
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young people that have never been involved, never signed up as democrats or anything, he's gotten them out there in crowds we've never seen before. enormous crowds on the democratic side, the left side. he's created that, a political revolution based on concerns about citizens united and billionaires running our system through citizens united and high cost of college and all kinds of things. the high cost of medical care. he's gotten them galvanized. imagine what it will be like for him. imagine him walking away from that how hard it's going to be to walk away from the crowd and the cheers and the love that those young people feel for him. i don't think it's going to be easy. my hunch is he's going to try to fight. a pull back. a recognize he doesn't have the numbers at some point next week after the d.c. primary. some time after that he will begin to say maybe we can have
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some victories. maybe we can get rid of super delegates. maybe i can get a commitment from the democratic platform on issues like citizens united that i care about. maybe i can get some concessions. maybe i can walk away and go through my crowd of millions of young people and say we have won. we're a movement that will never die. he will not turn over his millions of supporters to the democratic party. he will not turn over his voter list, his contributor list of $27 a person. he's going to -- i believe, try to find some way to keep them together, to keep the movement going under him and throw that power behind hillary clinton at the right moment in next several weeks. i don't think he wants to disband what he believes is a political revolution. revolutions when the leader surrenders, it's really a horror show. i think he's going to try to keep his movement together on behalf, ultimately of hillary clinton beating donald trump.
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>> chris, i agree. even though when flying in this country west to east, you have the wind at your back. i think first bernie sanders has a long flight home from california to vermont. in these few day, to your first point, we get to see who he is. it's a confusing state for the democratic party right now. chris, we'll come back early and often. let's go to the brooklyn navy yard. kristen welker is covering there. at the risk of tmi, there i was watching the hockey game last night and there's a crawl at the bottom of the screen that nbc news has joined the associated press in finding hillary clinton the presumptive nominee. i switched over as all good citizens were and saw the news break on rachel's watch. it was an exciting night last night. neither campaign wanted it to happen last night because of events like the one you're about to cover. >> reporter: that's the extraordinary thing about last
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night. you're absolutely right. neither campaign wanted it to happen from the perspective of bernie sanders. he said it was a rush to judgment. from the perspective of hillary clinton, she wanted her big night to be tonight. she's going to be surrounded by her family, including her daughter, husband and son-in-law as well as major bill de blasio. she wanted this to be her moment. we heard a reaction. it was hastily written. if she does clench the majority of pledge delegates, this will be a victory speech. she's going to start the very difficult process of moving toward party unity, and she will mark the historic significance of this moment.
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the fact that she is becoming the first woman to win her party's nomination. i think there's going to be a lot in this speech. i think it's going to be emotional. i've been talking to come of soe leaders of the women's organizations. they say they are preparing for tears of joy. they also stress there's a will the of work ahead in terms of taking on donald trump. they are supporting secretary clinton not because she's a woman but because of the issues she's fighting if that they also care about. >> history making moment to be sure. and a political comeback story to be sure. we'll be checking back with you at the brooklyn navy yard. chris jansen out in santa monica covering the bernie sanders effort. >> reporter: hey, brian. i think we'll see a new phase in this campaign whatever happens tonight. tomorrow you talked about the long plane ride across country. there's going to be some intense discussions about where to go from here. bernie sanders has said all along, i'm not going to make
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decisions based on theoreticals. tonight he gets hard evidence. it's here in california. if he wins here, then he will have swept the west coast that includes washington and oregon. that gives him a different trajecto trajectory. a different argument to make as he moves forward with his stated plan to talk to super delegates to turn those folks who committed early to hillary clinton. here is what he told lester holt just a short time ago about the fight or potential fight for super delegates. >> super delegates have a very important decision to make, which you should know, and i'm sure you though. some 400 super delegates came on board clinton's campaign before any other candidate was out there eight months before the first ballot was cast. i believe if they are honest with themselves and look at all the national polling, all the the state polling, the nature of our organization, they will concludes if we want to beat
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donald trump and it's imperative that we defeat donald trump that bernie sanders is the strongest candidate. >> reporter: the indication is they haven't had success with that. tonight is very important. not only california but the campaign thinks they have a good chance in north and south side second degr south dakota. they're ideal out come is they win four states. that's something they have never done before. he's successful as to opposed to a single state. if he does not have a great night tonight, obviously, the conversation on that plane, senior officials tell me, it will be very different. it will be what we heard from chris matthews. what do you do with the movement? what do you do with nine million people who have supported you? what do you do with 230,000 people to see you in person.
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he will be flying with a number of his senior staff who don't usually travel with him. everyone says it will be bernie sanders decision and don't expect it to come quickly. they say he wants to let the folks in washington, d.c. vote first. that would mean not until next tuesday, brian. >> all right. thanks. the interview airing tonight on nbc "nightly news." after that we will air it in its entirety tonight. >> any time a race gets called while there's still multiple ca candidates, it's bad news. what's interesting is they're not just disappointed in the news, they are rejecting it.
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in order to walk us through some of that, we have our friend steve looking at the numbers. >> take a look at why we're calling hillary the presumptive nominee and why bernie says we shouldn't do that. pledge delegates, you win them in primaries and caucuses. they automatically get to be delegates at the convention. what happened in the last 24 hours is this. a couple extra delegates were counted from puerto rico. it took a long time to count it up. hillary clinton got a few more in this pledged kol clucolumn. a few more super delegates said i support hillary clinton. i will vote for her at the democratic national convention. when you added in the new total of pledged and super, it was just enough to put hillary clinton, 2385, you see there. magic number, 2383. it was just enough to put her over and that is why we call her the presumptive nominee.
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his point is, there's a big difference between these pledge delegates and the super delegates. this is her pledge total. what sanders is saying is these super delegates are not locked in. the pledge delegates have to go to the convention. they have to vote for the candidate they are pledged to. no exceptions. the super delegates are thrfree agents. they could say they are for clinton but they could change their mind. what sanders is saying, if you don't have 2383 from this column where it's etched in stone, you don't have a guaranteed convention victory. i can spend the summer trying to win these super delegates over. theoretically, he has a point. it's a practical standpoint. how do you convince the super delegates to change sides. this is the right thing to do. she will have a majority here. he will not overcome tonight.
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that's not going to happen. he will not be able to say i won more popular votes. she's several million ahead of him. we can't put a gun to their head and say the will of the people is on my side. the one thing he can say is ele electability. he can say you're with her now, she won the most votes but there's polls that say i'm more competitive with trump than she is. he can try that. we have been in this situation before. almost identical. 1984 was the first year they had super delegates. gary heart finished the primary season and declared the presumptive nominee. hart spent the summer making the same argument. he told the super delegates i'm more electable. he flipped grand total of zero of them. >> wow. steve, can i ask you about one of the metrics which is the majority of pledge delegates. senator sanders and his wife who is a senior advisor has focused
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on that. by the end of this race whoever is leading in the pledge delegates, that's something you can escape from. if hillary clinton is going to get a majority of pledge delegates, she could get there tonight. >> i think it's interesting because the argument you are talking about we heard less emphasis on that. it's become essentially impossible for him to leapfrog her in this pledge delegate count. if he were going to jump ahead of her, it would require him to not just be winning all the states, he would have to win california with something like 80% of the vote. that's what it would take. short of that, she'll have the majority. >> thank you. our first break has arrived. when we come back, the
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republican party in a bit of crisis these days. unrecognizable to a lot of party veterans. donald trump deals with a multiple day pr disaster. our report from the front right after this.
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another tuesday. it must be new jersey next poll closing. lower right hand of your screen, 1:38 away. about the presumptive nominee of the republican party, mr. trump. it's nothing short of incredible that on this history making evening when we will hear from hillary clinton, the news cycle continues to be dominated by the presumptive nominee of the other party and not for good. hallie jackson is on capitol hill today in this continuing saga of mr. trump and the
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federal judge. hallie was there when donald trump lost a big defector. >> senator mark kirk who became the first republican to unendorse donald trump telling us trump's comments on judge curiel were too racist. we caught up with senator kirk. we caught up with several other senators as the last 12 hours or so have unfolded starting with senator lindsey graham this morning who dropped a bombshell describing how he will not vote for donald trump or for hillary clinton. he will write in someone else. here is a sampling of some of the interviews we got today. watch. >> cannot support him because of what he said about the judge. that was too racist for me. >> that was the final straw for you? >> it was the big straw. >> do you hope that other members of your party doing what you're doing? >> i do. i think we should send a strong message that racism will not be
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tolerated. >> i like many other voters, i'm watching and listening. i think that's what millions of voters are doing. >> how long will that assessment process last? >> i think voters will do that from now until election day. >> how about you? >> i'm giving it time and watching and assessing. >> i will write somebody in. i'm not supporting mr. trump. i'm not supporting hillary clinton. to suggest a judge can't fairly decide a case because of where his parents were born is a new low in campaign with many lows. it's un-american. i'll have no part of it. >> reporter: what has been remarkable about this day, two things. number one, the speed at which this uprising, if you call it that, has unfolded so quickly after donald trump's comments on the judge and the gop leadership
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still standing by trump's candidacy, if not his comments. denounced by paul ryan and mitch mcconnell. trump still has allies and plenty of support from republicans here in congress. even one of his closest supporters, senator bob corker is starting a countdown clock. he says trump has three weeks to prove he can change his tone and change direction. if he doesn't, corker says it will be problematic. sources close to the campaign saying that's up to trump and trump alone. guys. >> fascinating. okay. we're going to bring in nicole wallace and eugene robinson. bob corker saying he has three weeks to change. paul ryan saying this is racist, but i still support it. leading members are saying it's too racist. i cannot go there.
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have we found a new breaking point. is there change in the future? >> you go first. >> you just collect yourself for a minute. >> i'll do some reading. >> read your own headline. >> i can read from this all night. >> donald trump is going to be 70 years old next week. i don't think anybody should hold their breath for him to change. he is who he is. the question that i ask at the end of the column to those supporting him is who are you? who do you want to be and how do you want yourself to be represented in the world? >> we know who he is. >> i think we know who he is. in fact, if he acts in a different way now, it will be donald trump, the same old donald trump acting in a different way. undoubtedly temporarily because he never manages to act presidential long. he'll go back to being donald
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trump. he is donald trump. he's not anybody else. you'll have to take it or leave it. you have to make a decision. lindsey graham, that was one of the most affecting interviews i've seen in a long time. he seemed near tears. he was very emotional, very passionate. he's been in the republican party all his life. he loves the party. it's so pained him to say what he had to say. >> what happens if the rest of the republican party follows lindsey graham, follows mark kirk in unendorsing him? >> let me back up a minute. where we are tonight, there's more undecided voters among the senate republicans than there are in ohio. you now got the establishment, which we've been talking about week after week here. they've been irrelevant for this entire cycle. it's a bit of irony they have come into sharp focus. that's not what the election has
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been about. it's been exposed since june 28th when he came down the escalator because he said mexicans are rapists and murders and whatever else he said. he's had the same amount of support from the base of the republican party the whole time. my prediction is his amount of support in the country will not take a significant hit because of this. we should be very specific about what we're talking about. we're talking about people who govern under the banner of republicans who have their own political skin in the game. they are the one who is have to decide who they are. they are the ones who feel that it's going to be very hard to explain not just to their con stit constituents but to their kids. i think calling someone a racist is the worst thing you can say. i don't know if he's a racist but these comments are the textbook definition. he's in big trouble with a whole
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bunch of people. i don't think we can be hyperbol hyperbolic. in the country, he's probably okay. >> the question of skin in the game is relevant from what happens between now and the convention. >> or at the convention. who's going to go? >> all these officials are saying i want to have a future in politics and going with him, what does it do to my future? >> chris matthews in our santa monica bureau. chris. >> reporter: the strange thing about this case with the concern about ethnic prejudice and some assumptions based on surnames. there's this weird part where trump assumes this judge is like him. this judge would make this personal. he didn't like the way trump's been talking about people who come here from mexico across the southern border and the judge will have the same visceral attitude toward donald trump that donald trump would have in
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case where he might find himself on a bench somewhere. i know that republicans hate identity politics. they hate everybody talking whether lgbt or racial or ethnic group. they hate people grouping that way or grouped that way politically. here is trump saying i know this judge. you know how i know him, i know him from his surname. he's got a spanish surname, ergo, he's got a personality that's anger against me rather than be honest in his ruling. it's very -- bottom line is to keep it simple, when you're in a hole, stop digging. this guy is still digging his hole as we speak. he's still putting out statements making himself look more and more the bad guy. the bad guy to republicans who are more conservative on these issues. they don't like being identified to a guy who think you can tell what a person is an as individual based on their identity as an ethnic group. republicans hate that. here he is doing the very thing
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they say they hate. it's a terrible situation for him. i think he's going to really go down in the polls in the next couple of weeks. i think polls are an i understand -- indicator. he's going to be about eight behind ner her in a week or two. he's hurting. >> tonight, as we speak to you, 6:30 eastern time. we'll take another break. we're coming up in an hour and a half on the first poll closing of the evening in the garden state.
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just under 90 minutes to go now. as you see there the first polls of the evening close will be in the great state of new jersey. tony is standing by. he's been talking to voters in little falls all day. hey, tony. >> reporter: i'm in northern new jersey outside of a tiny, tiny polling stations. one of the many that make up the great state of new jersey. with an interesting voter in light of the controversy surrounding donald trump over his comments about the judge. he's of chilean descent and is a donald trump voter. a lot of people may be
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surprised. why do you like donald trump? >> because he's an honest man. he doesn't have to do favors for anybody. that's very important. >> do you think his comments about the judge of mexican descent, born in indiana, do you think they were racist? >> i don't think so. i think he just speaks his minds sometimes. he doesn't do it with the purpose of being racist. >> what's the purpose? >> he didn't like the judge. i don't think he has any other intention. >> what's it like being part of the latino community and being a trump supporter? do you feel like you're in good company or on the outside? >> i feel american. i was born in chile but i'm totally american. i think the best for this country is big changes especially in economy. >> some republican leaders have backed off of donald trump in recent days because of his
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racist comments about the mexican judge. you don't see it? >> no, i don't see that. i don't see that. i mean, there are worse things that other people or other candidates have done. i don't think that will affect the country. >> thank you very much, monica. we knew they existed from the polls and we know they exist in real life. there are latino voters for donald trump. they like the policies. back to you. >> thank you. >> we're going to go do jacob who is in los angeles in east l.a. the biggest city in california. bigger than three of the other states that are voting in terms of their population. east l.a., great neighborhood, very latino neighborhood. jacob. >> reporter: over six million eligible voters in the county of los angeles. the city second biggest in the nation behind new york. i'm here with one of the
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eligible voters in city of los angeles here in east l.a. where both of the candidates came to rally, particularly, latino support. you said you were a bernie sanders supporter. kr you decided to come out for bernie today even though hillary had clenched it yesterday. how come? >> it's not the end until everyone has voted. >> are you here because it's more of statement vote? >> i think he still has a chance. in my heart he has a chance. >> what do you mean by that? is it a contested convention in philadelphia or would you vote for hillary clinton if it came down to that? >> i'm looking for a contested convention but if i had to vote for hillary, i would rather her h than trump. >> was turn out as high as you expected it to be because some people were worried that turn out would be depressed and giving bernie sanders a shot at theic victory here in california? >> so far it's not that many
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people, as many as i hope but it's not 4:00 yet. most people come out. i think clinton still has a good chance because i've seen a lot of supporter for her, unfortunately. >> thank you very much. nice to talk to you. there are four hours left until the polls close here in california. we thought those three hours between the polls closing in new jersey and the polls closing in california would be the only ones with a presumptive democratic nominee. >> another break for us. when we come back, we'll look at support for bernie sanders especially when greeted with the news last night about hillary clinton.
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welcome back. the last big tuesday in a series of big tuesdays. a season of them. tonight we'll have the results
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from the first of the polls to close in new jersey just over an hour from now. it's a little bit inside the media beltway, but we woke up a few weeks back one morning, suddenly donald trump was the presumptive nominee. remember that? associated press had done that based on their own calculations. last night on your shift, the associated press did the same thing. quickly followed by nbc news. it cost a lot of hubbub and remains hubbub. >> it remains hubbubalicious. they did that by calling super delegates and getting them to commit. the sanders campaign decide ed that's a problematic way to be declared. their contesting it. than doesn't change the math.
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they are real people. the question is how will the sanders campaign move forward. joining us now is senator sanders lone senate supporter. it's great to see you. >> great to be with you. >> have you spoken with senator sanders since this call by the ap that senator clinton is the nominee? >> no. no, i haven't. the super delegates haven't cast their vote yet. the question is will one of the candidates obtain a majority of the pledge delegates and a majority of the national vote. to do that, hillary clinton has to get 30% of the vote tonight. it is an uphill climb for bernie sanders, but he's still main th fight to win the pledge delegates. >> if she does get the majority of the pledge delegates as of tonight's contest, is the contest won? is that the end of the race? >> as far as i'm concerned when
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the candidate has the majority of the pledge delegates and the votes, that person is our nominee. we'll start the process of trying to bring everyone together. there's a lot at stake for our nation and it's going to take, if clinton does win the nomination, then it's going to take both sides coming together in order to win in november. the passion and vision of working jobs in america in cash and politics and getting off of fossil fuels and the need to move quickly to make college affordable. these things resonate because these are the real problems that we face. we need to have a unified party that fully embraces an ambitious strategy to take them on. >> what you said about the pledge delegates being a clear and definded end to the process, whoever gets the majority of delegate, you're speaking on that issue with real clarity and not messing around about it. you're being very direct.
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if you tell us if that's the position of the sanders campaign or is that your position, personally, as somebody who happens to have endorsed him. >> that's my position. i think there's a corollary to the fact if we set the super delegates aside as an improper extra exercise of a hierarchy. i don't think you can reverse the pledged delegates with super delegates and have it feel like anything that happened was appropriate. what will happen is if clinton reaches those goals tonight, then bernie sanders will be heading to vermont and be pondering the situation and look at it and deciding what happens next. tonight, the goal is to win 70% of the delegates up for a vote tonight. that's why bernie sanders has been campaigning so hard and his
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ideas are moving the hearts and minds and passions of millions of americans. >> my colleague chris matthew s in santa monica. he wants to jump in here. go leaahead. >> you're a real loyalist. you have proven your loyalty. what do you think senator sanders owes to his millions, nine million, an awesome number of people that have come out to cheer him. what does he owe them if it doesn't go the right way for them? >> you bet. we have to take it back. that means donald trump can never be in the oval office. he proceeded to run a school that by all evidence, was more about the art of the steal than the art of the deal.
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he's never woken up a single day in his life and thought about working americans. moving the big issue forward is really what the sanders movement is all about. i think he's going to be faithful to that effort. >> if hillary clinton does get the majority of pledge delegates, your view is clear that means the primary is over. she would have won fair and square. senator sanders has not been anywhere near as clear about that. if he decides what he would like to do is stay in the race. push the contested nature of this primary through to the convention and try to persuade them they ought to switch. i know you disagree with that and you wouldn't pursue that but
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will you act and call on him not do that, to get out of race and end it peacefully if the two of you have a disagreement there? >> senator sanders will make his own mind about how go forward. i would encourage him to do everything he can to make the convention about conversation about the ideas he's put forward. he's been moving the party in a progressive direction because these issues, we are way off track. he's been making that point in such a clear fashion. saying just little changes aren't enough. let's reach for big changes that will put working people back at the table, if you will. make the convention a chance to really explore those ideas. maybe there will be a series of concepts he'll want to see votes on. maybe it's getting rid of super delegates. maybe it's proceeding to have a vote on the platform for $15 an
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hour. maybe it will be getting rid of fracking in america. maybe lit be keeping the ground so we stop extracting our citizen own fossil fuels. whatever vision he has to take the ideas he's presented, let's make the convention a conferring about those, but a conversation that brings us together as a party with our nominee behind those ideas. >> senator jeff, endorsers of senator sanders in the senate and the only one in the senate who has done that who is not named bernie sanders. i appreciate your time. thank, sir. >> you're welcome. >> at this critical moment for both parties, democrats and republican, another break for us. we're back with our live continuing coverage right after this.
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we're back on this primary night that comes at such a critical time for both parties and this man, donald trump, who's in the middle of a multi-day, something of a pr disaster. it depends on the prism of which you view it. earlier today rumors circulated that perhaps a clarified statement would be coming from mr. trump who will talk to the media tonight. it cams out today. i do not feel that one's heritage makes them incapable of being impartial, but based on the rulings that i have received
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in the trump university civil case, i feel justified in questioning whether i'm receiving fair trial. this all goes back to donald trump taking on a federal judge on his heritage. let's go to steve schimdt. this first sentence, i do not feel that one's heritage makes them feel incapable of being impartial. that's exactly what he said a few days back. what do you think? >> it's not an apology. he's not backing down from the statements he made the other day. to some degree this is the straw that broke the camel's back with a lot of republicans. you saw u.s. senators today widely condemning him. you see, across the breadth and depth of the republican party, the leadership trying to finesse
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their support of donald trump but in the process of the presidential campaign, he's failed utterly to unify the party. he's failed utterly to come up with a message taking the fight to the democrats. he's on defense. we're talking about a civil litigation, fraud case in trump university at the center of the campaign. i think a lot of republicans are looking with great trepidation at this episode. shows a lack of agility on the campaign's part. it's terrifying. people are deeply worried about losing the united states senate and one of the largest house majorities fade away to ten seats and under. >> what about the effect to nicole's point on donald trump's base. >> donald trump's base may not want him to apologize.
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may not want donald trump to back down. they may be invigorated by it, by the fighting with the media. that base is not large enough to elect him president of the united states. it's not large enough to save republicans in the senate and the congress. this campaign fundamentally can't be about these issues and have it result in anything other than a electoral dis aaster for republicans in the fall. >> there's nothing quite so scary than a republican member of congress in a tough race because of what may happen. another break for us. we're back at the top of the hour. one hour remaining until the first results of the evening.
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sometimes we should just say look at these beautiful graphics. they are indeed beautiful. >> we dwot ygot you postcards. >> that means we're under an hour until the first results tonight in new jersey.
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we were just lamenting the fact we're in this endless shift. time fritters. >> there's a lot to cover in terms of the news. we'll get first poll closing in less than an hour, and we'll have that data. there's an open question in terms of poll closings in terms of whether or not this call by the ap and nbc news last night of the democratic race, whether that did suppress the vote or more on one side or the other. hillary clinton had a 20-plus point lead heading into this new jersey contest. there's numerical stuff going on. there's also the big drama of how this race will end. even setting aside what's going on in the republican party with hillary clinton and bernie sanders, this is a dramatic moment where i'm not sure there is one right thing to do as defined from any one particular perspective. the last poll of california voters found a majority of people in california said they will vote for bernie sanders, a majority of them are voting for them even though they did not
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think he could win. they were voting for him in order to help influence the direction of the democratic party. if you're hillary clinton, what do you do with that? put away this primary and honor what he's done in terms of this fight and his nine million votes and the desire of his supporters that the party should be more like him. the party should be more like the vision he's putting out there. how do you get there and end this primary not just as the victor bowerbird somebody made stronger by this contest and not weaker? i love politics. this is all i think about this time of year. there isn't one right away. i have no idea how the clinton campaign will handle it. >> if there were rosetta stone,
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you would think a guy like chris matthews would have picked up on it years ago. beautiful night in -- look at that, in santa monica, california. >> she has to talk to bernie or bust people. people that don't want to give in. she has to talk to her own people. she's on the verge of -- right now it's reasonable to assume she could win a substantial victory. her strong performance and getting the act together. the other guy, trump having the worst week of his campaign.
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how does she do it? i think she has to decide who she is. the party has moved to the left. that's fact. she has to address the people who know that. they want to do something that's stronger toward universal health coverage. i think that's an easy one. it's a bit -- it's difficult one.
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i think if she just agrees with everything bernie says, it will look like a rollover. i don't think she wants to do that. i think bernie can give on caucuses. i think they can fix the rules the way most americans would like to see them fixed. we got the problem of the judge who has been nominated for the supreme court. bernie wants that guy dropped. i'm not sure hillary has taken a position. capital punishment, he's always been for capital punishment. i think those will be difficult compromises for her to make. >> chris matthews in santa monica thinking about the way this end, part of the way this ends is the math. it is contested math. senator sanders does not want the super delegates continued until they cast their votes on july 25th in philadelphia. that's never been the standard
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by which super delegates have been counted in the past when previous networks, when in previous years networks have declared that somebody has clenched the nomination. behind these numbers, there's the story about how hillary clinton got there. a big part of that story is how dominate she was in the south. for a more complete look how she did this, let's go back. >> let's try to put some numbers on how she did this and what it looks like. these are the clinton states. these are the sanders states so far. if you use 2008, when hillary clinton came up just short as the starting point, what are the big differences. you see some obvious differences. she lost to iowa. she won new hampshire in 2008. she lost it this time. there's some interesting small things you'd see on the map. the gold coast, the very affluent part of connecticut, she did very well here,
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surprisingly well. the big story why she did so well, it's the south. that's wall to wall clinton dark blue there. in 2008, this was a wipe out loss for her. a wipe out win and why. this has to do with the black vote. eight years ago, hillary clinton lost the black vote by nearly 70 points to barack obama. no surprise in the way, barack obama becomes the first black president. hillary clinton couldn't even crack 20%. you remember the way that campaign went. there was talk about that campaign that the clinton's had permanently ruptured their relationship with black voters. they would not be able to turn to them. the black vote in 2016 is basically a complete reversal. nearly 80% for hillary clinton. that translated into not just some big wins on paper in south carolina in georgia, in florida across the south. huge delegate halls. the reason she's the presumptive nominee is not just she won
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those state, it's that she crushed bernie sanders when it came to delegates. that's why he's been unable to play catch up. you add up the soupers and pledged, about an 800 delegate lead. it's sat around 300. that has to do with the south and the big margins she put up there. >> steve, thanks. across our news room is our political director. chuck todd. on your broadcast, "meet the press," i heard you promising your viewers we'll stay on top of some of the down ballot races tonight. we're going to keep you to that. >> fair enough. >> the hour is early. if you were the communications director for hillary clinton, what would be in that speemp tonight -- speech tonight in the brooklyn
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navy yard? >> focus on breaking the glass ceiling. it's a unifying message for the democratic party. i don't think tonight is the night to repurpose her speech from last week against drouncon trump. we know she knows how the make the negative case. to make her case. to command all the networks right now and to make the positive case. a pet peeve of mine i keep hearing from folks about the super delegates that they haven't cast a vote yet, neither
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have the pledge delegates. they are pledged to do that. super delegates pledge to do that. nobody has cast a vote. i really think it's very flawed. there's a lot of flawed spin in this. when you say they haven't cast their vote, neither have the pledges. >> let me ask you to respond to the sanders criticism, the sanders supporters that in their statement last night, they said this is networks rushing to judgment. this was an inappropriate call. taking their concern seriously, taking their objection substantively, how do you respond to that? >> i'm conflicted about monday night decision that was not connected to vote. had it happened sunday night after puerto rico and you have this. if you're going to do it on monday night, i could make the case you could have done it six weeks ago. we knew on april 26th here,
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rachel, we had the conversation. when following the clinton success in new york on the 19th. on the 26th when she won four of five. when he couldn't win places like connecticut and pennsylvania. it was clear then. if we were treating the delegate process here like a primary, like we would a single individual primary, we'd say there's more than -- it would take a 1 in 500 chance for sanders to win the nomination. i would cake the call we could have called it six weeks ago. you're getting into that window. you don't want voters to think maybe you've had an influence on whether turn out is not. erase the perception. i understand it. i'm conflicted. i think we need to be honest with viewers. we know who the democratic nominee will be. we knew six weeks ago which is why you said it on the air.
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i said it. i'm torn and at the same time we also have to be honest with viewers too. >> fair question. good explanation. >> i think you're right that being honest and as transparent about what's going on is the only way to put people's doubts about this to rest. some doubts will never go away about this. it's real process that you're allowed to know how it works. that's a peek behind the curtain. >> show our math on television. chuck, don't go anywhere. i want to scoot up to katie in new york. one of the many donald trump properties. >> we're talking to two sources that are close to the campaign. they acknowledge that the campaign knows it has a problem. right now the biggest problem that they have more than anything else is their own
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candidate, getting him to fall in line. they're allteling h all telling off this judge curiel attack. there's people i've spoken with acknowledge it's really not him backtracking. this is not him apologizing. this just him continuing to spin. i'm asking what is next. what do you do now? one source says there's nothing you can do. maybe there's a priest who can pray. >> wow. glad to hear things are going well inside the trump campaign. >> right to last rites. chuck todd, what do you may of that? >> this is a precarious period here for trump. this is the most -- they messed
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up the five weeks. he had a five-week head start and he blew it. now he's got five weeks to save his nomination. i think it's not hyperbole to say the nomination is still on the line for him. i don't know. if that statement came out that he did today was the result -- was the best possible result reince priebus could get out of trump, i think a lot of republican party is having heartburn right now. if that's the statement, which appears to be the result of the chairman of the republican party trying to get him to tone it down. if that was toned down, it's still -- we're still in a 911 situation for the gop. >> i just looked at nicole wallace. let's string this out. if chuck is right and this is five weeks to save his nomination, what does that mean? >> well, listen, there's plenty of reason for the hysteria he's articulating.
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a bit of history has transpired. when trump stumbles, as he did in wisconsin, he's capable of adjusting in a temporary manner. what happens when he's on his knee, politically speaking. i'm not using it the way trump used it once. he calls in people who speak to the better instincts that he has. he widened the circle a smidge. people who have some political experience. chris christie publicly defended him against lindsey graham's passionate and emotional attack. to answer your question, this statement was the best they could get out of him. his instinct is to protect his business. it's impossible for political people to understand this. in trump's mind, the two paths aren't winning or losing in running for the new york senate. the two paths are moving to washington or going back to being donald trump. in his own mind, he's more
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ambivalent than any of us could get about which path his life takes. >> why is he so head up about this trump university case? it's a relatively small -- >> no, no, no. >> the university is gone. >> have you seen the name of the university? >> for a guy who gets his back of about the size of his hands, this is the size of his empire. this is his whole thing. you could call him a moron when it comes to foreign policy, and i don't think he would tweet back at you. i think i've tested back. >> hillary clinton tested that. no response. >> this is something obsessional about this. >> absolutely. >> on trump steaks and trump water, he did. >> he tracked them out. >> i do think this raises a larger issue for him. we have joked, brian, i heard you joke that the entire trump press corp will get a tour of every trump property before
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november. now this is a serious question. he's using his bully pulpit to hurt a judge. what will do you as president to make people comfortable that you're not going to use your office to benefit your businesses. you're not going to use your office to save your businesses. this is now, to me, raising up a larger issue that i think always was there but now is something he has to deal with head on. >> he is using his nomination to benefit them already. totally fair point. >> we have to scoot to a break. the only thing missing from this conversation is the pride of louisiana, james carville. he's joining this conversation on the other side.
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cracks in it. >> always called the speech of her political career. that is until this last speech on foreign policy, which a lot of analysts gave the nod to. eight years ago tonight, hillary rodham clinton. we were thinking about one of the architects of the original clinton effort. a guy who had the great good fortune of being born and raised in louisiana. a guy whose voice has never been too far from the national political conversation. james carville, what do you -- take them on one at a time. what do you make of the democrats and the republicans as of tonight? >> as of tonight, as democrat, our party was the first to nominate and elect a roman catholic. first to nominate a woman and first to elect a woman as president of the united states. as a democrat and other democrats watching this have to
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feel a certain sense of pride. on the other side, i honestly believe this. i think there's some chance that trump will not be the nominee. what we see and hear is a real unraveling. the news that came in that people not endorsing him and pulling back and everything else. the pressure on him will be enormous. >> it's rachel. >> hi. >> nice to have you here tonight. i've been thinking, what if a lot of other republicans follow mark kirk's lead and unendorse him. eventually, he does continues to do things egregious enough that the republican party has to basically unendorse him. paul ryan unendorses him. if the rnc, eventually, down the road, extract themselves from the donald trump for president effort, can you see that happening and then what will
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happen in. >> i don't know. it suspect they will have to nominate cruz. they can pass any rule they have the power to pass. when these things in politics happen, they just don't stop. there's this buzz feed story. we know the washington post is working. i just really, really think -- from this is what we call in law ska school, a declaration against interest. i don't know what will happen in cleveland if he's not the nominee. i honestly believe, and i've been texting and talking to a lot of political people back and forth, they don't think i'm crazy. think think there's some chance it could happen like this. >> back to the democrats.
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after all it's your stock and trade. what is hillary -- what should her message be now considering what the sanders campaign has done to energize this party and what do you think is the process happening within bernie sanders? it's important that she brings the party back together. she won. they have to work hard to get as many as they can in the fold. that's going to take some political skill and dexterity. i think it can happen, but it's not going to happen overnight. there's a lot of fatigue and defiance.
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a lot of these things, a lot of people around him are going through right now. in politics, somebody wins and somebody loses. like senator murkly said the reconciliation starts tonight. this thing is done. it's over. it's decided. that's what it is. >> james, it's chris. chris matthews. i'm trying to figure out what do you think is happening with trump. i find trump, a week or two ago he was riding high. the polls were closed. then he blew the e-mail story. he didn't exploit it properly. he let it go. hillary clinton covered herself well with that. the judge obsession came along. then he had no reaction to hillary's strong speech on world affairs and him last week. is he like a rock star at his zenith and can't handle it. what do you think is going on with the guy? >> what people are telling me and these are not necessarily democrats. there's no such thing as the
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trump campaign. i've seen ineffective campaigns and bad campaigns, but i haven't seen any nonexisting. every decision and consequence is made by trump. no one is sort of authorized to do anything. these things are, particularly now, when it's the kind of attention they are and going into the general election of complex organizations, there's a lot of things that you got to do in day. people are saying there's no such thing as the campaign. there's four advanced men and him. that's kind of it and nobody else can say or make a decision or do anything. it's catching up. everybody knows it. the democrats will be putting up spots left and right. the press will be having stories every other day about this. we know that's going to happen. it happens to every presidential campaign. they're not in any way shape or form equipped to deal with this. even the most ardent republicans will tell me the same thing.
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there's no such entity as the quote, trump campaign, unquote. >> james, it's rare when you hear this studio go silent when one of our guests are talking. it's happened when you've been talking. before we lose you james, when you hear james say he's got this nagging doubt about trump going all the way as the nominee, that gets your attention. >> yeah. mark halperin said he predicted that one of the two presumptive nominees wouldn't be at their own convention. smart people do have in intuition that might be the case. i don't know that's the case with donald trump. it is true there's no large scale campaign apparatus around donald trump and not that people like me who work on campaigns matter. it does speak -- if you can't run a campaign, voters decide you can't and shouldn't run the
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country. a campaign staff is not important or relevant other than what it exhibits about a candidate. in my experience, the better run campaigns were a reflection of the guy at the top. in '04, george bush ran the better campaign. in '08, president obama ran the better campaigns. it's almost true when things are difficult, as they obviously are for trump right now, you need to rely on some sort of campaign structure to keep things going. >> that comes from the top. >> every campaign hits road blocks. every campaign spirals around the drain and left for dead. trump doesn't have the infrastructure he needs to pull him out of drain. >> speaking of structure. we're going to exhibit some of our own. a quick break. we've asked james to stay with us. we'll continue this conversation on the other side.
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we're back. that's the brooklyn navy yard. one of the hangar light structures out there. >> great shot. that's awesome. >> one of the former navy facilities in this country. large portion that's getting repurposed. should be a very dramatic backdrop when hillary clinton gives what is expected to be a victory speech. she's expected to do well in tonight's voting.
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there's this nagging call that was made last night first by the associated press and then by this news division and this network. >> we got this very interesting sort of giblet from kristen welker. i was pressing her last night in my interview to whether we will hear a victory speech. she final ly said you'll have t wait and see. if they hit the majority of pledge delegates that's a sperveg number. they have to get 30, 31% of the pledge delegates at stake tonight. if they crossover in terms of pledge delegates majority, then we'll hear what amounts to a victory speech.
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bernie sanders is saying he's going all the way to the convention. the democratic party with hillary clinton needs to make peace with bernie sanders. they need to find way to make him a hero. make him a celebrated and welcome and integral ongoing part of the democratic party. that's not something you do by pushing him aside on a night like this. the sensitivity with which this has to be handled. the drama and suspense about how she will do this, it's very real. >> i know you never think of a presidential election in a vacuum. those other things called the senate and the house. starting with the senate, think of the following races. kirk in illinois, mccain, arizona, portman, ohio. we're just getting started.
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those are some nervous republicans. kirk, blue state republican today, with drew his support for donald trump. think about the house races. think about how nervous they are with being on a ticket with donald trump. that give yous a more complete picture of what we have coming up. >> it does. it was difficult and i really want to represent the interest of the people of north carolina. that's a question. they know that. mark kirk knows that. it's very uncomfortable position that they are in.
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you can ski the tension on their face. i don't think the democrats will stop talk about trump any time soon. >> speculate a bit more especially if we think donald trump is up at the trump national golf course sipping on some trump water watching all this coverage. people saying he may not be the eventual nominee. do you think the party would turn to ted cruz? >> i think the majority of delegates will be tea party types. trump types. i don't know the mechanism. there's real pain in the republican party. i'm not talking about my wife, specifically but people that i see. people i talk to.
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everybody knows that, chuck knows this, rachel knows this in nicole knows this. they are in deep fundamental pain and they are scared. you're looking at 160-year-old political party that someone will just crack up. that doesn't happen often. i don't know of a republican that doesn't, i get this a lot. james, what do you think we can do? i don't know. i don't have any idea. i never thought about it that much. >> it's always a pleasure. thank you very much for being part of our coverage tonight. good to see you. >> always good. >> thank you. >> you can find spider man, super man. you can find imitators of, a guy
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like bernie -- wait a minute. that's bernie sanders on hollywood. >> it's tickle me bernie. >> surrounded by chp and u.s. secret service. greeting bike messengers and well wishers alike. >> he's on his 17th straight day in california. no stone unturned. >> he's having his mail transferred out there. that and more when we continue. when it comes to medicare,
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senator, it's great to have you with us tonight. thank you for being here. >> great to be with you. >> you're marketing trump related hats on your blog. i want to hear the story of this, please. >> yes. i thaug it wought it was time w hat that represented donald trump accurately. on my campaign website, you can get your risky and reckless red cap. made in america with union workers unlike most of trump's stuff. we're proudly that what donald trump really represents to this country is a risky and reckless idea. >> you have some, i don't want to say glee because that sounds shawl. you have some enthusiasm about the idea, as far as i can tell that hillary clinton has not just any republican to run against but donald trump to run
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against. do you feel like oh, good, that makes him easier to beat or do you think somebody that damaged will be this close to the presidency or this is happening too early and the republicans might replace him? >> all of above. there are moments i think that we had the speaker of house acknowledging their candidate for president is kind of racist but we're forhim. it's hard for me to wrap my arms around that that we're at this point. it's not good for our country on the world stage. on the other hand, i do think he is so -- he's got no policy other than i'm donald trump, and i'm great. i do think it's going to be quite a contrast between hillary clinton and donald trump, and one i think will reassure most
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americans that we want someone who is strong and stable in the white house. not someone who probably started down this road thinking he was going to help up the price of putting his name on buildings. >> do you think it materially affects hillary clinton's chances against him that the democratic primary is not over yet, at least if you ask senator sanders. you have the ap saying she's clenched the number of delegates in order to clench the nomination. senator sanders still says he's going all the way and making the argument that super delegates can't be counted yet because they may be persuaded to support him. i know you support secretary clinton here. do you think the ongoing primary hurts her in the general election? >> i want to see that glass is half full rather than half empty. i think we need to show incredible respect and admiration for what bernie sanders has done.
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he's really brought the focus issues that we must deal with. what he's done in terms of motivating and the passion they show, it can be a good thing for our country if we kind of pull all this together now to stop donald trump. i think bernie will take some time to think about this. if you think about what he's saying, he said all along let the voters decide, not the super delegates and now he's saying never mind. don't let the voters decide, let's let the super delegates decide. i don't think it works in terms of who he is. i think what works mump better is for him to make sure we put things in the platform that we need to have that we celebrate what he's done because it deserves celebration and move forward with a very special
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candidacy that's historic in our country. >> last question for you. do you want to be hillary clinton's vice presidential running mate? >> i do not. i want to keep campaigning for her. 132 years ago bellva lockwood was the first woman to run for president. i wish my grandmother were still alive. i wish my mother was still alive. i was raised by women who said some day. i'm excited to be part of this. i think it's going to be a terrific campaign. >> thanks for being with us. it's a historic night. thanks for being here. >> senator, thank you. thank you. i just wanted to say that every time we put up this shot, the crowd has waved at themselves. there's reason to believe that they have themselves on the big screen. there you have it. brooklyn navy yard getting some air time. >> we can see you. another break for us.
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our coverage continues after this as we near the top of the hour. to life-saving medications. in fact, it kills. one hepatitis c pill... can't get it. that's obscene greed.
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man 1: you're new. man 2: i am. woman: ex-military? man 2: four tours. woman: you worked with computers? man 2: that's classified, ma'am. man 1: but you're job was network security?
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man 2: that's classified, sir. woman: let's cut to the chase, here... man 1: what's you're assessment of our security? man 2: [ gasps ] porous. woman: porous? man 2: the old solutions aren't working. man 2: the world has changed. man 1: meaning? man 2: it's not just security. it's defense. it's not just security. it's defense. bae systems. time is drawing near when we'll have our first results of the night from the state of new jersey. just over nine minutes until we get those results. for now let's head out to santa monica, california. chris matthews is with a friend of ours out there, chris? >> thank you, brian. i'm here with joy reid, our
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colleague. you're younger. let's start with that. i feel like howard cosell with muhammad ali, you're younger. 10, 20 years ago, the great political pundit said no woman over 65 will vote for any woman. we've had women voting since the 19th amendment. it's not just men hesitant to make this happen. with hillary clinton's presumptive nomination what's going on with women? every age group. older, middle, young. how are they reacting differently to hillary's presumptive -- i give her the edge as the next president? >> that's a very good point because women have also been outvoting men since at least the late 1960s. so women have had the opportunity. i think you've had a combination of conservative women. i've talked to women. i remember when hillary clinton was running in 2008 i ran into a woman who was a receptionist at a medical office in florida. she said, i'll never vote for a woman, women are supposed to be the helpmeets of men.
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she was very religious, she felt her faith would never allow her to do that. there are people who don't like the clintons. they haven't been fans of the women on offer, fans of that particular woman. younger women -- >> do they get it, the exciting nature of this? >> no. >> how come they don't look at the history books and say, i notice these are all men. >> they notice that but what younger women have said to me is they want to base their votes on issues. i've had a lot of women my age, getting in the workforce, been in the workforce, those young women in college they dominate. they don't get out and really experience anti-woman discrimination until they've been in the workforce for a while. >> real said. it's not the real world until you get in the workplace. >> thank you, joy. thank you, chris. state of california, the biggest prize tonight. another break as we near bridging the top of the hour.
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three minutes to go until we get our first results of the evening. that will be in the nation's most densely populated state, the state of new jersey. steve kornacki is standing by at his board where, full disclosure, transparency, we've got a black and white new jersey because our graphics have crashed for the moment.
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>> let's give you the best high-tech we have to offer. the year 2016, ladies and gentlemen. here's no one. three-dimensional, multi-color. three different shades of gray. >> do you need a pencil, eraser? >> let's see if this works. i can write on it, so i'll tell you a couple of things. clinton versus sanders, we've had a bunch of polls in new jersey. clinton's been leading by double digits. closer to 10, closer to 20? that's the dispute? these polls. she won this state eight years ago against barack obama by 8 points. the key for hillary clinton is up here, across from new york city, you've got bergen county, this is the bedroom, suburban, densely populated bedroom community area. you've got newark, essex county. this is the biggest single democrat vote-producing county in the state. big share of african-american voters there. you've got hudson county here. this is across from new york city. large latino, large cuban population rather passaic, 35%
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of the vote is going to come out of here. this is the key to hillary clinton. take a picture of this, put it in the museum, this is the best we could do for you on new jersey right now. >> that is a screaming, winking emota con. >> that's a face, i see a face. >> a sad face? >> it's like edvard munch's "the scream." >> we could do even more, i could circle trenton. i could circle clan tick city. >> a snowman. >> camden is somewhere around here. >> a now man with a gus, that's nice. >> by the way, as vote comes in i am told the board will reflect colors. won't that be exciting later on in the evening. >> we've had budget cut whils you were away, brian. >> 7:58: 25. chuck todd is across the news room. we'll talk about this on and off i'm sure. but two things emerged in the carville discussion and with nicole wallace. this notion, you hear it in political circles, donald trump
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somehow doesn't want the job? donald trump somehow has his attention where it's been, on his business empire. and what james carville said, the sneaking suspicion he has that trump won't be there at the end on the stage when the balloons drop in cleveland. >> you know, i get this. i had somebody fairly high profile who has a relationship with trump who's hinted to me, at some point he could just say, boy, rnc has done everything they can to undermine me, i'm done with this campaign, i'm out, i'm not spend ambiguous own money because they're not helping me. a lot of people know trump wondering, when does he take his exit ramp? assuming it was to come. all of us who have covered him in the primaries, we've been ton assuming he'd find an exit ramp. i think the competitive streak in him is too much and i don't think he's going to do that. but what is the mood of the republican party? it's bad now. when the polls indicate that it looks like a competitive race. what if it is 8 to 10 at the end
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of the month, which is not unlikely. you could have sanders people quote-unquote coming home to the democrat in the same way the republicans went home to trump. what does the republican party do if at the end of the month he's down 8 to 10? >> chuck todd, thank you. here we, 8:00 p.m., east coast, 8:00: 05. time to show you our first characterization. we promised results. what we can say is too early to call for both the democratic race and the republican race. you would be forgiven for believing the republican race is between donald trump and ted cruz. but that is the graphic we have to indicate the republican race. >> ted cruz was another republican candidate for president at one time. >> he was, remember that? >> the one thing in terms of showing our math, there is no exit poll data. in the state of new jersey.
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>> this was always going to be too early to call no matter what happened in the state of new jersey because in both the republican race and in the democratic race, there's -- until there's voting, there's absolutely literally zero data on which to project anything for this evening. so you never project a result based on polling ahead of the election dayist. >> and it gets even weirder because delegates will be assigned before we know the outcome in the state. and chuck todd, that's a follow-up question. will anything about the way the parties operate, will anything about the way americans vote in the primary process or the general election, change because of what we've just been through? >> oh, i think a lot of things are going to change but i don't think it's going to change for the way people want. for instance, in the republican side, the biggest movement i've heard about in changing the rules are for closed primaries. right? and the biggest movement on the democratic side is for open primaries. what do i mean by closed and open? meaning, only -- there's a lot
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more republicans, cruz supporters, that would like to see the primaries be affairs that are closed off to independents. you have to register as a republican to participate in the primary. meanwhile, it's the sanders folks pushing for a change to see more open primaries in the democratic side. so i do believe you're going to see rules changes in the both parties. but they're not going to be the same changes. one is going to say, hey, we're a republican organization and i think the natural tendency's going to be, how did trump hijack our party? well, this is how he did it. he got people that weren't republicans to come in and participate. i'm being a little cynical here on how some are thinking about it but there are some thinking that. i do think on the democratic side the movement to get rid of superdelegates is real. think that's going to get momentum. i think shutting -- you're never going to see a full shutdown of the caucus process because states aren't funding presidential primaries. but i think you're going to see massive changes in how caucuses
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are conducted to allow it to be more open. maybe you do it all caucuses have to be done over multiple days, to get people multiple times to participate. i do sense that change in the democratic side. the republican side, the changes could be there but not more open. more closed. >> a follow-up question, if the parties do change sort of open and closed primaries as you were describing them there, would you expect that would have general election consequences? there's at least this apocryphal sense once people vote in a primary they're sort of committed to that party subconsciously, so if you have more independents voting in democratic primaries because they're open, does that create more democratic vote in the general election? >> you know, i'd like to see a study over time to see. it's hard to do, right? you have to find out, does that independent voter, that is what they did at that time, that they voted for mccain in 2008 in a republican primary as an independent, then they were more likely to stick with him in the general? mccain voters in 2000, did they
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end up going somewhere else? that's what i would want to see. you would want to see, does that happen over time? we don't have enough studies on that front. i think you could say if you get somebody to buy your product once, you're more likely to get them to i would it a second time, right? unless they really don't like your product. that would be the business case what a marketer would say. so if you think like that, then i think you do make a case for, hey, let anybody that they want to come in because you know what, if you get them in the door once, maybe they'll want to stay. >> the only thing to say about rules changes, they're always the perfect solution to the thing that already went wrong. >> correct. >> they're always a terrible new problem ahead. >> look what the republicans did with the ron paul change. they made a change to stop ron paul in 2012. they made that change after they failed to do it. they've stopped ron paul in 2016, congratulations. >> yes, exactly. we'll call him in retirement, see how he feels about it. >> the military fights the last war with the wrong equipment.
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>> that's exactly what this is. >> we should talk about the difference in venues and tone and speeches we're going to see tonight. as the sun goes down in the new york area, a very dramatic lighting tone inside there. they're seeing themselves on television again. >> they're going to break their arms. you guys, it's okay, we can see you, whoo! >> we must be on a big screen at the brooky navy yard. hello, brooklyn navy yard. that's where we're going to see hillary clinton. donald trump is going to speak from within the confines of his country club north of the city. we've been told a teleprompter has been brought in for the address. a far different backdrop for him with six american flags behind him. but these are the two differing events tonight. andrea mitchell has something of a preview of what we can expect to hear from hillary clinton tonight at said brooklyn navy yard. >> reporter: hillary clinton tonight is going to say that after tonight, she has a majority of the votes, besting
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bernie sanders by more than 3 million votes. she'll have a majority of the pledged delegates, she says, a majority of the delegates overall. in her speech tonight she is going to focus on her role, the historic role that she believes she has, of course, as the first woman nominee of a major party. she'll be introduced by a two and a half-minute video tracing the history of women from the suffragette movement all the way up through iconic women. ann richards, gloria steinem, other women leaders. women of the civil rights movement. then, of course, she will be entering with a simple introduction. she'll be the only speaker here tonight. she'll be speaking we're told around 10:00. and focusing on that historic role, they really think that they have hit on a theme that will contrast not only what she means in terms of history but what she means in terms of contrast to donald trump in particular. remember that he attacked her
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for playing the woman's card and then she, with a good sense of irony, came up on her website with an official woman card. a membership card for women. this is all against the background of the difficulty she's been experiencing. appealing to younger women. there's a real divide, a divide among the older and younger women. and that is something that has testified the campaign. they know they have a lot of work to do as younger women have really flock the to the revolutionary message and the younger appeal of an older candidate, bernie sanders. but that's what we're going to hear from hillary clinton tonight. they're feeling very pumped up. particularly as donald trump has had so many problems and stumbles in recent days. they think they've really hit on a theme by going after him hard as she did in what they think was a turning point. her speech billed as a foreign policy speech last weekend, san diego. but really a takedown speech of donald trump. >> andrea mitchell at the brooklyn navy yard, we'll be
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checking back in with you. we have what passes for news on this primary tuesday night. first contest in the nation, the primary in the state of new jersey which donald trump has taken handily on the republican side. a couple of different conversations going on in this country. one among trump supporters. the other among the news media. and the republican establishment. i'm looking at you, nicole wallace. >> it is remarkable that we are back now tonight on this broadcast, back into the discussion about whether or not good republican party can undo this somehow. >> it is remarkable. >> if he's going to be there at the end. i think to chuck's earlier point, we beat that out of ourselves during the primary. in terms of, stop being surprised by this. >> and our voters beat it out of us. >> do it again, yes. >> we can't undo this. and the voters don't want it undone. i mean, i think trump still has
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an 85% approval rating among republicans. >> what if the rnc dropped him if. >> rnc can't drop him, they didn't pick him. 87% of republicans want to see the republican establishment unite behind him. this is a fight between our base and the establishment. and the verdict is in. the base won. >> the base won, right. >> we need a new word for "over." it's over, he's our nominee. >> trump is the nominee of the republican party. the republican establishment can go start its own party or can temporarily remove itself from the republican party and run somebody else or sit it out or what are they think best. >> they can sit out his run. >> but count me a total skeptic in this conversation about trump not being the nominee. >> this is a real question that i feel like is not a hugely improbable hypothetical. what if paul ryan and mitch mcconnell feel so pushed by something that donald trump says that they pull a mark kirk?
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>> what could be worse? he made a racist comment about a sitting federal judge. we keep talking about how bad can it get? well, i don't know, maybe he could say something racist about a sitting federal judge. oh, yeah, oops, that happened. i mean, i don't know -- there's no one left to insult. he's insulted everyone. >> what happens when paul ryan and mitch mcconnell start hearing you on that -- >> there's six months between now -- >> so they pull a mark kirk. so what? >> exactly. >> so what? what impact does that have? >> what if reince priebus does it and the rnc stops working on donald trump's behalf? >> it's donald trump's nomination. he'll replace reince priebus. >> okay. >> that could happen. >> could you imagine who he'd put in? >> i mean, his staff is five people. he'd have to slip a couple coins. he doesn't have a huge team. >> some of his children don't have full-time jobs. >> corey lewandowski would be the new head, manafort would run
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the campaign. something like that. >> he lives there. but we've exaggerated sort of the power of the republican establishment at the wrong times. if they didn't have any power when there were 17 people in and there were actually other choices, they have less than no power now when there are no other choices. >> on that note, out to santa monica we go. chris matthews. you're at a place where it nicely illustrates the dichotomy between the media chattering and political classes and the folks who are out there living their lives and enjoying a beautiful day in southern california. >> actually, these are all fans of msnbc. right? >> yes! >> aren't you fans of msnbc! so it's not a real dichotomy here. i don't mind doing that once in a while. but you know, i think you said something a few minutes ago in setting up this segment. i think there's a great question for hillary clinton. can she replicate the power of her performance last week? can she show that she's on a
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strong course now being able to articulate a strong attack on donald trump? and keep it up. not just have it a one-day wonder. i think that's something to proven to night. i think trump has got to get back on his larger theme of american nationalism and off of this ethnic thing he's doing now with this judge. he's got to get off of it. hillary proved you can change your game in a day. he's got to change his game back to what was winning for him. so i think it's a hell of a night. bernie sanders doesn't give concession speeches. so i'm not sure what's coming tonight. i expect he will claim victory somehow tonight. it's going to be a hell of a battle among the speeches. i think it's a big guessing -- there's a hell of a lot coming tonight for our audience to really find out how these three people explain themselves tonight. >> chris, i think starting with how different these candidates are going to look. the backdrops we just went through from the brooklyn navy yard, the air of celebration tonight, to what is really speculation as to what's going to be in donald trump's prepared
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remarks, a speech delivered in front of a teleprompter, which candidly has not been his best mode of communication. but maybe the safest, especially right now. we're joined by a special guest and that is ohio democratic senator sherrod brown. senator, thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> i keep looking at the capitol dome behind all our guests on capitol hill. when we started this primary process, it was still completely enshrouded in that scaffolding. now it's been restored. the scaffolding is coming down. everything has to be done by the time the president puts his or her hand on a bible in january and gets sworn in. and that leads me to my question to you. if hillary clinton is indeed going to be the democratic nominee, what would your advice be to her on how to fuse together what's become this new
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movement that bernie sanders has lit across the country, plus her campaign effort? >> i think you're going to -- first you're going to see bernie on his timetable be strongly supportive of hillary clinton. i think that she has -- i think they will work things out. i think hillary understands the importance of bernie sanders to the democratic party now and to her efforts. i think bernie has a strong belief that donald trump will be -- would be a disaster. and i think bernie also generally supports what hillary's been standing for. i understand the differences. but differences in primaries are not generally all that dramatic. differences in style are pretty pronounced. differences in personality. but i think hillary will -- i trust hillary, what she's going to do on trade what she's going to do on manufacturing. i think she cops out of the box in january with a huge infrastructure bill. what we used to call public works in this country. putting literally millions of
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people to work to build a foundation. our country was at its richest when we built public works and invested in public health and we built community colleges and we did all the things that put people to work directly. but equally importantly, build a foundation for real economic growth. we tried to do that with the recovery act in 2009-10. that's part of the reason we've had 75 or so consecutive months of economic growth. but it wasn't enough. i think you'll see something bigger and better with hillary come january. i think that will excite bernie ultimately, and ultimately bernie's people that have followed bernie. >> senator, rachel maddow here in new york, nice to have you with us tonight. >> thanks. >> you're one of the most progressive members of the democratic caucus did in the senate. you've been in the senate, a colleague of bernie sanders. i wonder when you look down the road past the end of this primary, you think about how this primary ends. when i look at that as a liberal, and i think about what this primary has done to the democratic party and the kind of
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politics that bernie sanders has had such success with against such a strong candidate in hillary clinton, i want to know how the democratic party's going to change because of his success. i want to know how the democratic party is going to include him, if he's going to be an integral, cherished, welcomed member of the party, if he's going to have a new leadership role to play. or if people are going to be mad at him and resent how long this primary went. how do you see it going? >> i think you're already seeing it. the department of labor overtime rule in my state alone will mean 140,000 workers will get a significant raise or will get more time off for the same amount of pay because they've been working overtime unpaid as quote-unquote supervisory workers. we saw it last year where the democrats held together to make the earned income tax credit permanent. you've seen a shift in the democratic party on trade where overwhelmingly my party, our party, progressives, willow pose the transpacific partnership.
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you've seen it on wall street. today jeb hanserling was in speaking at the new york economic club, he's the republican chairman of the banking and financial institutions committee. he's gone to new york, met with trump, introduced legislation today to scale back and repeal dodd-frank. and do wall street's bidding. trump's pretty much signing on to it, sounds like. that tells you the huge contrast between the two parties. hillary's going to be aggressive on wall street reform. she's going to defend the things in dodd-frank that are strong. she's going to make other parts of dodd-frank stronger. if things work the way i think, i'll be the chairman of the banking committee, i'll be there cheering her on. i had input in her plan on what she was doing to regulate shadow banking for stronger capital standards. all those kinds of things that progressives believe in. hillary believes in. and i think that's going to all contribute to her resounding election in the fall. >> sherrod brown, democratic
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senator, thank you for joining us tonight. when we come back, we will -- we're nearing the time when we will hear from hillary clinton tonight. we've also been told bernie sanders has now been spotted walking through the silver lake neighborhood of los angeles. apparently not willing to stop until he has greeted each of the 40 million residents of the golden state.
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narrator: sometimes it's the things that the rest of us don't see that can make all the difference in california's classrooms. it's part of my responsibility as someone who's experienced to allow the door to be open for younger teachers. the teamwork between the teachers is essential. when we collaborate with each other... makes everyone stronger. by helping my fellow teachers be successful, i'm helping kids be successful. narrator: the california teachers association: educators who know quality public schools
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make a better california for all of us. we are back on this primary night. as we said early on in the evening, for this night considering what we believis about to happen for hillary clinton and the speech she's going to give for the republican presumed nominee to be
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dominating the news coverage for another news cycle is nothing short of remarkable. the moderator of "meet the press" and our political director chuck todd can weigh in on what mitch mcconnell just said about donald trump. chuck? >> let test our producers in the control room. i think we have a clip, yet another question he was asked. a producer says we have it. if we have it -- i hope we have this clip. okay, i'm told we don't have it. i will read it. >> use the other ear. >> exactly. i will read it instead. "i think it's time for him to look like a serious candidate for president, think before you speak, apologize when you make a mistake, get on script. he's running for the most important job in the country, some would argue in the world. i think there's a certain threshold of credibility that needs to be met. this could be a winnable race. americans do i think want something different. that's why he got the nomination. but i think it's time for him to start acting like a serious
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presidential canceled date." this is mitch mcconnell that just said this. who, as we know, is a very careful and cautious guy. when it comes to party politics. he doesn't like -- he basically doesn't go until he thinks there's consensus to go. he wouldn't be doing this on his own. if he doesn't have a whole bunch of senate republicans essentially about to revolt on him if he doesn't start basically saying more things like this. so you've got to know, when mitch mcconnell speaks, he's not doing it off the cuff. mark kirk may have done this, what he said today, and surprised mitch mcconnell. mitch mcconnell doesn't speak to surprise his colleagues. in many ways he's speaking because he's probably feeling the pressure from his own conference to do so. he's calling donald trump an unserious candidate for president up to this point. that's essentially what that statement has said. that's a tough comment from him. >> when you say he's feeling the heat from his own conference, what do you mean by that?
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>> what i mean is if you know the history of mcconnell, he does not go off on his own. this is not somebody that will -- he will do this when he realizes he's either got to do one of two things. he knows the temperature of his conference, of those senate republicans, better than anybody up there in the u.s. senate. it's why he has survived as a party leader for as long as he has. so he does not do this off the cuff. that's my point. >> yet nicole, you can hear it posited during this season that mitch mcconnell is the reason why there is a donald trump. >> because of the anti-establishment sentiment in the country. well, mitch mcconnell was on this net work last week promoting a book. we specifically asked him what it was about mr. trump's candidacy that got him behind the campaign. and he pointed to a sheet of paper, a list of names of judges. and what about donald trump makes you think he'll stick to that list?
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so mitch mcconnell didn't have a lot in his hand other than a piece of paper. and i think what chuck's trying to say more kindly than i will is mitch mcconnell doesn't have a lot of courage in terms of saying what he thinks. he waits until he thinks a lot of other people think it too. >> consensus, yeah. why is anybody shocked, shocked that donald trump is a loose cannon? i mean, what are we talking about here? they just noticed? he hasn't been this way the entire time? of course he has. >> comments out of left field? i was like, are you aware what the idiom "left field" is about? that would imply him saying a racist thing is a surprise because he'd never said something like that before. >> no, this came from the pitcher. >> exactly. >> it's been going on for a year. he started his campaign by saying, mexicans are rapists and we're going to build a wall on the border here's what they're grappling with and you've written about this. this is what our base wanted. so what people like mcconnell and paul ryan and lindsey graham are -- what their brains are
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tied in noodles and knots over is that, wait a minute, those are my constituents. they picked him? wait a minute. wait. that's what they want? that's what they ordered off the help ewe? him? so what they can't get their brains around and what they can't process and reconcile is these are not -- trump wasn't nominated in some far-away land. he was nominated in their districts. >> and speaking of donald trump and paul ryan, control room tells me we have the cover of tomorrow's "new york daily news." say what you will about the "new york daily news," they've done a superb job this cycle of marketing their coverage for the next day based on political results the night before. katy tur is -- covers donald trump, as you may know, and is inside the venue now at the country club where we're going to hear from donald trump. katy, have you any further guidance? >> reporter: on the heels of mitch mcconnell saying he wishes
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donald trump would start to speak more from script, what we're seeing tonight, you can see it behind me, there are teleprompters set up on stage. the first time we've seen teleprompters at victory speeches. we've seen him use them on a couple of other occasions. one for his foreign policy speech, another time the nra. i am told by two sources that are close to the candidate that he worked on his speech tonight. they planned it very carefully. we'll see how strictly he follows this speech. i'm also told that the campaign and the candidate himself understands that they've stepped in it, they understand that this is a bad week. they are trying to correct it. but the source also adds that donald trump has been extraordinarily stubborn about this, as he is with everything, when it comes to calling for apologies, he doesn't like to admit when he is wrong. so they do not expect him to give an apology tonight. but we will see how much this speech givers from the rest of them. >> katy tur in briarcliff, new
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york. we'll go there live when donald trump takes to the same. another break for us. live coverage of this night in politics continues.
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we are back on this tuesday night on the right-hand side of your screen bernie sanders continuing to campaign in the silver lake neighborhood of los angeles.
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that's an exclusive picture of the sky over the silver lake neighborhood of los angeles. on the left is the brooklyn navy yard where hillary clinton will be appearing and where their cheering captains have kept the crowd at a high energy level. american flags have been hung and handed out for the crowd. and let's go transcontinental to santa monica, california. chris matthews with a special guest. >> it is a special dpels. i've got maria schreiber, a special ankle -- anchor, ankle too maybe, for our network. you've been through this. i was asking about the '60s when you were a kid. went through the kennedy election, the first roman catholic as president. carver pointed out the democratic party has got its faults but it did present us with the first roman catholic president, the first african-american president, now a good chance the first woman president. >> she has to clinch the nomination, then she has to go on to win. i think it's an incredible
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moment obviously for hillary clinton. and i think it's made possible by obviously her stamina, her intelligence. but all the women who went before her. you think about seneca falls, you think about the women who fought for the right to vote, you think about all the women who have done so much kind of community organizing. and i think, i hope she talks about that tonight. and certainly i think you just saw bernie sanders campaigning in silver lake. the stamina of body of these candidates has been mesmerizing to me. because they always say people have to be retired at 55 or 60. you see them all campaigning. so -- >> bernie's almost 65. >> he's in silver lake which is a very young, very hip community in los angeles. still out there getting votes. so while the polls have been closed here in california, i think when they do, obviously all the eyes will be on mrs. clinton. >> watching it now, campaigning out here. what do you think the appeal is of bernie? you said young people out here.
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it's like tony bennett. he came back late in his career. the young people seemed to love tony bet net. >> i haven't heard that comparison. i've talked to a lot of young people men and women who are for bernie sanders. they talk about the economic issue. most young people are living paycheck to paycheck as are so many millions of people in this country. and they work one and two jobs and they can't even move out of their parents' home. they can't make it. so many i have spoken to say, especially young women, it's not that i don't like hillary clinton, but he's talking about issues that resonate with me on a day-to-day basis. i live paycheck to paycheck, i don't like the way the economic system is stacked against me. -- >> what do you think of free state tuition at major state universities, university of michigan, places like that? >> we were talking about university of michigan because my son is headed there. >> a hell of a deal. >> it's what? >> it's a hell of a deal if you go free. >> well, he's not going free. but i think coming back to
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california, i want to talk about this state which has so many people, innovative people, dreamers. and more business owners. women business owners in this state than any other state. and also more women living paycheck to paycheck in this state. so i think this is so many people in california worry that it wouldn't matter by the time the presidential race got to california. i think tonight it does matter. and i'm hoping that tief had over 500,000 new people register to vote, i'm hoping they'll come out and regardless of who they vote for, i hope they'll make their voice heard. >> you've watched this develop. what is going on? if you could put the calibration to it. women began to go to law school, more than men even. our daughter is going to stanford business this year. seems like the entrepreneurial spirit and confidence of women is the big new deal. >> it's big. and it's been big for a while. as i said, you've seen so many women starting businesses here. i think women want to take
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control of their own destiny. they want to parent. they want to provide. we just did a big poll which so many women said corporate america and these institutions don't make it possible for them to be both partners, providers and people. and so they're taking their futures into their own hands. it's very different. when i started in television, you went to work in one place for 10, 20 years, you thought about a pension, you thought about staying there. young people today, they get in the driver's seat of their own lives, their entrepreneurial issues, no more so than in california. >> what do you think about bill clinton as first spouse? it's going to be fascinating. hillary clinton i think has a better than even chance to be the next president. bill clinton's upstairs, something happens big, something with putin. does she say, come on down? does she say, don't let him come down? how do you think they're going to handle that? >> they'll figure it out. >> another president living upstairs. >> i think the first lady/first
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spouse role has been evolving. the last many years. i think gender roles have really been evolving. i think you see that in this campaign. i think there's a lot of gender discussion. what does it mean to be a woman? what are women capable of? how are men viewing women that are empowered like this? i think this is a conversation that's going on all across the country. and i hope this doesn't become about a woman verses a man. but i think so many of the issues mrs. clinton is talking about, whether it's family leave, flexible work schedules, these are issues that men also care deeply about. men want to be good fathers. men want to be providers. men want to be good sons, caregivers. we have so many people aging that require men and women to take care of them. so these are issues i think that are really interesting to men today in 2016. and they're really interesting to women. so i'm excited about issues that used to be just in the women's
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section. now being issues that men and women care about. >> i'm glad i asked you. that's really what's going on now, brian. great to have you on, maria shriver. talking about men and women on these issues. a lot of men raising the kids now. >> they're doing work in alzheimer's, taking care of parents who are aging. >> we care about alzheimer's. >> we do, yeah. >> maria shriver, it's great to have you on. >> chris matthews, thanks. thanks to our friend maria. sounds like pieces of all our lives in that conversation. we have news on two fronts. number one, between chuck todd and nicole wallace we have a bit more of a preview on donald trump. number two, let's go to chris jansing also in santa monica. chris, i'm hearing inklings that bernie sanders' travel plans formal night may have changed? >> he's been going back and forth. where's he going to go once he leaves here? all afternoon we thought he was going to travel across the country, go home to vermont, then no, he wasn't going to do it, now i just got word from his
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campaign he is tomorrow morning going to leave here, go to vermont. he's not going to stay very long for these conversations they're going to have on the plane and continue once they get to burlington. he's going back to washington, d.c. on thursday which means, as you know, they vote next tuesday. he's going to keep campaigning one way or another. he has said he wants everyone's vote to count. so he's going to go back to washington, d.c. and continue his campaign. and i think what you're going to hear tonight at this airport hangar here in santa monica is really an answer to critics who say that keeping going with this is hurting the party. he's going to make the argument he's brought tens of thousands, millions of people into this party, young people, independents, progressives, really got them energized. so as he continues to walk along silver lake and hollywood boulevard, a decision has been made that on thursday he's going to be on the campaign trail in washington, d.c. >> chris jansing in front of the press check-in line at the
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terminal there at santa monica airport, chris, thank you very much. that news i mentioned previewing the donald trump event tonight, it's going to have to wait till the other side of this break.
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we're back. 8:42 eastern time. the polls have been closed now for three-quarters of an hour. that is the trump event at his country club north of the city. and between nicole wallace and the moderator of "meet the press," nbc news political director chuck todd, we have some preview reporting i am told. let go left to right. you kids, divide your time and be nice to each other. >> no, no. >> have nicole go first. >> is that chivalry? >> we just like you. >> i'll take it. so trump's goal for tonight, i'm told that he had a bad day today. he was over at trump tower trying to fix a mess he
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acknowledged he was in. the statement did not pass that test by a lot of people's judgment. but i think there's a deep belief that the speech tonight will. the speech is on teleprompter. it's been done for a while. i'm told he rehearsed it. it its objective is to help trump turn a corner. the one thing that does unite republicans, even ones with a lot of the misgivings about trump, is attack on hishlg. it will be a tough speech, it will be a response to the speech we covered last week, hillary clinton's indictment of his temperament and his ability -- >> or inability. >> i'm told specifically he will address hillary clinton's role in the clinton foundation, hillary clinton's broader foreign policy, her failures in libya, syria, and the iran deal, which is a big winner among republican voters and some democrats who have questions about the iran deal that the obama and kerry team pushed through. >> so that makes it -- if that is what's going to happen, if he is going to pull that off, that is the kind of political path
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that one would expect a presidential candidate to follow. the question is whether or not trump can do that when he's not being directed to do that. clearly his instincts aren't in that direction but this would imply his handlers can steer him. >> it boughts he bought into this. he recognized the need to use the opportunity he has tonight to send a different message than the one he's been sending the last five days. he obviously had to participate and buy in to practice and rehearse. >> chuck, to your point that he squandered five weeks, this is the kind of thing his supporters want him to get back on. >> they do. one of the other things that was impressed upon him was the financial motivation here. like, this is an important time. his june calendar is supposed to be filled with fund-raising. this controversy is making it harder for those folks to hit goals and things like that. so there is no bigger motivator sometimes with trump than saying, look, the less you fund-raise, the more cash you may have to put in yourself on this front.
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that is something he doesn't want to do. but i had another trump helper on this. i'll just leave it at that. say, look, the only way to turn the page on this, they think in the short-term, is a new grandchild. and it's like, there are some who are simply hoping ivanka hurries and up has her child, hoping that gives him an opportunity to essentially turn the page a little bit. humanize him a little bit. because that's the other part of this that they're obviously very concerned about is that it's just hurt his personal ratings even more. >> do you mean that literally? they're hoping that -- >> i mean, it was said somewhat facetiously. then it was like, well, anything could help at this point is what this person was saying, anything that makes him -- takes the focus off of him and this hard edge. >> i wonder if he can just take a break for a while. if they can just get him off the campaign trail, let other republicans talk on his behalf about hillary clinton, instead of him talking on his own behalf.
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i wonder if that's the best they could home for right now. >> we'll see what tonight looks like. when we get there. by the way, we have not lost sight of the fact that we have contests we're covering tonight. hillary clinton in the lead with our determination there in yellow, too early to call. it's a rolling determination. we'll be back with more after this. man 1: you're new.
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man 2: i am. woman: ex-military? man 2: four tours. woman: you worked with computers?
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man 2: that's classified, ma'am. man 1: but you're job was network security? man 2: that's classified, sir. woman: let's cut to the chase, here... man 1: what's you're assessment of our security? man 2: [ gasps ] porous. woman: porous? man 2: the old solutions aren't working. man 2: the world has changed. man 1: meaning? man 2: it's not just security. it's defense. it's not just security. it's defense. bae systems.
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next polls will close in new mexico, north dakota, south dakota at 9:00 p.m. eastern time, just under ten minutes away. we already have new jersey in the works here tonight, and we have a special guest waiting to talk to us. democratic california, four-term senator, barbara boxer is with us from capitol hill tonight. senator, welcome to you. and if we stick with the theme that hillary clinton is the presumptive nominee of the democratic party and if we all agree that bernie sanders has energized the left and mobilized millions of people this year and that he is no hurry to change his status as an active candidate, how would you advise these two to come together as one? >> i think we go back to 2008, in a very tight race, hillary
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clinton versus barack obama. and hillary clinton was very close to barack obama. it was a way-closer race than this one. and she did the right thing, at the right moment, when it was right for her. and she embraced his candidacy and walked through, you know, the convention hand in hand, and into november. and even went to work for him. and her heart was broken. look, i know, i've lost an election. it does break your heart. but she really, i think, set the pace for what ought to happen. and i hope bernie will do this. i think that he has said over and over his biggest priority is making sure donald trump doesn't get near the white house. so when bernie feels it's the moment, i hope he will take a page out of hillary's book. >> senator boxer, it's rachel maddow here. thanks for being with us tonight. >> sure. >> you are retiring from the senate. there's a very interesting primary to try to fill your seat tonight in california and
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california has this unusual system now, where there won't be a republican nominee chosen and a democratic nominee chosen for that seat. that everybody runs in the same primary and the top two candidates will face off in the general election. it may be, it's likely to be that two democrats are going to be the two general election candidates to try to replace you in that seat, to try to secede you in that seat. how do you feel about that? >> well, i feel great that i can say with pretty good confident that a strong democratic woman will be taking my seat. and i'm excited about that. it's so unusual. this is the first time we've had this type of primary. >> do you think that california should be a model for the country on this, or do you think it's too weird? >> listen, as far as this way of voting, i'm not a van of this way of voting. but in terms of promoting women to the united states senate and the house of representatives, yes, i think it's important, as we hopefully region this milestone of having our first
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woman presidential candidate of a major party, that we also push so that the legislatures all over the country are approximately 50/50. it's so important, rachel. who's in the room? who's left out of the room? the type of policies that come out of those rooms depend on who's in it. and we need the diversity. >> my colleague, chris matthews, is in santa monica tonight and i know he wants to jump in here, senator. chris, go ahead. >> thanks, rachel. senator boxer, tell us about how interesting it is, it looks like both candidates who will be in the same party primary, the multi-party primary, i guess you would have to call it, in california for u.s. senate to replace your vote aboth are goi be democrats? >> yes. it's amazing how blue my state has become. when i started, it was reddish purplish. and one of the reasons i feel i
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can leave the senate and pursue other things and i do intend to do that is because my state is bright blue and i feel great about what's going to follow. >> senator boxer, i -- >> what happened to the republican -- i'm sorry. i would just ask, what happened to the republican party of cree that elected nixon and reagan and used to vote for people like earl warren. what happened to that party? >> the party has moved so far over to the right. and they used to be leaders on the environment. leaders on privacy rights, like a woman's right to choose. and they lost their way or they found a different way. and they're just out of step. and i don't know whether it's the money in politics or the fundamentalists that took over that party. but it is not reflective of the beauty of our state, which is the diversity, the independence, that entrepreneurial spirit. it's just left the republican party. >> thank you. >> senator barbara boxer, thank you very much for taking our questions and being with us
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tonight, from capitol hill in washington. >> of course. >> back here in the studio, nicole, we're trying to chase down a quote about donald trump's daughter having a child -- having just had a child eight weeks ago. what -- >> ivanka had her baby. she was very pregnant -- >> seeing the baby. >> on the campaign trail and then i think less than a week after the baby was born, she participated in the cnn town hall. and so the campaign has responded robustly saying that she had her baby already. >> yes, but -- >> whence this quote about becoming a grandfather again? >> because the point -- as far as i read it, the quote to chuck was somebody saying hyperbolically, we're just hoping another baby comes down the pike. >> can't she reproduce quickly enough? >> ivanka is a working mother who i follow on twitter is juggling a lot already. and she has done her part and continues to do her part. she is the shiny bright star -- actually, all the trump kids are
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stellar. >> on that note, let's take a stellar break ourselves and continue our coverage. we're back at the top of the hour for the 9:00 closings.
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9:00 in the east coast and that brings three more states on to our big board of four. upper left, they are new mexico, for the democrats. we're looking at contested races. and for the democrats, too early to call in new mexico. next door to that is north dakota. too early to call in north dakota. down to south dakota, too early to call in south dakota. and over to new jersey. it remains too early to call with clinton leading. also in new jersey, some
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interesting raw numbers are coming in. so we thought this was an opportunity for our own steve kornacki -- >> i'm nervous about his map. >> he now has a two-color map. >> i have great news for you. you say two colors. look at this. we have a little yellow up here. there's three colors in this one. folks, we're coming along here. >> i feel overwlhelmoverwhelmed. >> we have some results from new jersey. we've been talking about how hillary clinton has changed and grown her coalition from 2008. new jersey is kind of telling you this story. she's leading by 18 points. all of these counties, she's leading in right now. three things that i'm seeing when i look at this map. first of all, you're looking at counties like ocean county, gloucester county, down in the southern part of the state. she's leading in these places. these are more heavily white counties, more working class white counties. her margin has come down significantly from 2008. she barack obama in counties like -- we can show you right here. go to ocean county right now.
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look, she won ocean county by 30 points in 2008. she's leading by eight tonight. she's still ahead, but she's lost some of that blue-collar white vote in new jersey, it looks like. at the same time, the other thing i'm seeing is take a very affluent, heavily white county in the state. look at somerset county or right next door, huntington county, barack obama won these counties over her in 2008. she flipped that. she's leading in them tonight. we've seen this in other states. we talked about the gold coast in connecticut. that was obama 2008, clinton 2016. the other big thing for hillary clinton, we talked about this before. the black vote, s-6 county. this is the biggest single vote-producing county in the state. there's a large black population here. she won the state in '08, but lost big in essex county very early. but you can see, she's leading very early. so she's gotten a big share of the black vote, probably in new jersey tonight. not doing quite as well with blue-collar white voters, but doing well with affluent white
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voters in a state like new jersey, if that is what we see around the state, we'll be in good shape. >> steve kornacki, you've been a new jersey politics reporter for a large portion of your short life. from observing previous new jersey elections, do you have anything to tell us about how we should expect the vote to come in? how much it will come in overall over the course of the evening, and where we'll have a lagging vote? >> so this is the one everybody's looking at, too. you look at the bellwether county. the famous bellwether county in new jersey is bergen county. this is a big bedroom -- a series of bedroom communities, sort of right over the george washington bridge comes into the southern part of the state. you've got about 10 to 12% of the vote statewide, is going to come out of this county tonight. one thing you're waiting to see in terms of making a call here is what happens when you see very, very little has come in so far. this is probably absentee vote. so when bergen starts to come in, that's the bellwether. again, what you're seeing top to bottom in the state here are varying degrees of clinton leads right now.
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i think as long as bergen comes in the way they're expecting, it'll look a lot better for her. >> thank you, steve. one great stat coming out of new jersey has to do with a one subtext of the republican vote. john kasich at 11% tonight. >> interesting! double digits for kasich zplp we wanted to let you know that. and let's go out to south dakota, where we have a call. that is donald trump, the projected winner of the south dakota primary and it's 29 delegates. >> not a lot of suspense right now in terms of the republican race. although the john kasich forces of the world, such as they may be, has to be happy with netting double digits in new jersey, and they got a very high-profile vote/endorsement from the former republican governor of california, arnold schwarzenegger, who not only said he did not vote for donald trump, he went out of his way to let people know the one he voted for was john kasich in california tonight. >> and we have steve schmitt,
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someone who's been listening to our coverage all evening long, especially where it pertains to donald trump and a preview of tonight's remarks. steve, your reaction? >> well, there's some great lessons in california, that remarkable fact that you're likely to see two democrats in a general election, because of the rules and the california primary. this was a republican state. ronald reagan's home state. richard nixon's home state. reliably, elected republican governors. in early 2017, the republican party is on track to become smaller than the decline to state party. and that is the result of the a alienation of voters. it changed forever the
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complexity of politics in california. and there were profound lessons for republicans coming out of california nationally. and trends, whether for good or for bad, often start in california. and the notion that the national party can't go down the road of the california republican party, where it essentially becomes one of the largest interest groups in the state, but no longer has any capacity to win elections, which is the case in california, that shouldn't be lost as we get ready to hear from the presumptive republican nominee tonight. and i think that when you get ready to hear donald trump speak, one thing is clear. the market inside the republican party has bared about all it can bare with regard to his comments, with regard to the lack of discipline. mitch mcconnell's remarkable statement. the fact that the speaker of the house is on the cover of the "daily news" and the very difficult position of, hey, his comments are racist, but i'm still voting for him. just not a tenable position for
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intellectually serious, good people. serious politicians to be in. and so, we're going to see tonight donald trump try to rehabilitate his image, because he's in big trouble. >> all right. we're going to listen to donald trump by way of telling you we have a little news here. new jersey awarded to hillary clinton, the projected winner in the democratic party. let's go to donald trump's remarks at a country club north of new york city. >> you know what that is? we're only getting started and it's going to be beautiful. remember that. tonight we close one chapter in history and we begin another. our campaign received more primary votes than any gop campaign in history, no matter who it is, no matter who they are, we received more votes. this is -- great feeling. that's a great feeling. this is not a testament to me,
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but a testament to all of the people who believed real change, not obama change, but real change is possible. you've given me the honor to lead the republican party to victory this fall. we're going to do it. we're going to do it, folks. we're going to do it. i understand the responsibility of carrying the mantle and i will never, ever let you down. too much work, too many people, blood, sweat, and tears. never going to let you down. i will make you proud of your party and our movement. that's what it is, a movement. recent polls have shown that a i'm beating hillary clinton and with all of her many problems and the tremendous mistakes that she's made, and she has made tremendous mistakes, we expect
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our lead to continue to grow and grow substantially. for everyone who voted for me throughout this campaign, i want to thank you. i want to thank you very, very much. to those who voted for someone else, in either party, i'll work hard to earn your support. and i will work very hard to earn that support. to all of those bernie sanders voters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of super delegates, we welcome you with open arms. 33 believe me #. [ cheers and applause ] >> and by the way, the terrible trade deals that bernie was so vehemently against, and he's right on that, will be taken care of far better than anyone
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ever thought possible. and that's what i do. we are going to have fantastic trade deals. we're going to start making money and bringing in jobs. now, i know some people say i'm too much of a fighter. my preference is always peace, however. and i've shown that. i've shown that for a long time. i've built an extraordinary business on relationships and deals that benefit all parties involved. always. my goal is always, again, to bring people together. but if i'm forced to fight for something i really care about, i will never, ever back down. and our country will never, ever back down. thank you.
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i've fought for my family, i've fought for more business, i've fought for my employees. and now, i'm going to fight for you, the american people. like nobody has ever fought before. and i'm not a politician fighting, i'm me. you're going to see some real good things happen. just remember this, i'm going to be your champion. i'm going to be america's champion. because you see, this election isn't about republican or democrat it's about who runs this country. the special interests or the people, and i mean, the meamerin people. every election year, politicians promise change.
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obama promised change and it didn't work out too well. and every year, they fail to deliver. why would politicians want to change a system that's totally rigged in order to keep them in power? that's what they're doing, folks. why would politicians want to change a system that's made them and their friends very, very wealthy? i beat a rigged system, by winning with overwhelming support. the only way you could have done it. landslides all over the country, with every demographic on track to win 37 primary caucus victories in a field that began with 17 very talented people. after years of disappointment, there's one thing we all have learned. we can't fix the rigged system by relying on very -- and i mean this so, so strongly, on the very people who rigged it.
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and they rigged it. and do not ever think anything differently. we can't solve our problems by counting on the politicians who created our problems. the clintons have turned the politics of personal enrichment into an art form for themselves. [ cheers and applause ] they've made hundreds of millions of dollars selling access, selling favors, selling government contracts, and i mean hundreds of millions of dollars. secretary clinton even did all of the work on a totally illegal private server. something that how she's getting away, folks, nobody understands. designed to keep her corrupt dealings out of the public record, putting the security of the entire country at risk, and
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a president in a corrupt system is totally protecting her. not right. i am going to give a major speech on probably monday of next week and we're going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the clintons. i think you're going to find it very informative and very, very interesting. i wonder if the press will want to attend. who knows. hillary clinton turned the state department into her private hedge fund. the russians, the saudis, the chinese, all gave money to bill and hillary and got favorable treatment in return. it's a sad day in america when foreign governments with deep pockets have more influence in our own country than our great
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citizens. i didn't need to do this. it's not easy, believe me. i didn't need to do it, but i felt i had to give back to our wonderful country, which has been so good to me and to my family. [ cheers and applause ] i've traveled to many of our states and seen the suffering in people's eyes. i've visited communities in new york, new jersey, pennsylvania, connecticut, indiana, and ohio, whose manufacturing jobs -- literally, these jobs have virtually disappeared. an embarrassment to our country and it's horrible. i've embraced the victims of illegal immigration, moms and dads who have had to bury their own children, because of people who shouldn't have been in the country. remember it, folks. remember it.
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i've visited the crumbling cities and the struggling schools. i've seen our dilapidated airports, highways, bridges, and i've compared them to other country countries where we see facilities so far superior to ours, it's really not to be believed. hard to imagine what's happened to our country. america is being taken apart piece by piece, auctioned off and just rapidly, auctioned off to the highest bidder. we're broke. we're broke. we are $19 trillion, going quickly to $21 trillion. our infrastructure is a disaster. our schools are failing. crime is rising. people are scared. the last thing we need is hillary clinton in the white
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house or an extension of the obama disaster. [ cheers and applause ] trump! trump! trump! trump! trump! trump! trump! trump! trump! >> what a crowd. what a crowd. thank you all very much. we love our country. we love our country. but we can turn this all around. we're going to do it by putting america first. [ cheers and applause ] that commitment is the foundation for change that's been missing and has been missing for a long time. it's important to understand what "america first" means. it means on foreign policy, we will never enter into any conflict unless it makes us safer as a nation. it has to make us safer as a
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nation. this is, this is the opposite of hillary's foreign policy, which invaded libya, destabilized iraq, unleashed isis, and threw syria into chaos, and created the mass migration, which is wreaking havoc all over the world. and while putting iran on the path to nuclear weapons and making them a dominant power in the middle east. and they are dominant and we have made them that way, folks. we have made them that way. better hope i'm president. on trade, america first means the american worker will have his or her job protected from unfair foreign competition. what's happening there is absolutely a disgrace.
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>> no ppp! >> no ppp, you're right about that. so -- and you mean, no pp. we are going, and remember this, we are only going to have great trade deals. we are only going to have this. we're not going to improve, as someone just said, the transpacific partnership, which is a disaster, a disaster for our country. almost as bad as nafta, signed by bill clinton, which has just stripped our country of our factories and our manufacturing and moved them to other places, in particular, mexico. if it's not a great deal for our country, we will not sign it. it's got to be great for our country, for our community, for everybody in here, because believe me, we are all suffering. and we're suffering big league. and it's getting worse. on energy policy, american first
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means opening up america's great potential to bring wealth and prosperity to our own workers. including our wonderful and hard-working miners who have been absolutely, totally mistreated by this administration. on economic politics, america first means having tax and regulatory policies that keep jobs and wealth in the united states, substantially lower taxes for middle class americans and businesses, likewise regulation, which is strangling our economy, which would be brought down from its present insane level. we will make it very, very good for our companies, for our small businesses, and for people that want to survive and do well in our country. on immigration policy, america first means protecting the jobs,
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wages and security of american workers. whether first or tenth generation, no matter who you are, we're going to protect your job. because let me tell you, our jobs are being stripped from our country like we're babies. the beauty of america first is that it brings us all together. every american worker of every background is entitled to the same benefits, protections, and rights and privileges. it's got to be that way. now, the people in charge say things can't change. i'm here today to tell you that we have to change. we have no choice. we have to change. we're going to put -- thank you. we're going to put america back to work. we're going to make our own products. we're going to put america back to work. [ cheers and applause ]
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we're going to rebuild our inner cities, which are absolutely a shame and so sad. we're going to take care of our african-american people that have been mistreated for so long. we're going to make you and your family safe, secure, and prosperous. prosperous again. together, we will put the american people first again. first again. we will make our communities wealthy. we will make our cities safe again. we will make our country strong again. ladies and gentlemen, we will make america great again. remember. thank you. thank you [ cheers and applause ]
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thank you very much, everybody. >> donald trump in briarcliff manor, new york, at his country club facility north of new york city. a big windup to his what has become his slogan, we will make america great again. some of the quotes i wrote down, "i will never let you down," "i will make you proud." he said, "our jobs are being stripped from our country like we're babies." a full-throated economic message. nicole wallace among those watching with us. your reaction? >> i wrote down both of those. i also wrote down "i beat a rigged system." a very blatant play for the sanders voters who may not land o trump, but are certainly drawn to sanders for some of the same reasons. this campaign, this revolution against an establishment. >> also, he's running against the clintons as a kind of a corporate entity. so anything that bill clinton did, anything that hillary clinton did, he's lumping it all
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together, trying to do it. it was a speech that stayed on message, which is something that, obviously, trump doesn't usually do. it was not a speech that sounded like his voice, right? so one of the things that speechwriter tries to do, obviously, is write in the person's voice. i guess it's hard to write for donald trump's voice, but he's not comfortable with a teleprompter. i'm sure he will become more proficient at that. >> can i be blunt in terms of my reaction to that? i feel like -- obviously, i -- personally, i'm a liberal. i'm not a person that i think donald trump is really competing for my vote if i were a civilian and not a member of the media here. but i feel like watching that speech by donald trump, i get that that is sort of what the commenta commentaryiat and they want him to come, but i think that donald
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trump would not have won a single primary. i think him winning someone else's words poorly with no sense of the audience, he seems like a bad version of a small -- >> that's not true. he participated in -- i have it on very good authority he helped write the speech. >> hold on. let me finish my point. i'm not making a case to the origin of the speech. i'm talking about the way it was delivered. if i just started paying attention tonight and i'm an undecided voter. what's all this surprise and discussion about donald trump, that's not a powerful -- that's not the powerful donald trump that rolled over everybody else in the primary. that was a charisma sink for him. >> well, but saying "i will never make you down" and "i will make you proud" of your party, was the rest of the sentence, were things he had to say. steve schmidt walked offered and said, this will calm the waters and that was the goal. and he did participate in the crafting of this speech. it was crafted by his very small inner circle, including his daughter, including chris christie, i'm told. this was a joint effort.
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and this is what a campaign is supposed to do. craft a message for a moment and deliver it with ease. and he did that tonight. >> that's what i'm saying. i don't think we're disagreeing on this. i think this is what the establishment wants. this is what professional politicians -- >> his voters would like him see do this. >> but that's not the same donald trump that won. and i don't think that was a very charismatic or -- >> i think nicole's point is, today, after all we've seen today, that was perhaps the speech he had to give. perhaps his first task was to calm the waters and not -- >> to make the republican party happy with him. >> to reach out to people -- >> his base doesn't want to see him mired in this muck all the time. i think his base wants to see him do better. so i don't think he caused himself any problems with his voters. >> let's go on over to steve schmidt and hear from steve schmitt. your reaction? >> look, with i think it was a very strong effort by donald trump tonight. remember, we live in an era where trump has nearly collapsed in every institution in the
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country with the exception of the military. and what voters fundamentally believe is that is it a rigged system with one set of rules for people at the top, a different set of rules for everybody else underbeneath and donald trump gave voice to that. that was a powerful populist pitch. and i think that speech, that message delivered the way that he did it tonight will send shivers down the spines of some people in the clinton high command. now, the question is, is can donald trump maintain discipline? can he deliver an economic populist message consistently? can he stay out of all of these other issues that have become diversions, time sucks for the campaign, that have dragged him very, very badly off of message. but that was his answer tonight to mitch mcconnell, to paul ryan, and that speech will do much good in calming the political waters for the republican party in washington. they'll see somebody who wasn't great on the teleprompter, but wasn't bad, and is going to have time to get much better before
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he addresses tens of millions of americans from the convention hall, delivering a speech for change. but what we saw today was the architecture of a campaign message. there were two types of elections. change and more of the same. and donald trump, tonight, went out and he said, hey, i'm the change agent in this race. bill and hillary clinton represent more of the same. and that is not where they want to be in this campaign. so i think he architected out a framework to win an election tonight. and it was a good effort by him. >> i have a question for ben ginsburg, who is sitting along side you. ben ginsburg, former general council of the rnc, a partner at jones day. ben, earlier, we were unable to get your reaction to various folks on our air. james carville, chief among them. and carville kind of paused and said that i have -- there are some lingering doubt as to whether trump is going to be the
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nominee of the party in cleveland this summer. >> yeah, i think there's no doubt that he is going to be the nominee. i think that what the speech did tonight was, there was chatter today in washington about how maybe there would be some ways to disrupt the nomination process. i think the speech tonight was designed to stop it. there is a theoretical way to take the nomination from him. his campaign is fully aware of that. and the speech tonight was really designed to be sure that the delegates in the hall feel a degree of confidence. the question is, in the speeches he gives between now and the convention, is it the donald trump who was disciplined tonight? there was a dollop of policy in with the populism. is that the donald trump who is on the campaign trail for the next month, or, in fact, are we going to see a reversion, the guy who like sort of couldn't help himself when the tpp
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reference came in, to make a slightly off-color jump using the same initials. so which donald trump is it who shows up? >> and eugene, the one thing we did learn, although he wasn't specific about the day, he is promising a larger speech, a formal speech about the clintons. >> about the clintons. now, he actually will be running, presumably, against hillary clinton. not against anybody else, right? but, clearly, his strategy is to lump together bill and hillary clinton and chelsea clinton and the clinton foundation and everything the clintons have ever done or said or stood for or been involved with that turned out badly, basically. and, you know, that, for a certain segment of the population, might be effective. it's certainly effective among republicans. one thing republicans tend to
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agree on is that they don't like hillary clinton and they don't like the clintons. whether it appeals beyond that, frankly, is a big question. >> and what republicans will look for is, can he get more specific? i think on the question of her e-mails, there are some democrats with some concerns about how she's answered those questions. so i think if he does this broad brush stroke with clintonism, i think that's not as sure of a thing as if he narrows -- listen, bernie sanders has create d some of the template fr him. and he has echoed some of his attacks on him. and when he gets specific, this is a better place for him, when it's this broad brush paint about the clinton era, i don't think it's as effective. >> i feel like we're doing a book report about a book on which the movie was based. what we just watched was the movie. we just saw donald trump giving a speech prime-time. the last election we'll have before the actual election. and he gave a bad speech. and he gave a speech that looked
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good on paper, and i think did check all the boxes that i think are going to un-freak-out a lot of republican establishment, but he was not donald trump. and the -- the one thing that the trump campaign proved internally and externally during the primaries is, when you let trump be trump, he can do his thing and he can win battles you'd never expect him to win. that was not him being himself. that was him as a managed politician. and he's doing all the things you need to do to win on paper. i do also think that his personality and his charisma and his magnetism disappeared in that moment. >> i did not see the charisma come through. >> but we don'txpect anyone else to only be one thing. so trump has to be screaming racist at the top of his lungs to be exciting. >> no, no. >> that's not a fair or aboutive analysis of what trump needs to accomplish. >> i'm unfair? >> it's not an objective analysis to say unless trump is oozing charisma and spontaneity, he's not a good candidate.
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>> when trump is being trump, even when he's not being racist or sexist -- >> yes. >> -- there's a certain energy and a certain sort of suspense and atmosphere he creates of excitement. and that didn't have that -- >> -- while being on message. proven he can do one or the other, but not both at the same time. >> that's fair enough, but i don't think he needed to create anymore excitement tonight. >> that's -- okay. >> well, he didn't. >> i think he accomplished his political objectives tonight. so, you know, i don't think he should be held to a standard that we don't -- >> all i'm saying is he has proven he can do one thing, he's proven he can do both. he can't be both charismatic and on-message yet. we haven't seen that at the same time. that's the question whether we can do that at the same time. agreed? >> agreed. >> buy me a new website. >> we can talk to hugh hewitt with us from -- wow, you've overtaken lafayette park across
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from the white house, clearly. hugh, welcome to the broadcast. it's boisterous, i hope you're up to it. and i'll start with a dual question. your opinion of the speech, as delivered this the debate about teleprompter versus ad lib trump, and your opinion of the content of the speech. >> well, i never thought i would be saying this, so i want to pause and make sure i get it right. i agree with rachel maddow and james carville. >> i'm very sorry. >> it is -- >> that's all the time we have. good night, everyone. >> you just broke twitter. >> his challenge tonight was to drain the toxicity -- i want to go back to nicole wallace's comments at the beginning of the program. he's entered into the most toxic region of america. he's gotten race wrong three times with his down the trump tower speech on mexican illegal immigrants being rapists, with the david duke kkk comment, and then with the worse 72 hours of his campaign in over the last three days. in this speech, he wasn't just
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tin eared, he was cobalt eared at the end when he said, "we will take care of our african-americans." i actually cringed when i heard that. there was a great three lines in there about secretary clinton's foreign policy failures. but i was at the end of this saying, paul ryan is still thinking about that "daily news" cover that said, "i'm with racist," perhaps the most bludgeoning cover i've seen since the "drop dead" cover for jero gerald ford. i'm with james carville. i think a lot of people are still thinking, the plane is headed towards the mountain. this could be 2006 again. the inflection point today, up until today, or over the last 24 to 48 hours, people are thinking, we might lose the senate, but he might win. if he names a good vice president, good secretary of state, he could pull this out. and they began to realize over the past 48 hours, he could lose
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the state, the house legislatures, it's a panic mode. and that speech because the reasons rachel articulated did not take it away. >> so what do you do? you can see on radar, the plane headed to the mountain, in your words, what do you mean? >> new pilots. a vice president, a secretary of defense, a secretary of state, you surround yourselves with a team, because one thing that carville said, james said this two hours ago, there is no campaign. there isn't -- they had to bring chris christie across the river. they had to rush in reinforcements. i assume that donald jr., eric, and ivanka were involved, as well. there isn't any structure there. there isn't depth. and the writing in the speech, chris matthews is a former ghost writer, so am i, it was just pedestrian. tell us what we take away from that other than the cringe-worthy moments and the fact he didn't insult anybody, and he got "ppp" wrong when it was shouted out to him, "tpp,"
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he said, "ppp." and i think everyone across the ballot is wondering, do i get my resume better. do i start calling around and finding a job. >> ppp, you know me. anyone else hate that when that happens? sorry. >> he's down with ppp. >> so to the maddow brief, what do you do to get the essence of the ad lib trump with an eye toward controlling the material and the outbursts and avoid the teleprompter scripted trump, hugh? >> murder boards. he ought to be doing more murder boards. they just practice and practice and practice. and people call you out when you throw off completely tin-eared response. and you get some briefing books and learn something beyond, "we're going to get great deals." you start to engage on the issues. when he ran through egypt,
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syria, status of forces agreement server. that should have been the speech. i don't know if anyone had the capacity to write that at trump tower today, but that should have been the speech. >> john podesta is with us, chairman of the clinton campaign. thank you very much on this big night for your effort, for making time to join us, john. and i'm wondering how you are approaching the two major challenges. number one, within your party, fusing together two movements about as separate as they could be under the democratic umbrella, and number two, preparing for a run against an unpredictable opponent who was thrown out the prior rule book of politics. >> well, brian, thanks for having me on tonight. and it's an historic night, as you know. and i think you saw a glimpse of that last week, when hillary was campaigning in california. took trump on directly, talked about why he was unfit to be commander in chief. and she was talking to
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democratic primary voters at that time, as well. you know, she's going to speak tonight, on the support that senator sanders has gotten. i don't know if you can hear me. there's a lot of shouteding in the background. >> we can hear you, sir. >> okay. there's a -- but she also wants to talk about what she wants to do for the country. how we can be stronger together. how we can build an economy that's going to work for the middle class. >> mr. podesta, it's rachel maddow in new york. thank you so much for being with us tonight. let me ask you very specifically. if secretary clinton is going to call bernie sanders tonight or if she has called him already. >> i'm sure she's going to talk to we areny soon and begin the process of bringing the two campaigns together to, again, honor what he's achieved, but also to be able to, you know, appeal to his voters. and she'll talk to them directly
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tonight about moving the country in a progressive direction. what they've been all about, and you know, we're trying to appeal to him, to his voters, and we'll have some help, i think, with people who have been on the sidelines like president obama here in the near future. >> hmm. in terms of a specific involvement of senator sanders directly, looking ahead at the democratic national convention, i went back today and i looked at secretary clinton's prime-time speech from the obama nominating convention in 2008. she was there, as his fiercest opponent from the primary, but also as someone who endorsed him, who put his name in for a nomination on the floor of that convention, who was working very hard for him by that point. what would you want to see from senator sanders, if you're going to, if you expect to see him in a prime-time speaking spot at that convention. what does he need to do to come toward your house at this point? >> well, rachel, look, he's going to need some time to think
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about what he wants to do, but we're confident that as he said, he wants to great donald trump, we can come together. the differences between us and trump are so much greater than the differences between senator sanders and hillary clinton. so i think we have time to work through that, but as you know, tonight we're standing here. we've gotten 3 more million votes, we're winning a majority of the pledged delegates tonight. so we look forward to having him reflect on that and, of course, in 2008, when senator obama won the pledged delegates, secretary clinton endorsed him, campaigned for him, and we're hoping to see senator sanders join forces with us, join our campaigns together to take on the challenge of trump and really bring -- build a brighter future for america. that's what bernie sanders has been talking about in this campaign. that's what we want to achieve and we want to go forward and do
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it together. >> john, one last question from me. donald trump told the world tonight he's going to come after team clinton with a speech he thinks monday of next week. while you're charged with running a single candidate named clinton, it also strikes me, you're charged with defending a an entire family named clinton. have you pressure tested that? and are you ready to defend whatever arises next week? >> yeah, i don't think the american public really wants to kind of re-live the charges that he's throwing out. he's been doing it for a while. it hasn't worked. and i think we're ready to go ahead and talk about what he's all about, which is self-aggrandizement, division, bigotry, what he did last week with respect to his comments about judge curiel are something that revealed who he really is as a person. so if he wants to debate personalities, i think at least our campaign will debate with him.
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i think hillary will try to spend her time talking about what the future could be with a progressive democratic president in the white house. but we will take him on and i think there's a lot to take on from his business practices to the bigotry he's shown in this campaign. >> mr. trump has said he's not going to announce his vice presidential running mate basically until the republican convention, keeping up the suspense and keeping a lot of republicans who are hopefuls for that slot kissing his ring between now and then in the hopes they'll be picked. can you give us any confidence as to when secretary clinton will announce her running mate? >> rachel, i wasn't sure i could understand your full question, but i think when it comes to donald trump's running mate and whether he wants to run a miss universe contest at his convention, you know wing, i think you see republicans running away from him in the
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last couple of days, so there may not be that many people standing on the stage who want to raise their hand and work with him by the time he gets to cleveland next july. >> when should we expect to hear about secretary clinton's running mate? >> we're just beginning that process. we've had a long, tough primary. we've honored what the candidates talking about. we're thinking about who's an appropriate running mate for her. she'll make that final decision based primarily on who she thinks could fill in if something were to happen and they needed to step into those shoes. but we're just at the beginning of that process. >> john podesta, thank you very much for joining us tonight from the brooklyn navy yard, prior to hearing from secretary clinton, john podesta the national campaign chairman of the clinton campaign. we go quickly to more news from one of the democratic caucuses
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tonig tonight. north dakota, the projected winner. the story of the democrats this session goes. >> this is the last caucus bernie sanders has done so well in the caucus states and it's interesting, when we think about maybe one of the potential j outcomes of this democratic primary being a reform of the process, one of the small "d" democratic reformis that a lot f people talking about are getting rid of caucuses. senator sanders has said repeatedly as he's done so well in this them year that he quite likes caucuses. he has really benefitted from them as a system. but he's got to win in the final one there tonight in north dakota. >> the state pronounced north dakota with a brooklyn accent goes for bernie sanders. i believe we're going to take another break and when we come back, among others joining us, we'll go to lawrence o'donnell with his reaction to what we've seen unfold thus far.
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as we've been seeing in the background, every time we show them to them, the crowd goes wild. the crowd waiting to hear from hillary clinton at the brooklyn navy yard tonight. a couple more minutes, we could see her before that crowd. >> and we just got a tweet from the hillary clinton twitter account. some of the ways that politicians signify that it's actually them sending a personal tweet is when they put their initial at the end of this.
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the president does this and hillary clinton signs her personally posted tweets, "to every little girl who dreams big, yes, you can be anything you want, even president. tonight is for you." there. obviously campaign trail photo from somewhere. but this, is you know this is what we're going to expect to hear tonight from hillary clinton. a real focus on what is historic about this nomination. they're frustrated by the timing of that call about it associated press and nbc news last night is because they didn't want a distraction in terms of contesting the nature of the call or some networks calling and some other networks not calling it. they wanted everybody to be focused on what is truly unique about this particular candidate clinching there nomination which is that no woman has never been major nominee before. so i think you'll see the
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clinton campaign try to put the spotlight back on that aspect of what just happened. andrea mitchell had some reporting to that infect leeffe. the clinton campaign is going to show a video that is three minutes long that is going to show people like gloria steinham and pioneering women in american history trying to contexturalize this night. and so we'll see her cast herself in a light that she's not always comfortable personally putting herself there. but to night it will be a real spotlight on that topic. >> we've been talking about the democrats for the last few minutes, there was the donald trump speech and reacting to that. we travel across the continent to a beautiful night in santa monica, california, and chris
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matthews. >> a guy who was the chairman of the campaign out here, the republican party. mike, you first. trump, he trotted himself out of the country club. put a speech together. did he fix his problem? >> not at all. >> can you put trump on a prompter for a few minutes with a mediocre speech. but that isn't the stain of facism. he has to address what he did and fix it. the flaw of trump is he's a bad candidate. the minute he gets off prompter, he'll hurt himself. >> i thought i heard the spin. there i may be wrong about this judge. but i'm not going to quit. i'm a fighter for you. that seemed to be the spin tonight. >> both the candidates for president are playing the people's emotions. and instead of being careful, well reasoned and talk about policy. donald trump, if it's not tonight, it may be tomorrow. crooked hillary.
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she's just -- >> she's going to go to jail. hillary clinton, he's dangerous. he's unfit for office. these are emotions of anger, fear, there is not what the presidency should be about. we should be talking about issues. >> is this going to be like this come november? >> yeah. i'm afraid sichlt it's it is. hill i have going to ignite the republican party if not all of it. that will grow a lead in the public polls. trump will react to. that he'll dig himself in a hole. he'll make more problems like did he with the judge. trump is who trump is. one prompter can't fix that. i think republicans will start dropping off him. we're in for a very long bumpy campaign. >> is this going to be the campaign based on the other guy so terrible you have to vote for me? hillary more than she used to. she may go back to policy. this past week, her success was nailing trump. and it's very hard for a party to win a third term.
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president bush won reagan's third term. this is a very hard thing to do unless you have a candidate that scares people. >> we were talking during the break. this state has a tremendous success and assimilating people from below the border, south of the border. this state has a -- it's one of the numbers right now? it seems to me we have to ask our question, to your party chushgs led out here all the years, kcan it ever come back from trump and the message he sends to hispanic americans? >> the state about 50% los angeles county hispanic. it will be 50% or more in 2020. the dem graphics have changed. and we republicans haven't come of age. yes, we can come of age. the state, i think, is slightly right of center. >> the latino inherently are oriented around entrepreneurship, the family, but if you come across as
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anti-immigrant, you're lost. >> mike, is it this a good republican leader? >> i think the party is salvagable. it's contingent on how we handle trump. if we look the other way and let him take the racist show to broadway with our brand, we're going to pay a huge long price. if we condemn him, we have a bum nominee. we may have to outlast one term to hillary clinton? >> you see the headline in the daily news tomorrow morning. i'm with the racist paul ryan, the speaker of the house is with the racist as a headline. >> he condemned the remarks strongly. i think it will rise. you saw mark kirk get off the wagon. people can reverse what they say. >> you are going to vote for trum snp. >> i'll never fovote for trump. >> hillary clinton is one of the most unpopular candidates. so i understand the negatives on
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trump. but she's one of the most unpopular and she is going to take policies that have failed. not succeeded. we have the worst economic recovery from a recession in history. >> that's the best you got for trump. we're right back you to guys. >> chris, thank you. you're right. you are rirgt to driright to dr down on state of california and the big sky. and we're coming up on the hillary clinton event at the brooklyn navy yard. a lot more still to come on this night of moment for both the democrat and republican parties. they found out who's been hacking into our network.
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who? guess. i don't know, some kids in a basement? you watch too many movies. who? a small business in china. a business? they work nine to five. they take lunch hours. like a job? like a job. we tracked them. how did we do that? we have some new guys defending our network. new guys? well, they're not that new. they've been defending things for a long time. [ digital typewriting ] it's not just security. it's defense. bae systems.
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10:00 p.m. hour in the east. that means we have our latest poll closing. upper left, that would be montana. of the contest anlt states we're following for the democratic party, the race in montana, too early to call with exactly 0% of the raw vote in. in new mexico, still, too early to call n south dakota, to the right further, still too early to call. we've passed the half way mark in the raw vote in.
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new jersey primary, the race we awarded earlier. the most densely populated state in the union. the big prize on the east coast tonight, california is the one we will be waiting for and perhaps waiting and waiting and waiting. and there's the crowd at the brooklyn navy yard. you'll note the hillary logo in the large big screen monitor on the wall upper left. perhaps they would like to regulate the intensity of the crowd so they'll pay attention to the interduction which we know will be a convention style, short, gauzy film. they're allowed to do that to say good things about their candidate before the candidate comes out to address the crowd. >> they have chosen a theme and point for the video and they let it out to the press several hours before that happened.
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it's hard to overstate how big california is. 40 million people live in california. just in one city in california in los angeles, can you fit the entire population of north dakota and south dakota and montana with change. so we're looking ahead toward california. 475 pledge delegates there. and the sanders campaign and the clinton campaign both put in absolutely everything they've got into winning that. the race has been clinched by hillary clinton. hillary clinton right now and the sanders people don't want us to say that but it's true. they could be competing for momentum for justification for staying in the race there. and this last hour before we get the poll closing in california, there is just so much on the line in this democratic race.
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we heard from donald trump. it was a very stayed environment. a teleprompter speech on a stage surrounded by members of his family in front of a supportive audience. katy tur followed the campaign from the earliest beginnings from the heat of summer as we lit a second summer time season. katy, i won't ask you to editorialize. that's not your role. there seemed to be a discussion in this studio and among our guests that can you have either the unhinged ad libbing donald trump and all the attendant risks that brings, or can you have the teleprompter package donald trump that we saw tonight when it absolutely positively has to hit its target. but there seems to be no middle ground. would that be a fair assessment?
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>> i think that would be fair. and in speaking with the aids and speaking with source that's are close to the campaign, they've always been hoping for what they can call a goldilocks trump. somebody who can hit these more practiced speeches without gas but also somebody who can be off the cuff. that is in a way that's been so successful for him this entire campaign. to let trump be trump motto worked extraordinarily well. they realize that they're going into another phase and they're going to try to find that balance. now will this speech help him? i'm told by sources close to the campaign that it would have helped more in two ways. one if it came earlier in the campaign and if he actually came out and apologized or went further to make things right with his attacks on the judge. right now, the biggest problem the campaign is having according to the sources that i've been speaking with on and on and on is that they're having a hard time hiring people for their
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communications team. they're looking for vps. the problem they're having is the top people don't trust this campaign. they don't trust the candidate. even when he comes out and makes a more presidential turn like this, they've been burned in the past. they don't want to get burned again. donald trump clearly trying to stem the bleeding with these attacks on him. he didn't mention it tonight at all. but already add scott walker to the core us of condemnations outs. there there are no good choices for president right now. he's also not saying that he's going to support donald trump. officially, donald trump won't be the nominee until the middle of july. that's the kind of time frame that in particular i want to make sure he renounces what he says at least in regards to the judge. this is something that scott walker wanted to see. that's something that many others want to see much it's unclear if that will actually happen. >> yeah, that's an interesting subplot.
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tonight as error free as it was, was not enough for especially a lot of fellow republicans of donald trump. the scott walker -- >> yes. scott walker, you know, wisconsin is a swing state. scott walker is somebody who ran a bad and expensive and short presidential campaign. >> other than that, successful. >> got out very quickly though. i don't sthi going to be as tarred by his candidacy as a lot of other people who stayed in as long as they were. he won't be seen as having sour grapes against trump. he'll be a force going forward. one of the possibilities that is a darker possibility around the donald trump racism issue is not that it was an unhinged thing that it was something he said when he was sort of out of control and off message. it is part of the message. that having a racist kpoen toenlt his campaign may be part of trying to drive the racist vote, trying to drive up the white vote through stoking racial animosity.
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that factors into what we know about the donald trump national strategy in terms of how he republicans the general election campaign against hillary clinton and the racial kpoen rents interesting and in light of recent develop dg ments troubling. >> let's take a look here at this strategy donald trump seems to be following. let's start at 2012. what he is trying to pull off here, exactly what this looks like 2012, obama-romney this is how it broke down. republicans saw two things. a lot of republicans in washington saw two things. they saw romney winning the white vote 59-39, nearly 60% of the vote in a losing cause. they basically said, we squeezed just about as much as we possibly could out of the white vote and we still lost. and, therefore, the second thing they saw was right down here. latino vote. now this is a group that is a, fast growing. it's share of the electorate has been going up from election to election. and, b, this is a group that's
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been competitive in past elections. george w. bush had taken 44% of a latino vote in 2004. you see romney eight years later, down to 27. republicans said we don't think we can get more out of the white vote. but if we can appeal to the latino vote, we can be competitive nationally. that is why there was that push from republicans in washington to do immigration reform. donald trump telegraphed this from the day he got into the race. almost exactly a year ago is i'm not going after a bigger share of the latino vote. i'm not going after immigration reform. his theory is 59% that mitt romney got, that is not the ceiling. his theory he is can drive that up into the of 60s. let me show you how that is going so far. because we can break down into two groups that are basically the same size. they tell a very different storey. first, you can look at white
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vote whoersz do not have college degrees. noncollege white voters. check this out. this is the most recent polling. 31% over bill clinton n 2012 mitt romney won by 26 points. already, donald trump has a bigger margin among noncollege white thanksgiving mitt romney god. 58-31 adds up to 89%. that is still undecided in there. he is on pace to drive that thing up even farther, to have maybe a significantly bigger share of that vote. but we said this is half of the white electorate. college graduates, the other half of the white electorate. check this out. same poll. a 44-44 tie in 2012, mitt romney won this group by 14 points. you swhee is happening here. two groups of voters of white voters moving in opposite directions, reacting to donald trump in very opposite ways.
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among college degree white voters, donald trump is losing ground from where mitt romney was among noncollege whites. he seems to be gaining ground. you ald those two together. it is base lick i a wash. he is getting what romney got from white voters. that is the clalg for trump. wow, that is a stunning analysis. in terms the way the demographics of this country goes, that's a campaign that could conceivably win this year. it is also speeding very fast on a very short cull did he tack in term of what is going to happen in the country down the road. the proportion of the white population in this country is going to get smaller over time. >> the other thing i want to say is there are republicans who the white vote and president obama
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running two straight elections. that growth may not be replicated in 2016. there is a nonwhite falloff. if can you get a bigger share of the white vote, can you do as well as a republican in 2016. >> don't look right now, you have an enormous donald trump over your shoulder. let's go to hugh hewitt. lieu hugh remains from washington. what did the trump spooe speech not do. what is your contention since scott walker spoke out on this. is there work dwroet do? will that have to be refuted for especially trump's fellow republicans to move on? >> i think so, brian. i listen very closely to john padesta, the able and experienced campaign warrior. he used the word bigot twice in the three minutes. the over under in secretary clinton's speech is four or five if not tonight then tomorrow
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when she may be moves off of the celebratory and milestone nature of there. i remember my job with richard nixon as a ghostwriter, his famous phrase from those days talking to david frost, i gave him a sword. donald trump has given them a gatt ling gun. the only way to take it away sbi talking about it with the kind of grace and style that one would expect of a president. and dinlt hear thi didn't hear . i'm not where murphy is. i think there is a chance he won't be the nominee. i it this numbers, last point polling data i saw today, 18% of latinos. and a one point lead among anglo women. that's not bad numbers. those are, you know, cooling to room temperature numbers. >> hugh, you know what california does. you r i wonder if he's been out in california long enough. you've seen it change people.
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>> yes, that's why i had to leave for a while. hugh hewitt, enjoying an east coast break. thank you for adding to our coverage tonight. thank you for being patient and sticking around with us. we're about to get into the portion portion of the coverage where we go to the brooklyn coverage. and somewhere high above is nbc's andrea mitchell. andrea, if can you hear me, what else do we know before she begins? >> well, first of all, we know the two camps have been talking. so they're not really subinstantive talks. can you hear the crowd get ramped up. just looking to see whether or not they're watching ut. there you go. but that said, we're also seeing
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this report in the "new york time times", which we have yet to confirm that bernie sand serz about to lay off a good number of his campaign staff. that is not a good sign. and there say sense of celebration as can you hear. hillary clinton about to give a speech about her role in history. and, you know, the fact that they're talking, the two camps, my sense is there has to be some coming together it because of bernie sandser's commitment to stop donald trump. dianne feinstein's liver room in northwest d.c. when she brought them together exactly eight years ago just before hillary clin conceded. and the two of them met one-on-one. they only had water. dianne feinstein went up stairs and the secret service went outside. that's when the deal was done. i think we're about to see this video. >> yes, apparently the crowd is going to listen to the anthem. i just want fod use this respite to say this is the lead from the
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new york times write now. rachael and i are looking at this piece. bernie sanders plans to lay off at least half his campaign staff wednesday as his battered presidential bid continues on despite hillary clin's being declared the presumptive democratic nominee according to two people close to the campaign. we discussed this. no matter what party, no matter what campaign, we've seen a lot of them die. there is a peculiar sadness that arrives at this time. it's tough. you're exhausted. you've poured your heart and soul into it. whether your name is scott walker or bernie sanders. >> that's right. >> and they're reporting that it's advance staff members and field staff members. there are a lot more races to prepare for. there are not many more vents to prepare for. we know that from the campaign from reporting to night that there seems to be no intention that he'll get out before washington, d.c., a week from
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tonight. this is winding down of the bernie sanders effort. and onest thi of the things we' watching for is bernie sanders speech. it is late tonight. it is 10:00 p.m. local time in california. and that speech will be as important in terms of thinking about the end of this primary and the state of the democratic party as anything else that we're going to see tonight. hillary clinton is about to claim her moment in the sun. if you're a woman or a girl or if you're the parent or the brother or the uncle or the father of a girl in this country this is something that's going to change your country forever. >> i have two of those categories. speaking of women and girls, let's take a look at the new york post cover for tomorrow's show.
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it's still nice to have the bails of papers be thrown out of the truck to the news stanldz around you. new york is going to have one about racism on "the new york post" showing the speaker of the house and donald trump. this is your other alternative. >> yes. >> that won't go over well at the brooklyn navy yard. >> i think our film may be beginning. i think we'll get an independent feed of it so we won't have to show the actual screen in the room. it appears her remarks are getting run out to the podium. >> we're going to see this video and then just hillary clinton speaking on her own.
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members of the press are talking about the size and density of this crowd and the sort of intense enthusiasm in this crowd. this is a moment in our country. when an african-american man was nominated and then elected. we'll be a different kind of country tonight when it becomes clear that a woman will be the democratic candidate for president for the first time ever. let's see if we switch to the
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independent film. if america is going to lead, we need to learn from the women of the world who have wlaz edblw paths. think of the sufferages at senicca falls in 1848 and those who kept fighting until women could cast votes. >> throws who think that the women's liberation movement is a joke, i disabuse you of that notion. it's about equal opportunity. >> we're really talking about humanism. >> the time has come. >> i had been pushed back as far as i could be pushed. i have to know once and for all i had rights to be. >> to create a better world, it's about putting ourselves in the shoes of people who need a voice. >> i am party of the new generation of sufferages. i will not stand silent.
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>> human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights once and for all. >> the match has been lit and my fire burns bright. i can't do this alone. >> there is what democracy looks like. >> women need to be represented. >> ginger rogers did everything that fred astaire did. she just did it backward and in high heels. >> iffen into a tiny way i get to carry on the work that she and a generation of women did to give us rights, that's huge. >> i want to help give back. i met so many other transgender people. our time is coming. we're going to chankt world together. >> and because i'm here, that has an impact on people like me who will come after me. >> so let's learn from the wisdom of every mother and father who teach theirs daughters there is no limit on
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how big she can dream and how much she can achieve. i hope cub first woman president of the whole united states. >> dare to compete, mrs. clinton. dare to compete. >> women and men, young and old, latino and asian, african-american and caucasian, rich, poor, and middle class, gay and straight, you have stood with me. and i will continue to stand strong with you every time, every place, every way that we k the dreams we share are work fighting for. i want to build a america that respects and embraces the potential of every lat one of us.
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>> 10:21 on east coast. a very anxious crowd is about to greet hillary clin. they just watched the film we showed full of political imagery from our recent history. and long ago history.
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you have taken with me and i'm so grateful you to. it's wonderful to be back in brooklyn here in this beautiful building. it may be hard to see tonight, but we're all standing under a glass ceiling right now. but don't worry. we're not smashing this one. thanks to you, we've reached a milestone. the first time -- the first time
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in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party's nominee. >> tonight -- tonight's victory is not about one person. it belongs to generations of women and men who struggled and sacrificed and made this moment possible. in our country, it started right here in new york, a place called seneca falls in 18 -- whether a small but determined group of women and men came together with the idea that
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women deserved equal rights and they set it forth in something called the declaration of sent. s and it was first time in human history that that kind of declaration occurred. so we all owe so much to those who came before and tonight belongs to all of you. >> i want to thank all the volunteers, community leaders, the activists and organizers who supported our campaign in every state and territory. and thanks especially to our friends in new jersey for such a resounding victory tonight.
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thanks for talking to your neighbors, for making contributions. you're efforts have produced a strong majority of the popular vote. victories in a majority of the contests and after tonight a majority of pledged delegates. i want to thank all the people across our country who have taken the time to talk with me. i learned a lot about you. and i learned about those persistent problems and the unfinished promise of america that you're living with. so many of you feel like you're out there on your own, that no one has your back. well, i do. i hear you. i see you.
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and as your president, i will always have your back. i want to congratulate senator sanders for the extraordinary campaign he has run. he has spent his long career in public service fighting for progressive causes and principles and he's excited millions of voters, especially young people. and let there be no mistake. senator sanders, his campaign, and the vigorous debate that we've had about how to raise incomes, reduce inequality, increase upward mobility, have been very good for the democratic party and for
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america. this has been a hard fought, deeply felt campaign. but whether you supported me or senator sanders or one of the republicans, we all need to keep working toward a better, farrer, stronger america. now i know it never feels good to put your heart into a cause or a candidate you believe in and to come up short. i know that feeling well. but as we look ahead -- as we look ahead to the bat that will awaits, let's remember all that united states us. we all want an economy with more
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opportunity and less inquality, where wall street can never remembering main street again. we want a government that listens to the people, not the powerbrokers which means getting unaccountable money out of politics. and we all want a society that is toll ranlt, inclusive and fair. we all believe that america succeeds when more people share in our prosperity. whether more people have a voice in our political system. whether more people can contribute to their communities. we believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than i ddivision, empowerment is better than resentment and bridges are better than walls.
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we believe that we are stronger together and the stakes in this election are high and the choice is clear. donald trump is temperamentally fit to be commander in chief. and he's not just trying to build a wall between america and mexico, he's trying to wall off americans from each other. let's take america backwards. back to a time when opportunity
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and dignity were reserved for some not all. promising his supporters an economy he cannot re-create. we have a prosperity that lifts everyone who has been left out and left behind including those who may not vote for us who deserve their chance to make a new beginning. when donald trump says a distinguished judge born in indiana can't do his job because of his mexican heritage or he
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mocks a reporter with disabilities or calls women p s pigs, it goes against everything we stand for. because we want an america where everyone is treated with respect and where their work is valued. donald trump attacked the press for asking tough quegz, denigrated muslims and immigrants. he wants to win by stoking fear and rubbing salt in wounds. and reminding us daily just how great he is.
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we believe we should lift each other up, not tear each other down. we believe we need to give americans a raise, not complain that hard-working people's wages are too high. we believe we need to help young people struggling with student debt, not pile more on our national debt with give aways to the super wealthy. we believe we fleed to make america the clean energy superpower of the 21st century not insist that climb ate chang is a hoax. to be great. we can't be small. we have been v. to be as big as
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the values that define america. and we are a big hearted, fair minded country. we teach our children that is one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all! not just for people who look a certain way or worship a certain way or love a certain way. for all, indivisible. this election is not, however, about about the same old fights between republicans and democrats. there election is different. it really is about who we are as a nation. it's about millions of americans coming together so take we are better than this.
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we won't let this happen in america. and if you agree, whether you're a democrat, republican, or independent, i hope you will join us in just a few weeks, we will meet in philadelphia which gave birth to our nation back in that hot summer of 1776. those early patriots knew they would all rise or fall together. well, to day that is more true than ever. our campaign will take the message to every corner of our country. we're stronger when our economy works for everyone, not just those at the top. with good paying jobs and good xooldz
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schools in every zip code and a real commitment to all families and all regions of our nation. we are stronger when we work with our allies and we're stronger when we respect each other, listen to each other and act with a sense of common purpose. we're stronger when every family and every community knows they're not on their own. because we are in this together. it really does take a village to raise a child. and to build a stronger future for us all. i learned this a long time ago. from the biggest influence in my
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life, my mother. she was the rock until the day i was born until she left us. she overcame a childhood marked by band onment and mistreatment and somehow managed not to become bitter or broken. my mother believed that life is about serving others. and she taught me never to back down from a bully which it turns out was pretty good advice. this past saturday would have been her 97th birthday. she was born on june 4th, 1919 and some of you may know the significance of that date. on the the very day my mother was born in chicago, congress was passing the 19th amendment
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to the constitution. this that amendment finally gave women the right to vote. and i really wish my mother could be here tonight. i wish she could see what a wonderful mother chelsea has become and could meet our beautiful granddaughter charlotte and, of course, i wish i could see her daughter become the democratic party's nominee. so yes.
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yes, there are still ceilings to break for women and men for all of us. but don't let anyone tell you that great things can't happen in america. barriers can come down. justice and equality can win. our history has moved in that direction. thanks to generations of americans who refuse to give up or back down. now you are writing a new chapter of that story. this campaign is about making sure there are no ceilings, no limits on any of us and this is our moment to come together. join our campaign. contribute what you can. text join to 47246.
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help us organize in all 50 states! every phone call you make, every door you knock on will move us forward. now i'm going to take a moment later tonight and the days ahead to fully absorb the history we've made here. but what i think about is the choice that's we're about to make, the goals we will strive for, the principles we will live by. and we need to make sure that they can be proud of us. the end of the primaries is only the beginning of the work we're called to do.
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but if we stand together, we will rise together. because we are stronger together. let's go out and make that case to america. thank you! god bless you and glod bless america! >> they're noting their own place in history with a proper tip of the hat to the past, her own family as she welcomes members of her own family to the stage. the question is whether america in the age of the first black president will now elect the first woman president, democratic party at least for
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its part has already made history. >> the biggest applause line of the speech was when she talked about wishing that her mother could see her -- was still here to see her become the democratic nominee. which is interesting. you know, not a personally driven speech. that was a policy speech. it was about donald trump. it's a lengthy push of the speech about the respect for bernie sanders and the ways in which they want the same things. it was definitely more outreach for sanders supporters and senator sanders himself. but the moment that resonated the most with that very amped up crowd at navy yard as they talked about her family and mother. >> house lights are down. some of this is hard to see as secretary clinton greets the crowd in the front. those are all obviously friends, family, supporters of long
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standing. chris, you were listening in on the other coast in santa monica. >> it was a hell of a speech. it was historic. she put the focus where it ought to be on the history she made. she didn't really take credit for it personally. she talked about the 19th amendment. the sunfferage moment. she really shared it. i think she's still on a role from last week's speech. hit a confidence to it. she has that new ability to go with the rotation, let the audience applaud and respond it to. i thought it was interesting. it didn't talk about the terrors of the world, the dangers of the world.
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deeper, stronger security. we always thought she would run a safety campaign up against trump's unevenness. she didn't mention that tonight. didn't mention really the president. she will by november mention him a lot. i thought it was very tough on trump, very tough. that line where she said he is unfit to be president. jumps out like a cougar. you're like, wow. there is a very, very powerful statement to make about your opponent who is the presumptive nominee of the party. talking about the code he uses. basically, that's a claim she'll take us back to and industrialized big city. it won't come back again. and he's also saying i'm taking you back with where the whites ran the show. i think that is very powerful and rough as hell. so i think some of that was
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there, too. she said i'm going to make america better including for the people that don't vote for me. i love that kind of mag nipple -- >> i'm still going to work for if you i get the job. appealing to democrats and republicans and independents. not acting like a progressive only but somebody who has progressive agenda. but it's for everybody. i thought it was a very magnanimous speech and very tough. >> joy reid is there with chris matthews. do you want to give us your take on this hillary clinton speech tonight? i'm thinking about new terms of the reporting you've done on clinton and sanders and trying to come together and clinton's outreach toward the more progressive wing of the party. >> i think i conquer with everything that the great chris matthews just said. the speech did something that hillary clinton declined to do
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in 2008. it stood her firmly in the guys of guise of a woman president. hillary clinton opted to run what chris described as the national security presidency. she was trying to establish her bona fide to someone who can be expander in chief and trying to undercut those of her then barack obama. i think hillary clinton feels fully confident that that party of her resume is solid. she is confident in herself. she has no questions about being able to fulfill the commander in chief role. what she allowed people to do tonight is em grace the idea, foul ball dagsal idea that a woman can and should be president of the united states. she allowed women to share in it and enjoy it. >> she said as your president, the first time she walked into this thing saying i'm going to be your president.
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>> it's hard to do. hillary clin is so many things. she's been first lady of the united states. she's a different role even though it shares the home of the president of the united states. it's a big trajectory for a woman, particularly a woman of her generation to make that trajectory from wife of the president to the embodyment of the presidency. she could not have been in starker contrast to donald trump. she was a grown-up and adult and saying she is prepared to be your president. that is so important for her to do. >> chris matthews, joy reid in sanlta monica. thank you. let's continue our round robin of our friends here. chuck todd, moderator of "meet the press" was watching and listening along us with. >> i was struck by the -- think about it as a split screen. i was trying to compare the two tonight. donald trump and hillary clinton. i believe this is the first night you felt as if hillary clin easily won the energy of
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the night. that she had commandinging control of the night in a way we didn't see trump. trump felt like he was reading a speech he had to give. she was reading a speech she was relieved to give and excited to give. and then think about this. what does that speech sound like tonight if the republican nominee waiting for letter is marco rubio? my point is, tonight in listening to her lay into trump the way she did and be able to sort of to sound more like a unifying figure in ways that i think the republican party never wanted to hand her this. and how many trump's opponents kept trying to implore republican primary voters to think about what clinton will be able to do to trump. tonight we got a taste of it. she has pleblt of issues she's got to deal with on her own. trump though, you heard it in
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the speech tonight. trump makes her political life so much easier right now. that was a much more -- a much different and aggressive and a speech that allows her to be an offense than she would have been able to give against maybe trump is the only republican she would have been able to give a speech like that with, without even having to think about defending herself on of what whatever political problems she has. that is the opportunity cost i guess that republicans have handed and got rid of when it comes to having trump as their standard bearer versus anybody else. >> we got a senator on deck. before we go to her. i want to ask specifically about that framing about being the first woman president, really putting that at the center of he her case. the one group of americans who is a clear majority of voters now general elections is women. how is she doing in political terms in terms of making the
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case that the historic nature of her nomination is a reason that women of all kinds should vote for her? >> this is the first -- if you think about it, we haven't heard her do this much until tonight. she actually seemed to -- i don't want to say avoid, but it was always done. >> narrator: radar. frankly, even in '08 and the criticism is you didn't emphasize your nature of your canned da sichlt obama outhistoried her too often eight years ago. i think that's, again, that's something that she can almost tout more because of the contrast it helps her create with trump. the historic -- i think also -- let's not forget the convention is that next moment where we see her be able to grab this piece of history in a way that will also resonate with a lot of women. >> chuck todd, thank you very
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much. i want to bring in the senator from minnesota who is a secretary of state hillary clinton supporter and has been for a long time. senator, thank you for being with us tonight. >> thanks, rachael. >> why is it important that 240 years into our nation's history one of our two major parties is finally nominating a woman? >> there is something that so many women have been waiting for so long. it sent a message over to little girl that cub president or mayor or a police chief. so in that way, we don't want to lose historic moment. but what i thought was very interesting about this speech is she reached out not just embraced the fact she it s. turning a chapter on history by being the first nominee as a woman on a major party ticket but she made it clear she is incleesive. i twhount of the dramatic moments is she recited the pledge of allegiance, one nation, under god, indif is able
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with truth and liberty and justice for all. i mean, it was a moment where she said i'm reaching out to republicans. i'm reaching out to people that won't even vote for me. she is showing the people of this country that this is eye new chapter in her campaign. >> she also reached out in a lengthy portion of the speech to supporters of senator sanders, congratulating him, talking about the type of campaign that he ran. what do you think needs to happen. what do you think needs to bring it closer to har of the democratic party and new mission which is to defeat hillary clin and put her in the white house in november? i know you've got reeblt personal experience in this. you have awe tough time getting booed at the convention over the
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weekend. >> i would like than more to a moment of the british parliament where people cheer. but noefrt part, it was very positive. everyone came together at our convention and standing at the end not just for me but for the governor and other supporters of hillary. it was very positive overall. i think that what we will need here first of all is to give bernie sanders who i have a lot of faith in, he's a friend. i take him at his word when he says he will support the nominee. when he says he doesn't want to let donald trump be the president. give him time to figure out how he wants to do. this again, he has pledged for a unified -- that he supports a unified party and then i think that will make a difference. not as much the timing of this which i know everyone will obsess b but the words and what he says. then you add at built to shoate passion that you saw tonight. the passion for the issues and caring about people and caring about the middle class and students and young people. but you toad that what donald
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trump stands for. the fact that he wants to add 30 trillion to the dat. he wants to add nuclear weapons to saudi arabia and japan. she has a strong case to make to young people. >> when i hear you talk about donald trump, it makes me want to ask you a question that you won't answer which is do you want to be hillary clinton's vice-presidential running mate? >> we have discussed this several times. >> there are many well qualified people. i promised you i would call you if i ever got that call. i love my job now. she is going to make the decision on a good running mate. i will say there are blenlt of people out there. i think the fact you want -- watching walter mondale as a vice president and having him as a mentor, you want someone that a president trusts. you want someone that people of this country trusts, especially when you have donald trump on the other side. and you want someone that optim about the futurest country. >> can i ask you if you mailed any of your recent tax returns to john podesta recently.
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>> no, i have not. but thank you for asking once again, rachael. i really think this is hillary's night. i just thought it was an incredible speech. my daughter was there. you think of all those kids like her 20 years old exciting to see this new beginning and something that i never got to see growing up. these kids are seeing it and seeing history in the making. >> amy, thank you very much. thanks for your good humor as i continually tease you on the same point again and again and again. >> thank you. >> and who better to note the history of this moment than author and presidential historian michael beshloff. michael, what is it we're witnessing here? >> we're witnessing the breaking of another barrier in presidential politics. the one against women. astoundingly we've gone for 227 years since the first presidential election without a
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woman being nominate bid major party. 96 years since women sufferage. the three great barrier breakers of presidential politics last 5 of 6 years, john kennedy the first catholic in 1960, obama, of course, the first african-american. and in 2008. but kennedy and obama arguably during those campaigns didn't talk a lot about the fact that they were breaking those barriers except for when they felt that they needed to defend themselves. what was different about tonight is that hillary clinton not only talked about the fact that she's going to be the first woman that went back all the way to seneca falls and talked about glass ceilings and other parts of the history of women's equality in the united states. but it's quite clear she's going to make that a central part of her appeal in this campaign. that was not so much true of obama or kennedy. >> michael, is our country capable of doing 43 whilt guys in a row and then the first
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black president and then the first woman president in that successi succession? >> i think that's one of the glories of this country. not only are we capable of that, but that we derive a huge benefit from it. that's the glory of america. and in a way, given everything that founders were talking about, you know, back in the 18th century, at the same time they couldn't imagine a woman as president but if you had pushed them hard and said what's the natural result of these lovely ideas that you're talk about? they would have said this is it. >> and those who fear it's going to be hot and humid in philadelphia, you would simply remind them that that first summer they at least got through it to form a nation. >> they formed a nation and there was not even air conditioning. >> not even air conditioning. can you imagine it? michael, i'll ask you to remain in place. we're coming up on the 11:00 hour here in the east. which would indicate --
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>> poll closing in california. and again this is a massive number of delegates. 475 are pledged. it's hard to overstate how hard bern yes sanders and secretary clinton have worked to try to win california. that this is very, very important, even with her having clinched the nomination. >> a look at the competitive races we are watching tonight as it now becomes 11:00 in the east. there is california. and our determination in yellow upper right, too early to call with 0% in. here is the history of tonight thus far. you see new jersey there. in the upper left is california. south dakota is still too close. montana too early. we've projected winners in the new mexico primary and the final caucus in the country.
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that is north dakota with its 11 delegates awarded now to bernie sanders. >> let me say also about california, one thing to keep in mind about this vote tonight is that, "a," california is a very, very large state. it has also a massive population, and it has a voting system that is not set up for speed. it's more for comfort, less for speed. and there have been a number of statewide races in california, even just in recent years, where we didn't know for a very, very long time what the result was. when senator dianne feinstein ran against michael huffington, 1994, election day was november 8th. feinstein was not able to declare victory until ten days later. camilla harris, a u.s. senate candidate competing in the senate primary tonight, that interesting top two finishers, regardless of primary -- regardless of party primary tonight in california, when camilla harris became attorney general in california in 2010, that race was not called for
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three weeks. people could turn in their ballots, mail in their ballots just with a postmark as of today. ballots didn't even have to be received by today. and so, if it is a very, very close race in california, which the latest polls showed that it would be, there's a possibility that we will not have this race called tonight in california for a long time. i'm not saying for sure that will happen, but there has been recent history of california taking a long while to call statewide close races. >> it's not just a matter of putting on a pot of coffee for tonight. it could be, you know, food for days. it strikes me. andrea mitchell remains there in the hall at the brooklyn navy yard. and andrea, when i arrived as white house correspondent, you had just covered the arrival of the clintons in washington. you have covered the journey in all the years since. talk about tonight in terms of
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the long-term time frame. >> reporter: i was very struck by hillary clinton talking about dorothy rodham, her mother, whom she talked about on roosevelt island when she was kicking off her campaign. i knew mrs. rodham. and the fact that she was born on the day that women got the right to vote, when i think of the art of my own career covering the 1977 women's conference in houston for international women's year, going with hillary clinton to beijing when she first declared that women's rights are human rights and human rights are women's rights, that was a speech that the state department and the national security council did not want her to give. and she with her speechwriter huddled on the plane as we were flying to beijing, not letting the state department and national security council staff see the draft, because she knew they would try to veto it.
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so this is a moment that has been many years in the making, and she has had a lot of missteps and made a lot of wrong turns along the way, and she's still going to have to pay the price for those with the e-mails and all of the other things she's done to protect her from the preying eyes of journalists and the freedom of information lawsuits, but this is a moment that really is historic in every sense of the word. and talking about her mother and her daughter who is about to have another baby, you really feel that sense tonight -- it is interesting she never mentioned her husband, bill clinton. she mentioned her mother and her daughter from the stage. she didn't mention her husband, who was mobbed by the crowd when he worked the rope line here. one of the things -- chris matthews was talking about what she said, her tough language against donald trump. she said, my mother taught me not to back down from a bully, and that is true. that is her childhood in park ridge, illinois, and she's not going to back down from this campaign.
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i think she feels that she has found the right cadence, the right sound to go after the issues that he himself has handed her. and he was mocking her for playing the women's card right when we were in philadelphia for that primary night. well, she turned that to advantage by turning it into a fund-raising vehicle and having a website where they issued women's card, membership cards to anyone who wanted to sign up and donate some money. so, i thought this speech, as chris and all of you have been saying was magnanimous to bernie sanders, and i think now is the moment to reach out. already the talks are under way, very preliminariarily, between jeff weaver for sanders and hillary clinton and we'll have to see whether they can, you know, rep tate the moment where obama, barack obama and hillary clinton came together and dianne feinstein's northwest d.c.
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living room. hillary clinton's suggestion, following up on an invitation from dianne feinstein, exactly eight years ago this week. that's when they sat together drinking glasses of water and one on one worked out the deal to make it possible for her to be his secretary of state, which i think made it possible for this night to take place. where she takes it from here remains to be seen, whether she runs a smart campaign and takes advantage of the fact that she is running against a candidate who has hurt himself badly in the last couple of weeks, giving her certainly a lot of ammunition in this campaign. >> andrea mitchell in the brooklyn navy yard looking at the long scope of what led up to tonig tonight. in addition to nicolle wallace, former white house communications director, eugene with the "washington post." let us not forget steve kornacki, when you least expected, over at the board,
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crunching the numbers. what do you have from california? >> something significant just happened. early in the returns, you're seeing what's come in so far, but remember how they give out delegates on the democratic side. it is by district. there are 53 districts in california. the threshold is you've just got to get 15% in each district to get some delegates out of there. so we don't know who's going to win the state, we don't know what the margin's going to be, but even with a small amount of vote coming in, we concede that hillary clinton is going to be hitting that threshold in at least a certain number of districts here. so, what does that mean? what just happened? take a look at this delegate board. this was live data. hillary clinton, we've already projected, nbc has projected over 100 pledged delegates from california. remember, there are 475 total. you could still lose, you could still get blown out and get more than 100, so we have added more than 100 now to this pledged delegate column for hillary clinton. why is this important? why is this significant? because with 2,043 now in this column, the pledged delegate
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column, it guarantees that hillary clinton at the end of this primary season, at the end of tonight, at the end of the final primary next week in washington, d.c., it guarantees she will have an outright majority of the pledged delegates. that is a key moment here in this race. remember, there's a long time here the bernie sanders campaign has been talking about, or certainly was talking about the idea that he could maybe overtake her in the pledged delegate count, that by doing it, it would be a way to look at these superdelegates the sanders campaign is always talking about, to tell them, hey, you've got to back off hillary clinton because bernie sanders won the pledged delegate count. well, now hillary clinton -- i believe the number 2,026 is the 50% threshold. she is north of that and climbing. so, she will have an outright pledged delegate majority from all of the primaries and caucuses. that milestone she has just reached. >> steve, thank you. to eugene, it's not like voters will be in the squishy middle,
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unsure if they like a trump type or a clinton type. to chuck todd's point, that speech tonight was a clear alternative to the earlier speech. >> you have a very clear choice. i mean, i thought that was certainly one of her better performances, a really good speech. she delivered it really well. the atmosphere, the backdrop did have a lot of energy, as chuck todd said, and presented her, i thought, in a sort of -- in a great light for what is essentially the kickoff of her general election campaign. the line of the speech that seems to me really to be resonating is that when donald trump talks about making america great again, he's talking about taking america backward. and in important ways, the democratic party is the party of people for whom the good old days were not so great, you know, the days when african-americans were
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second-class citizens and women were confined to the kitchen and latinos were fine for picking grapes, but that was -- you know, but don't bother us, don't bother being involved in civic affairs. and you know, for white males who are not college educated, the old days were better. and indeed, that's one of trump's biggest and best demographics. but the weight of the population is shifting, and -- >> has shifted. >> and has shifted, right, and continues to shift. and so, what you heard was a speech that is really more aimed at today's america than trump's, which was kind of aimed at yesterday's america. >> nicolle? >> yeah, a writer friend e-mailed me and said i'm so moved by this moment. i just got my daughter to watch with me.
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i said as a woman in politics, i'm hardly immune from the moment. i wrote a fictional novel about a woman president. and i traveled the country and women came up to me who had been hillary clinton supporters in '08 and said i'm still not over it. and anne kornblut had this experience when she wrote "notes from the glass ceiling." there are women who have been waiting every day for this moment since '08 who felt that hillary clinton got screwed in '08 who felt that she sort of got run out of that primary. now, obama won fair and square and this year she won fair and square, but i think it's been way too long in the coming. and we're going to talk about these people. we're probably going to spend more days talking about things that hillary clinton does and says, things that donald trump does and says, but something far more boring but far more determinative of the outcome as the demographics of this country -- you cannot win a national election with just white guys. it's impossible. so, we could actually, like, all go home and never come back for a nine-hour shift and be able to know a lot about what's going to
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happen in november because of demographics, so -- >> they're telling me in my ear that we can't go -- >> no, i tried. >> that request turned down. >> but i nominate you for -- >> i can be the spokesperson. but she has a couple things going for her i think in this moment. she's got some momentum. we watched thursday's speech together. >> thursday's speech was quite something -- >> i was on the edge of my chair. >> the foreign policy speech. >> this is a speech people will read in history books. people will show their kids the speech when a woman became the political nominee for the first time. i don't think this is a speech she will repeat much of. i think campaigns are fought in the negative terrain, sadly. i don't want to be a buzz-kill, but i think this will become negative after tonight. >> she went negative on trump, so -- >> right, right. so, this is not the framework of what she'll be talking about after tonight, but i think it is important to stop tonight and not just to mark the history but to really wonder why it took so long. >> yeah.
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>> what are we going to do, screw it up? like the men have done such a great job. no offense. >> okay! [ laughter ] >> look at the time. across the newsroom -- across the newsroom to longtime white male lawrence o'donnell, who's been watching and listening. lawrence, your feelings. >> to the historical note, and i'm glad we've made all of these positive historical observations tonight, but let's recognize where we are in the world. what this means is we are now one step closer to catching up to the biggest democracy in the world, india. in 1966, they're 50 years ahead of us, they elected indira gandhi, israel not long after that. it's worth noting just how far behind the world we are in this move. and in terms of the two big speeches we've seen tonight, there was the first one, the first presumptive nominee,
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donald trump, hunkered down in a bunker, a country club with restricted access, very small crowd, speaking for about 16 minutes, one of his shortest speeches of his life. and then hillary clinton comes on, she only speaks for two minutes more, but it seemed as if she was there for an hour in a commanding sort of way, because what she walked out to was a convention-style, massive audience, massive chamber where she's delivering what is clearly a victory speech. the trump speech was a guy in a lifeboat trying to hang on is the only way you can interpret it at that point. she rewrote trump's key line. she rewrote the "let's make america great again" into -- these are her words -- "let's take america backwards." that's what she said that statement means, and she said it means going backwards to when not everyone had the rights that they have now. and a quick parentheses about
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something gene said, when he said there was a time back there in trump history somewhere where for the high school educated, white male, things were better. i don't think that's true. i think if you go back to those times, they had limited access to higher education. if you look at who was in our more elite colleges, it was not people from the kinds of neighborhoods that those people are from. now in many of those elite colleges, you have skyrocketing enrollment in public school students and people on financial aid. they didn't have financial aid programs back in the days that donald trump is thinking about. the daughters and sisters of those white men had extremely limited opportunities, and they knew that they had limited opportunities. those white men knew that their daughters and sisters and wives did. and so, it is a mirage for them to think that if they could just get back there, things would be much better. there are more outboard motors
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in driveways out there in middle class america now than there were back then. they're doing better in so many more ways than donald trump is willing to acknowledge. >> maria teresa kumar is also with us, the head of voto latino. we welcome her back to our small band, merry band of analysts and contributors. and michelle bernard rejoins us, ceo and president of the bernard center for women, politics and public policy, a lawyer by trade but not by daily application. maria, your feelings about what we've witnessed tonight. >> first of all, i think it was incredibly historic. the fact that she was able to set a tone and she felt comfortable being in this place, but more importantly, when she was talking about america, she acknowledged that she has to bridge -- she has to build bridges with bernie sanders, but also with the folks of donald trump. she recognized that a lot of the folks within the donald trump camp are with him because they
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actually do feel left behind, they haven't recovered from the great recession, they feel that the america that was theirs, that even if they had a high school education, they still could strive to become the middle class. and when she went negative on donald trump, she didn't go negative on his folks. she said you know, i hear you. and it's the very first time in a long time, which i thought was really refreshing, that she said i'm going to be not just your president, i'm going to be america's president. and that is such a deep contrast to what we saw with donald trump. today, yes, folks were saying, well, he was a little -- he was lifeless when he was talking, but he wasn't talking to his base. he was talking to those republicans that feel uncomfortable having to vote for him, who basically say i don't want to pull that lever because he doesn't seem like the person that i believe america to be. the fact that he got so marginalized by the republicans today, the establishment, that he basically alienated them -- he said, shoot, i actually have to open up the camp? and if you notice what his theme was, make america first. let's nation-build. he started talking about
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economic policies, he started resonating in a way that is opening it to, again, independents and republicans that feel uncomfortable with him. but if you saw how he signed off, he made a nod to his rabid base and said "make america great." that's the only way he used it, but he punctuated it, almost like a nod -- i have to pivot, but i haven't forgotten you. >> michelle, same question. >> brian, i forgot the question. but i will tell you that this recovering lawyer has been thinking about the speech in terms of symbolism. rachel mentioned her earlier. we saw her in the tape that was played right before hillary clinton spoke, shirley chisholm. there are so many people since 2008 who believe, myself one of them, that shirley chisholm gave us barack obama and she gave us hillary clinton. she was the first african-american woman to win a seat in congress here from the great state of new york. she ran for president in 1972. and when she announced her candidacy, the parallels that
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she drew at that time are so important in the context of barack obama and hillary clinton. she talked about being black. she talked about being a woman, but she also talked about the fact that she was running to represent the people. and in part of her speech -- i just want to quote her because i thought it was so important. she said that her presence at that point in time "marked a new error in american political history." and that's what i found so fascinating about hillary clinton's speech. even if the speech was not perfect, you know, she does not have the oratory style of a barack obama, her presence alone was so important. when she talked about her mother and, you know, and the era that her mother was born in, and if you thought about what her mother's generation went through and people before her mother, i think it's important for all of the young women who today believe that feminism is a dirty word, that there was a time when married women were legally dead basically in the eyes of the law. i'm just going to read off a few
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stats -- women were not allowed to vote, women had to submit to laws when they really had no voice whatsoever in their formation, married women had no property rights, divorce and child custody laws favored men, giving women no rights. so much has absolutely changed. and you know, in looking at that video, i kept thinking about the young women who have supported bernie sanders and who hillary clinton has had to fight so hard for, and the video i think sort of showed them that all of the women who have been members of the feminist movement were young women, you know, at one point in time. and if we sort of look at the women's rights movement today in a very different way, i think that hillary clinton is going to be able to appeal to young women in a way we hadn't thought of earlier in the campaign. and i just want to again give a few examples. the three founders of the black lives movement, three women. women who started the, you know,
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bring back our girls movement, the social justice campaigns that we've seen on twitter, were women. we've seen women become rape activists, #bringbackjada. the women who started mothers against drunk driving and on and on and on and on. and i think that we have found a way for hillary clinton to tie what her mother's generation to the young women of today, and i think that she's got momentum going, and i'm really looking forward to seeing really amazing things in terms of the history of her candidacy. >> michelle, thank you. and to our viewers just joining us, the banner at the bottom of the screen is important, as we just heard steve kornacki report, clinton reins the majority of pledged delegates. that's the debate. that's the ball game. and while news organizations gave the nomination to her last night, now with the math tonight, that becomes it.
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>> the news organizations' calls last night were on the basis of the pledged delegates that had come in thus far, even though nobody had a majority, plus the superdelegates committing, basically, toes who they were going to support. but if you were dissatisfied with that measure because you didn't want to hear from the superdelegates until they cast their votes, well, now we know who will win a majority of the pledged delegates in the race, no matter what the superdelegates do. that person is hillary clinton. it's important not just in the abstract, it's important in the specific. we heard at the beginning of the broadcast from senator sanders' one endorser in the senate, senator jeff merkley of oregon. he said if hillary clinton reaches this benchmark tonight, then he believes as a sanders supporter that this primary is over. and so, this is an -- i mean, all of these things are benchmarks, but this is kind of it. this is the one. >> as we go to a break, just a little bit of news, though. a lack of suspense. california to donald trump, the gop primary there. we're back with more right after this.
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11:25 eastern time. an update from the big sky state of montana, democratic primary there. 27 delegates at stake. too close to call. look at the yellow bar, upper right-hand side of your screen. it disappears for a while, then it comes back, telling us -- >> hey, there it is! >> -- too close to call. 34% of the vote in. yes, okay, it is a pet peeve among our studio staff. steve kornacki's at the big board. steve? >> we're watching the numbers start to come in from california. look, this looks like an enormous route right now. you see hillary clinton leading by 27 points. there's two things you could say -- first of all, there's three things you could say -- probably more than three. i'll give you three, though, as quick as i can. number one, it is very early. we've got 13% in now, so there's a lot still to come in.
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number two, the way the vote comes in in california is very different. it's staggered and there's three very specific phases to this. we're in phase number one. this is the early vote. this is vote by mail. so, in california, you can request a mail ballot. you can also request to permanently receive a mail ballot. so, a big chunk of the electorate -- and this tends to be older, more partisan, more democratic, less independent. in other words, this is generally a more reliable constituency for hillary clinton. that's what we're seeing come in right now. so, it was always expected that in this first phase, hillary clinton would be doing better than bernie sanders. the question is, though, is she doing so much better right now that it's not going to be possible for him to catch up in the second and third phase, which he should do better in? the second phase are people who actually went to the polls today and voted. there you're probably going to get more independents, younger people, people who are more recently turned on to this process. then the third phase is sort of the overtime phase. it may or may not come in to
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play, depending on how close things are. that is people who decided today or yesterday to mail in their ballot. if your ballot in california is post marked by midnight tonight and if it's received by the election board within three days, it is counted. so it's possible if this thing gets really tight, it's possible this could drag on more than just a few hours but a few days. but right now the key here is you're seeing from hillary clinton the numbers coming in so far. this is probably, it's fair to say right now, a more substantial early lead than was expected. so this is good news for her. it's still early, still a chance for sanders. you see the strength for sanders to the extend there is any on this board right now, in some of the more remote, rural parts, crescent city by the oregon border. the rest very solid for clinton right now. >> steve, thank you. right now chris matthews is wondering if this constitutes a long-term assignment to wait until every vote is counted before he leaves california, considering it's safe to travel back to washington. chris, take it away. >> thank you, brian.
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i've got the mayor of this city, his honor, eric garcetti, and bob shrum, one of the greatest speech writers of all time, who teaches at usc, university of southern california. we're watching something about to happen. at some point in the next couple weeks, bernie sanders, the senator from vermont who's ran this heroic campaign, built an army of people who have never been involved in politics, he calls it a political revolution. how does he maneuver back to a supporter of the one who won, hillary clinton? how does he do it? >> remember in new hampshire when he won, he told his supporters, remember in november, the enemy isn't each other, it's us and a republican vision that would move this country backwards, and i take him at that word. i think he's a great american. his supporters have been tremendous. they've been a breath of fresh air. they've been the energy behind this campaign. but tonight i heard a woman not just marking history but talking about how she would make history. and i'm excited about that. i'm a father of a little girl and i couldn't help tearing up.
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this is a moment in history where i think it will be clear -- i'll leave it up to bernie and his supporters to do. i've been there with howard dean, with barack obama, win and lose. i know these are emotional moments, but in a couple weeks when the dust settles, it will be a clear choice. >> i thought dean had it. bob shrum, you wrote the big speech for ted kennedy when he had to concede at the '80 convention. okay, let's move on, how does bernie write this speech to tell his millions of supporters, i'm asking you to vote for hillary clinton, but somehow, keep the army, the populist cause together? how does he do both? >> i think he'll do it before the convention, although he will give a speech at the convention. if he loses here in california, i suspect he might even do it in the next week before the d.c. primary. hillary clinton understands the hurt of this. she's been through it. she knows he needs space and room. they have a basis to settle that i think is pretty clear. they can reform the nominating process, get rid of, for example, the superdelegates, which the clinton people must
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hate after last night, because they wanted tonight to be the moment when they captured the nomination -- >> they didn't need them anyway. >> right, they didn't need them anyway. and two, on the platform, on things like the $15 minimum wage, wall street regulation, debt-free college, they've got a real basis for agreement. and she has been very careful not to push him. she paid tribute to him tonight in what was a very graceful, well-delivered speech. by the way, don't ever tell me she can't deliver a speech anymore. she seems to have learned why microphones were invented and she knew how to surf the applause -- >> explain that, surf. how does that work? >> in the room, if you're standing there giving a speech, you continue to hear applause after it dies down for the television audience. so as it starts to die down, you have to pick up and start speaking again. otherwise, on television, you look like you're having awkward pauses, or alternatively, you're yelling over the applause. >> yeah, she's got it right now.
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she said something interesting in her speech. there are two campaigns but we're working together. i get a sense that bernie will throw his troops behind hillary, but he'll keep them his troops. >> well, that's what howard dean did. he helped reorganize the democratic party and led the party, continued a 50-state strategy, and i think that's smart. he's earned it, he deserves it, his people need that, but in november, it's not a choice between three or four people anymore. it's two. >> but he keeps his list of contributors. >> absolutely. >> you're laughing, but you know the value of that. >> absolutely, and he's earned every single one of them, he should. but we have to make sure we have the resources. there will be a lot of resources behind trump. >> this is a new one that was thrown in this week because of what was said -- what hillary clinton had said about the guy who's the suspect in the mass killings down in south carolina. she said that she was supporting the federal government's position, the prosecutors on capital punishment. bernie responded that he wants to stops capital punishment. is that where she has to hold
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her line? >> i think she will hold the line there, but the line that separates them is very thin. she says she would favor capital punishment in cases like mass murder. >> yeah. >> he says he would oppose it in all cases. >> yeah. >> mass murder is not what most people receive capital punishment for. so i don't think their positions are very much different. >> no, and i think if you look at this, it's pretty clear. you look at a guy like donald trump and you look on things like education, you know, bernie and hillary both have plans to reduce the debt for students. trump has plans to give people debt through a fraudulent university. those things are different. >> i think trump has been dancing on the abyss for months now. but when he went out against that judge who has the hispanic surname, knowing nothing else about him except his name sounded spanish, that's -- >> my father was the first latino prosecutor of this county in 100 years. i'm proud. i'm half mexican, half jewish with an italian last name. if you can't elected with that, you shouldn't run. but i'm proud of all that
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heritage. and that would mean my father wouldn't be qualified to go after people because he was mexican american. this is un-american. >> big thing then, what does that say to your constituents who are largely hispanic? >> we tried to get 300 people to a recent registration, people going out to become citizens. we had 4,000 of them show up. people are highly motivated. they remember when bill clinton was president, many of our family members became citizens. they knows folks like my grandfather, who served this country and are medal of valor winners, mexican american community. and it's not just mexican americans. is he unqualified to talk about golf because his mother was scottish? i mean, these things are patently un-american and i think we will see that play out. >> was this an unforgettable mistake? unforgivable. >> yes. >> unforgivable, but he was already in a demographic cul-de-sac, in terrible shape with millennials, with women, latinos and with african-americans. >> and the old rule is, when you're in a cul-de-sac, stop digging. >> and he kept digging. >> what happened when he tried to stop digging tonight? it turns out there are only two trumps, wild trump and boring
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trump. >> he kept saying i'm just a fighter for you. back to you, brian and rachel. >> thank you, chris. thank you to your guests, especially the mayor and the bob shr shrum point mirrors the point you were making, there is teleprompter donald trump and -- >> those are two trumps, one of which makes the republican establishment much more comfortable with him, one of which is the guy who won the primary. and if they want a winning campaign of a candidate they are comfortable with, those two things have to come together, which nobody knows that it's possible. >> as we go to a break, we'll show you the scene. bernie sanders is going to speak at this event. it could be a while. remember local time in california, it's not all that late as it is here on the east coast. our coverage continues right after this. >> it may be hard to see tonight, but we are all standing under a glass ceiling right now.
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but don't worry, we're not smashing this one. thanks to you, we've reached a milestone -- the first time in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party's nominee for president of the united states.
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tonight we close one chapter in history and we begin another. our campaign received more primary votes than any gop campaign in history, no matter who it is, no matter who they are, we received more votes. this is -- [ cheers and applause ] great feeling. that's a great feeling. this is not a testament to me but a testament to all of the people who believed real change, not obama change, but real change is possible. >> it is a more disciplined delivery. it is also a different donald trump speaking on a teleprompter, which is, after all, an unnatural way to be when we know his natural state, but that has been the problem. we're going to attempt a little trump bank shot here. we're going to start with nicolle wallace and then for necessary reasons go to ben ginsburg, steve schmidt and
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chuck todd. nicolle, because i want you to talk about timing today in how the public interfaced with donald trump and the job he had to do today regarding the federal judge. >> okay, so, here's how i understand the day in donald trump's life. he woke up to a cacophony of republican angst and rage and despair and -- >> in other words, tuesday. >> yeah, tuesday in the republican primary. but to the degree that the establishment matters at all, it's because many of them speak before microphones, right? they're public figures. so, when they're all mad at you at once and when they all believe that you have now crossed the threshold of racism, that's a problem even for donald trump. so he set out today to bring in some members of that small inner circle and try to fix that problem. we heard he was working on a statement around 11:00 this morning. he was involved in the writing. i believe he drafted it himself. he got some input. that statement went out. soon after -- >> the statement about the
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judge. >> the statement about the judge went out, which a lot of people felt was inadequate, but it did seek to put the issue in a box of this was a business matter. i respect people of all nationalities or heritage, whatever word he used. so, he apparently throughout the day was also working on and practicing tonight's teleprompter speech. but in between the statement going out and the speech delivered tonight at the country club in westchester county, he taped an interview with sean hannity where we're learning some things from that interview which suggest that he had more to say about the judge issue. so my question -- >> so, the statement's i'm not going to talk about the judge minimum. >> right, right. >> then as soon as the statement's done and it goes out, then he has an interview where he talks about the judge some more. >> i haven't seen the hannity interview because it aired while we were chained to our chairs. so, the speech about discipline, the speech from the prompter, maybe at the end of the day it was just sort of a rain drop in a much bigger storm. so, i don't -- you know, it was my sense earlier it may have
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calmed some of the waters. reince priebus put out a tweet, chairman of the gop, saying it was a victory speech, tonight's speech. but i don't know the answer, you know. i don't know if -- i guess i will put this to my republican soul mates over here. what is the trump headline tomorrow morning? i don't know. ben? steve? >> ben? steve? >> band-aid or turning the corner, you make the call. it was an interesting speech for dealing with the noise that he heard this morning. the question is what happens at the first big rally? is he using a teleprompter or is he talking as we've heard him talk in the past? and that will end up being the big question on how he's perceived. >> steve? >> i think the most important line in any of the speeches tonight was when hillary clinton went out and said he is temperamentally unfit to be commander in chief, to be president of the united states. and the tolerance inside the republican party for him to prove her right by the next
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outlandish statement, the next lack of discipline in a speech at a rally is very, very low. so i think that he didn't make his problems worse tonight. i think he calmed the republican waters. but going forward, tomorrow, the next day, the tolerance for the type of behavior that has caused this outcry in the republican party has gotten very, very low. >> and chuck todd, our political director, what nicolle said earlier tonight, being very blunt, which sometimes you have to be, about the math of this race -- you can't get elected president just using an electorate of white guys. it doesn't work in america. it's not there. if you were counseling the trump campaign, well, where do you want to begin? what would you say? >> well, number one, you picked a bad week to have a bad week. i mean, of all nights to have a bad -- >> that's a good quote. >> you know, think about tonight, the culmination. you know who else is watching tonight? it's not just people with
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microphones, it's also a lot of republican donors that have been watching in the last 72 hours. and the next four weeks, if they are not a successful financial fund-raising four weeks for donald trump in the rnc -- you know, he already was going to get outspent 2-1 in this presidential race. that gap could widen. but by the way, there was more history made tonight that i don't think -- at least it's recent history. because something struck me tonight when i realized what we did not hear from both hillary clinton and donald trump. neither one of them congratulated the other. and i know that that seems like, oh, you wouldn't expect it, and obviously, neither thinks the other one's qualified to even be running for president. but contrast it to 2008. when steve schmitz, john mcca mccain's campaign, actually bought a tv ad congratulating barack obama on a historic achievement. you guys ran a 30-second spot congratulating him on this moment in history. barack obama called up mitt
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romney and congratulated him when he was officially the presumptive nominee. this gore -- correct me if i'm wrong, but president bush called john kerry when he became the presumptive nominee. i think al gore e-mailed george w. bush. we've looked all this up. the point is, this is how bad our politics are getting. the two nominees can't even acknowledge each other at all that they have accomplished something. and we've lost that. and so, i know i'm, like, sometimes sound pollyannish, but we are headed for an election where half the country is not going to accept the outcome. when you can't even acknowledge that the other side deserves a congratulations on an achievement that is very difficult, winning a major party presidential nomination -- when that simple decorum is gone, think about what the next 4 1/2 months is going to look like. it's an amazing thing that hasn't happened.
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and i understand why it hasn't. hillary clinton says he's temporarily unfit to be president, so why congratulate him? donald trump says she belongs in jail, so why congratulate her? but that's where our politics have degraded in just four years. >> as people at home rush to look up the word decorum, because we haven't had to use it in a while, eugene, i always remember the story lbj is leaving washington. he's at andrews air force base. on the edge of the crowd he sees the face of a young texas congressman, george h.w. bush, who went to the airport because he thought it was the right thing to do. can you imagine? >> yeah, that sounds so long ago and far away. i mean, it's -- we are in a completely different era of american politics now. and that which once existed, the manners, just plain manners of interpersonal relationships are gone. there are very few interpersonal
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relationships. ironically, these are two people who actually know each other, right? donald trump and hillary clinton -- >> one was at the other's wedding. >> one was at the other's wedding. they were both new york big wigs at the same time. >> he was a donor to her senate campaign. >> exactly. so, but no, of course they can't congratulate each other because they have trashed each other so, and that's the way it's going to be. i mean, you know, they barely acknowledge the other's existence except in the most negative of ways. and as far as each is concerned, the other has no redeeming social value whatsoever. worse than usual, but the whole year has been worse than usual. >> it should be noted, one of the other calls that we're waiting for tonight, which we suspect will be tonight, if not very soon thereafter, will be hillary clinton and bernie sanders speaking. senator sanders is due to speak in about an hour. we don't yet know anything about what he's going to say. we know he's going to vermont tomorrow. we know that he has scheduled a rally in washington, d.c., on
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thursday and has asked people to rsvp to attend that. but as that starts to happen, as we're waiting for that call between sanders and clinton, the other thing that may be on deck on the democratic side of things is a presidential endorsement of hillary clinton now that he has effectively and determinatively clinched the democratic nomination. nobody knows exactly when that endorsement will come from president obama. we have been told by pretty good sources that it's going to be this week. there's a lot of buzz tonight that that endorsement may come tomorrow. if so, that will be a whole new dynamic in the democratic race in terms of that. >> in the interparty sort of end game, a whole lot of people will be paying attention to manners and how people are treated -- >> exactly. >> -- with respect, with decorum, everything sort of by the book and then some. and ideally for the democratic party, it dawns on everyone concerned that it's in their
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best interests to work together. that's the ideal outcome for democrats. there are less ideal outcomes. because the larger task -- and it's not -- you know, it's not automatic -- is bringing the sanders supporters along. >> yeah. >> and so you know, sanders comes along, whether he's happy or unhappy or whatever, he comes along, that's one guy. he's got millions out there. >> do you guys think the aggressive moves are smoothed over? >> it's a beg, open question.
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>> does bernie sanders -- how clear does he make it that he really wants his people to forget the past, forget that i trashed hillary clinton and come on, because this is serious, we've got to stop trump? >> hey, can you hit south dakota. they found out who's been hacking into our network.
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who? guess. i don't know, some kids in a basement? you watch too many movies. who? a small business in china. a business? they work nine to five. they take lunch hours. like a job? like a job. we tracked them. how did we do that? we have some new guys defending our network. new guys? well, they're not that new. they've been defending things for a long time. [ digital typewriting ] it's not just security. it's defense. bae systems.
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>> we have an update from the golden state. here's the official read. you see 28%. too early to call, but hillary clinton in the lead. too early to call, clinton leads in california which brings us to steve at his board. >> we can tell you pretty much why that is. again, this is about the early vote that's coming in, people that mailed in the ballots a little time ago. they were counted up quickly. that's mainly what you're seeing here. basically clinton is doing better than expected with the early vote, the vote that was done a couple days ago.
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maybe a little bit more than that. here's an example, los angeles county, l.a. county, a 2-1 margin here. we're seeing margins like this in places across the state. santa clara county, where san jose is, about a 2-1 margin for hillary clinton there in the early vote. it doesn't mean sanders can't win. he'll just have to do now with the same-day vote what hillary clinton did with the early vote. he'll have to do a lot better than expected. we don't have enough of that. we're not looking at enough of that right now to be able to say anything. in the early vote, she's doing better than expected. right now it's advantage clinton. >> steve, thanks. another break is upon us. when we come back, we will bridge the top of a new hour. >> do we stand a chance? >> phew. >> we can win, okay? >> our long night continues.
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>> we're back midnight eastern time. this is right now what we're watching. california too early to call. 30% of the vote in. a bernie sanders speech and rally yet to come tonight in the golden state. >> a vote difference of 360,000 votes between the candidates would make it hard not to call, but in a state of 40 million people that counts as a relatively small margin with only a third of the vote in. let's go to chuck todd.
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chuck, the white house just put out a statement about president obama and his role sort of in the end of this democratic primary. >> they did it literally at midnight, almost as if to sort to send a message, don't ask me questions about him endorsing in the morning. this is from the office of the press secretary. president obama called both secretary clinton and senator sanders, congratulating them for running a campaign that, quote, inspired democrats. and congratulated secretary clinton to secure the delegates necessary to clinch the nomination for president, and called her campaign historic, that inspired millions. the president -- then it says here, the president thanked senator sanders for energizing millions of americans to his commitment for fighting economic inequality and special influence in our politics. and says, in addition at the request of senator sanders the president and senator sanders will meet at the white house on thursday to continue their conversation, quote, about the
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significant issues at stake in this election that matter most to america's working families. so i think, as the president looks forward to continuing the conversation with senator sanders about how to build on the extraordinary work he has done to engage millions of democratic voters. so a couple things to read out of that. number one, don't expect an endorsement tomorrow of hillary clinton. and probably don't expect it thursday. you would assume he wouldn't do it on the same day he meets with bernie sanders. so i think this at least gives you a timeline. i talked to a couple of clinton people who seemed to say they're willing to give sanders through next tuesday, right? the d.c. primary. willing to say, you know, let it play out. that you won't see the public push to try to get him on board until that point if he hasn't come on board already, that d.c., plus this, that they want to give him space. that's basically the president
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giving him more space. >> chuck, if i remember correctly, in 2008, the last night of the primaries was june 3rd. >> right. >> hillary clinton gave a speech that night, which was not a concession speech, but kind of a thank you speech. she didn't drop out until four days later, until the following saturday, but we did get an indication, like within -- sooner than that. we got an indication on wednesday maybe, like the day after the primaries, that that concession speech was coming. >> yes. >> she gave her supporters a few days to basically settle down and get accustomed to the fact that she was concede before she leapt right into it. >> i think that's what's happening here, the same idea, giving space. we'll find out tonight, right, when bernie sanders addresses supporters. what's his tone? is it "hasn't this been an amazing ride," is it thank you, conciliatory to hillary clinton, or is there defiance in ha therr not? it seems like bernie sanders is
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in more of a conciliatory mood than his campaign. it's hard to imagine him overcoming this early vote lead in california and actually winning california. so if he doesn't have california in his pocket at this point, he doesn't have a majority of pledge delegates, which he specifically said was part of his rationale for going to the convention, is if he could meet those two markers, winning california and getting a majority of the pledge delegates. now, neither of those is likely to come true. we'll wait to see. as you say, there's still a lot of vote to count in california. but wow, this is a big advantage in the mail vote. by the way, a reminder, every single state where there was a significant early vote, clinton usually overperformed her poll numbers, because they spent time banking votes. the sanders' campaign never did. >> interesting tonight, north dakota and south dakota, two
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similar states, similar demographics, similar size population, we get senator sanders winning his last caucus in north dakota. >> yeah. >> just over the border in south dakota, a similar state, but a primary there, and she wins the primary. >> i know north dakota is the same day voter registration state. is south dakota? >> i don't know. >> by the way, that wouldn't surprise me if that were the difference, right? >> uh-huh. >> that's another reason why i'm skeptical sanders can pull off the upset in california because his voters had to make an extra effort, the ones that weren't registered democrats to get that democratic ballot. whenever you're asking your voters to make an extra effort, that's one more opportunity your voter has of not making -- of not getting the ballot they need. >> chuck, thank you very much. >> we're joined from this upcoming event in santa monica, california, by former ohio state senator nina turner, a frequent
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surrogate for bernie sanders, has been on the air for us many times. senator, i'll start by asking you if you quarrel or disagree with any part of our conversation earlier about the status of senator sanders' campaign. >> well, i do. just to hear that some people within the clinton campaign have decided they're going to give him his space, or give him until next tuesday is really disingenuous. he's been in the fight from the beginning, and has said he's going all the way to the convention. as you can hear the cheers in the background there are people who still believe in him and his mission. this is bigger than the math. this is about social security ss that says we need $15 minimum wage, universal healthcare in this nation. this is about the uplift of the people. he has a movement behind him
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that says senator sanders fight on. >> senator, you were part of an article in the "washington post" that was so interesting about this vexing question, how did this man, who was arrested during the struggle, who attended dr. king's speech on the reflecting pool, how did he fail to make the initial introduction to voters of color in this country? how did he fail to connect? and what do you believe is the answer to that? senator? we have lost nina turner. >> we'll get her back. we will get her back, i'm quite sure of it. i hereby insist. senator nina turner has been one of the most effective surrogates for senator sanders throughout the campaign. i believe we've got her back. >> did you hear the bulk of my
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question? >> no, i did not. >> let me try it again. my question was -- this comes off "the washington post" piece, along this same theme. how did this man, who attended dr. king's speech in d.c., who was arrested as part of the struggle back in the day, failed to connect with voters of color in 2016, failed to tell his story? what are your thoughts? >> yeah. well, you know, he's such a modest man. he doesn't like talking about himself that much. we can't forget that the african american community has a historic connection to the clintons, and so the fact that he was able to gain the ground that he has in less than a year is really a big deal. so when we measure that, i think we need to measure it more broadly, that he's going against a legacy candidate, he's going against a dynasty. the fact he's in this moment right now with 46% of the pledged delegates as of this moment is a miracle in and of
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itself. but you're absolutely right, the senator's story of being one of the leaders of core, of being arrested, of marching with dr. king, is a very big deal, but even right now in modern times you remember when he phillfillfilibustered for 8 1/2s against the extension of the bush tax cuts. he wasn't just doing it for the citizens of his state, but the working poor and middle-class across this state. the senator hasn't had as much time as the clintons have, but he's done an extraordinary job. >> senator turner, thank you for being with us. i know it's loud, and hard to hear us. >> yes. >> the last poll that was taken in california by cbs, they found that a majority of sanders' voters in california said they were voting for him, not necessarily because they believed he was going to get the nomination, but because they wanted to help influence the direction of the democratic party. i'm trying to just think hard and specifically about that tonight. if senator sanders isn't the
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nominee, what is the democratic party need to change? how do they need to incorporate him and this movement that you've been part of in order to honor and reflect and build on what he's been able to do? what do you want to see from the party? >> well, rachel, i want to see them make this real, not just whispering sweet nothings in the ears of the voters that senator sanders has won over. we know that in this -- in the general election, that he 2-1 independent voters, too. so what we really have to do is seriously have a conversation about raising that minimum wage. not just a conversation. let's do it. let's talk seriously about universal healthcare, the fact that we're leaving 29 million of our brothers and sisters behind, and even more people are underinsured. let's talk about opening up the primary process, rachel. what's a shame for me, and i'm pro voter first, we leave out independent voters out of the
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process in the primary, but come begging them to support the candidates in the general. voting rights, having real reform in the justice system. you know, professor alexander wrote the new jim crow. it's not enough to talk the talk, but you've got to walk the walk. senator sanders has been consistent for the last 30 years. >> you said to expect a raucous working convention this summer, basically one that is not there to be a tv ad for anybody, but is to get real work done in the democratic party. >> that's right. >> do you feel, if the nomination is settled, with hillary clinton getting a majority of pledge delegates tonight -- i know you're not conceding that senator sanders is going home anytime soon -- >> no. >> but if the nomination is settled, do you still have hope that positive, constructive work can be done at the convention to get that kind of policy work done that you're describing
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there that would be meaningful for senator sanders and all of his supporters? >> that certainly is my hope, rachel, but there's been many platforms across the ages, and very few presidential candidates execute that going forward. that's why the revolution is so important, because the voters have to hold the democratic party, whoever's the president, feet to the fire. that's what senator sanders means about a political revolution. you're absolutely right. we got to the work done to get it started. what i want to see is execution here. that is what his supporters want to see. quite frankly, rachel, the american people deserve better than what they've been getting. people are suffering. i've seen these people across this country who are really crying out for elected officials, who are not just about the politics, but they're about their principles, and that's why senator sanders, what he's accomplished to this date, is so much bigger than the math. >> former state senator nina
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turner of ohio. thank you for being with us. we'll wait to hear from the senator at the top of the hour. good to have you here, senator. >> thank you. >> steve has further intel on the california numbers. >> this is a huge lead for hillary clinton. >> wow. >> this is the early vote, the mail-in vote. if you have a hope as a sanders supporter, i'll tell you what it is, a little complicated how they do this. in most states you'd call these people independent voters. in california, no party preference. that's the label. now, the way the mail in voting works, you can request the mail-in ballot, request if you want to vote in the democratic primary, you're an independent, no party preference, but you have to specifically request the democratic party ballot. if you fail to specifically request that ballot you're sent a nonpartisan ballot in the mail. that doesn't include the democratic party. you cannot then turn and say,
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whoops, wrong ballot, send me a new one. your only recourse in the state of california, you have to bring the ballot in election day, exchange it at the polling place for a new one. you can get the democratic ballot and vote for it. it's a long way of saying the hope for sanders right now really is this, that there's a lot of no party preference voters in california that said, hey, i want to vote in this primary, they request the ballot, they didn't know they had to specifically request the democratic ballot. they came in, they voted today for sanders. the idea is there would be a surge now when you start getting the same-day vote counted. one statistic worth keeping an eye on, people that analyze this stuff out in california, their analysis shows of all those no party preference voters in california who requested mail ballots, only 15% of them requested democratic primary ballots. that means 85% of the ballots that went out to what we call independents didn't have the
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democratic primary on it. that's probably the best hope for sanders right now. a lot of these voters, who are newer, who are political independents, didn't know the specifics of these rules. they got the wrong ballot. they didn't could anything about it. did they go in huge numbers today and vote at the polls? that might be a factor. it would give clinton an early lead in the larger vote, but and give sanders a chance to catch up. again, this is a big margin. >> steve, you have a number of islands at archipelagos and -- >> this is a dangerous situation. somebody in this building has the ipa ipad is playing with it right now, doesn't know it's linked into this. let's hope they don't draw something offensive. >> this is the equivalent of pocket dialing. it's just happening visually live on -- >> this happened before when i was on the air. i thought i was having a stroke
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or something. i was promised it would never happen again. that was about two weeks ago. >> wow. looks like a flight pattern. >> let's hope it doesn't get hurt. >> that's fascinating. >> thank you, steve. perfectly done. it was going to become a conspiracy if we didn't point out. now it's just become a crime scene. >> it was bothering me. >> people are tweeting about it already. >> believe me, i've drawn worse on this board unwittingly. >> that's true. you drew something so bad you didn't even understand what it was. >> a word about nina turner. >> yes? >> anyone who has traveled, covering campaigns, working for a campaign, anything connected with a campaign, knows you can lose any of the following thinge for food, your iphone six times, your mind. it is a numbing experience. it is an all-in experience. and nights like this, when you work for a campaign, are either
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joyous or incredibly tough. everyone is exhausted. you're just traveling to the extent of your ability. >> yeah. you know, this is something we talked about at the very start of our broadcast tonight, many, many hours ago, which is at this point in the race we know what the endgame is. we know that this is going to be a general election between hillary clinton and donald trump, barring something very, very unexpected. that much we know. what we don't know is what's going to happen over the next few days. i don't think anybody can predict tonight what's going to happen in terms of the exact way this is going to end between bernie sanders and hillary clinton. it's very, very important. if you're inside sanders' inner circle, one his top advisors, or indeed if you're senator sanders himself tonight, this is a very tough time, an emotional time. as you say, it's a time when a lot of people are exhausted. they're running on fumes. i think it's important to note that the sanders campaign hasn't released information about their current fundraising.
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we have no idea what's going on with them in terms of money. it's a tough time on them, and puts a lot of pressure on him at 1:00 p.m. that speech will be very important. >> they're justify bring proud. as we go to a break, perhaps we can take another look at the event where he's expected to speak. as you look at the faces in the crowd, they are justifiably proud that many of these folks have not previously been drawn to politics or a political candidate. they came forward to be a part of this, to feel that bern. events like this take on, as last night's did in san francisco, a tinge of sadness. we're right back after this break. we're expecting to hear from bernie sanders. ♪ you're not gonna watch it! ♪
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♪ no, you're not gonna watch it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download on the goooooo! ♪ ♪ you'll just have to miss it! ♪ yeah, you'll just have to miss it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. >> we're back. here's the story right now. the story is the state of
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california, as rachel said before the break. while plot lines are kind of written, why it felt that way over 24 hours ago, a lot still to play out. we happen to have a close friend and colleague out in the golden state in one of the beautiful areas of coastline where most of us would prefer to be any given day, and that's the santa monica pier. hey, chris. >> thank you, brian. we're talking about what looks to be the most exciting event coming this week, thursday's meeting at the white house. we have no idea what they talk about. what do you think the president's role is going to be here in terms of intermediary with the two candidates? >> we know there's been an attempt to have harry reid we do the intermediary. that took place in phone calls, but it didn't go anywhere. it didn't change the tone of the
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campaign. we know there have been two phone calls so far between president obama and bernie sanders. what i'm hearing from sources in the sanders' campaign is that no one was in those meetings but senator sanders. so no one knows what was said between the president and bernie sanders, except the two of them. we don't have a lot of window into what they talked about. it's not too hard to guess at this point barack obama may be the only person who can have the complete trust of senator sanders, because he didn't endorse hillary clinton as much as he may have wanted to. he's seen as potentially a broker that can find out what it is the senator wants, and deliver that information. >> that leads us to the assumption that the senator has a price, to put it blunt, to keep him from going at the last technical shot at the nomination. >> yeah. >> i think he'd like to go into the convention, have a roll call vote, hopes that something happens between now and then he wins that thing. to give that up, hillary clinton's people have to give him something. >> right. >> i don't know how a big that
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would have to be. they could get most of his agenda items on the platform, give him the end of super superdelegates, the end of debbie wasserman-schultz. >> senator sanders is looking at a jesse 1998-84 model. he brokered structural changes to the way the entire system ran. that's the system we're living under now. complete proportionality in all the states. tip o'neill, that was his decision. >> yeah. >> the bad-mouthing, could that be a confidence-building thing, like we say in the middle east? if he'd stop going after the clinton global initiative, the transcripts of her speeches for goldman sachs. we have to call them ammo that
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trump can use. stop being a gun runner of ammo that trump could use. is that something to agree on thursday, no more attacks on hillary clinton as a person? >> senator sanders requested this meeting. we know that bernie sanders was planning to fly back to vermont. that was changed. he's now going to washington after taking a day in vermont. >> then he has a rally. >> he's going to campaign for that june 14th primary in d.c., which hillary clinton is likely to use, let's be frank. it's an overwhelming african american electorate. >> she's like to win. >> the democratic delegation in d.c. wants bernie sanders to start to turn his fire on donald trump. that's what they would. it would not surprise me if that's what the president said. again, sanders asked for the meeting. he's going in there open, i think, and we'll see if the
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president can broker the deal. >> the hardest thing for bernie sanders to come out, the adulation of the young people, to walk away from the crowd noise, never to hear it again. i think he has to find a way in his heart to keep the prospect of this continuing, that this movement he's continued from the ground up will continue through the rest of his political career, and remain the leader of it. i still listen to the language of secretary clinton tonight. she said, "bring our two campaigns together." he might keep his campaign intact and put it to the cause of helping hillary clinton get elected, defeating donald trump, but all the time being the leader of that faction of the democratic party, or that faction of populist progressive. this is fascinating stuff. a lot of it is intangible, a lot of things that bernie doesn't want to give up, but he has to find a way to stay as the leader of the pack. guys? >> there was a massive "love
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wins" signs over chris' shoulder. >> that's when you know you've made it on tv. >> that's how you know you're in santa monica. >> uh-huh. >> say what you will about the newspaper business, i can't say much, because we have a pulitzer prize winner out here, and he'll come after me, the "new york daily news" and the "new york post," beyond whatever they get in ad dollars and circulation are very sharp about marketing, about making sure we see things like covers, beyond however many people pick this up as newsstands tomorrow, they have put out a stop the presses new cover for tomorrow. this replaces the paul ryan/donald trump cover that talks about racism. there is your cover for tomorrow. a break for us tonight. and veteran viewers know we are very excited about the segment coming up, our road warriors,
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our correspondents in off the road all in the same room together at last. we'll be right back.
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>> we are back 1231 eastern time. the only drama left tonight, the race we are watching is in california. steve has been outlining it for us. it's a big place with a lot of vote.
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many, many congressional districts. this is what we have right now. too early to call, 32% of the vote in. hillary clinton in the lead. it is with great happiness and pride that we bring on our next group veteran viewers have come to love this segment, alarmingly upbeat and fresh-faced, all four of them, correspondents in off the road. i don't know how they do it. join me in welcoming them. casey, i'll start with you, and then you guys take it away. the story you told about the sanders' motorcade that has received a lot of tension in our newsroom, but was a great bit of reporting that needs to be shared with a wider world. >> thanks, brian. first of all, i would say breakfast sandwiches, that's why we're all surviving at this hour of the night. >> i got you covered right there. we all have them. >> not edible. >> no.
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i'm sure we'll talk about the history that you guys witnessed in a minute, but i think for the sanders' campaign this kind of humming to something of a bitter, maybe eventually sweet, but right now still bitter end. that phone call that bernie sanders took from president obama over the weekend, it was on his schedule, it got moved around a little bit, they had to sandwich it in between the stops, he's riding on the carousel, in the pier, everything upbeat ahead of the california primary, and privately he receives this call, and it's clear that something that he and his wife reacted to negatively, a moment that was difficult for them. we'll see that play out more as they meet at the white house and harry reid later this week. >> harry reid meeting with sanders. he can be a broker here, can play the role that dianne feinstein played between barack obama and hillary clinton exactly eight years ago. the fact that the president
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called bernie sanders and said, you know, it's over. and let's figure out how to make this work. i understand that sanders was still very resistant. it's jane sanders interesting much more aggressive in a lot of ways, has been trying to bring him down, as your spouse and partner would when you're facing real disappointment. the fact is i thought there was a real turning point in new york when he looked out at washington square, at the 28,000 people, and that has to make you feel, wow, what we've achieved. you have to, you know, pay respect to that. i thought hillary clinton actually tried be gracious. >> it seems magnanimous to me a, the way she approached him. i do think the reality is that she really needs a lot of fervor and energy from especially her younger supporters. >> absolutely.
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her tone has been so careful especially after last night after the a.p. announced her the presumptive nominee. she was careful about how she reacted to that moment. you're right, she's been very gracious. tonight she's been careful, not to say it's time for you to get out. she wants him to reach that point on his own. but president obama is going to be so pivotal to winning over some of the younger supporters who right now really flock to senator sanders. a third of his supporters saying they're not ready to support secretary clinton. i think president obama will be pivotal to energizing the obama collision. it's worth noting, and we've been to so many of these events with secretary clinton, so much energy that room tonight, it felt like history being made. >> is an important note to point out that bernie sanders drew huge crowds, these crowds that rivaled donald trump's, were oftentimes much larger. hillary clinton did not draw those same crowds during the primary. it should be a real lesson to
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donald trump that just because you're getting these giant crowds going forward, it does not mean that hillary clinton is not still a threat. >> to that point it struck me tonight, because i thought that very same thing, katie, that we've talked about throughout this campaign, the crowds that senator sanders has drawn, the excitement. tonight you really felt like she had the excitement and energy and momentum. >> in fact, she had more energy and momentum than donald trump. >> right. >> i thought it was such an awkward blend. here donald trump in the scripted moment tonight, but without a real message. >> it was the same donald trump we've been seeing on the campaign trail. part of what has lifted him to this point, as the presumptive nominee, is his irreverence, shoot from the hip style. obviously that's a problem for the campaign, and never more so than the last 48 hours when it's been almost civil war within the
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republican party. they're trying to find a goldilocks balance of donald trump the wild guy and donald trump the -- >> the scripted guy that mitch mcconnell want. the thinking is right now you'd rather have him be boring, which is what mitch mcconnell said. >> mitch mcconnell said that to me the other day. they were in louisville at the nra convention, and you know the story well. he said, you know, what are you going to say? trump said, well, i don't know, i never know. he said, well, why don't you try a speech? he said speeches are boring. >> he did read from a teleprompter at that speech. tonight makes the fifth time he's ready from a teleproper te. they need to find people to hire for their campaign. they basically don't have one. not only that, they need to find
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a vp. this week as extraordinarily damaging i'm told from sources working with the campaign in their search for a vp. there are top people out there who are saying, i don't know if i want to be involved in this. >> what we witnessed is nothing short of i thought extraordinary. this was essentially all of the republican leadership, rank-and-file essentially condemning these comments he had made. it seems like the tipping point. >> even newt gingrich. he was golfing at his golf course that same day that he was coming out, and condemning donald trump. so you have to take his comments with a grain of salt in this matter. i do still hear that he is high on that list, from speculation from those who are talking about it at least. i know that the list with the campaign is very much a tight secret right now, but this is at this time. i mean, they just -- they don't
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have much going on that's in their corner right now other than donald trump's ability to send out a tweet and get thousands of retweets and potentially thousands of supporters to show up at a rally. >> well, i think one thing in particular that got to me, and i realized this happened almost a lifetime ago, but lindsey graham saying the choice is between hillary clinton or the better of the country. i think that putting it that wag republicans have talked about this as, well, anything is better than hillary clinton. that's the first time i feel like i've felt a national prominent republican put it in that context. >> the democrats are pouncing. this is perfect for them. >> secretary clinton, i think, started this with that speech that was dubbed a major foreign policy speech. of course that wasn't really what it was. it was a speech aimed at taking apart donald trump. she really seemed to get her stride, to get her voice for
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this general election battle in that moment a lot of democrats were jittery, what's the message and strategy going to be? she really started to take him on. it was something that her -- his gop rivals didn't do during the primary. they watched. the clinton campaign watched that primary very closely. they took a lot of the lessons and -- >> she ridiculed him, but managed to do it without belittling herself, which i think was a big difference. marco rubio, even jeb bush, seemed to diminish himself in these attacks. >> it's a matter of tone. she was as tough as she was on donald trump tonight, she really did have a certain gravitas about her in the speech last week and also tonight, even though it was a rally. she's trying to, i think, avoid that screechy tone that her own advisors have told her doesn't work. she deliberately does smaller events. she doesn't draw big crowds.
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>> it seems like she's been releaserring these speeches. you're right, they were carefully moderated. >> it seems like her voice is lower than it's been. >> i don't think she's working with a voice coach, but i think she's taking the speeches seriously. i think there have been several drafts. >> they're better written. >> i was at a small event in california, and her mike went out, and she joked, i know what not to do in this situation, to yell over the crowd. we've seen a looseless, a sense of natural rumor. >> the question now is what bernie sanders going to do? that's the question that looms over this conversation. i think all of the political conversation right now. oh, to be a fly on the wall at the white house on thursday. we're going to try to get as close as we possibly can, but the contours of this election coming together. >> i'm telling you, it's almost
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1:00 in the morning. take those four correspondents, put them up against any four correspondents. we've got it hands down. alarmingly upbeat. i don't know how they do it with their travel schedule. thank you. >> absolutely. 1:00 a.m. pattern eastern, 10:0. local time in california, we expect bernie sanders to address a pretty good-size crowd in santa monica, the airport, not a big airport, but a lot of people at the airplane hangar there. hillary clinton on the last night of the democratic primary in 2008 gave a speech that was not a concession speech, even as barack obama was in the position she's now in, where a combined total of pledge delegates and superdelegates gave her the total number of delegates needed to clinch the -- gave him the
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total number of delegates needed to clinch the nomination. after hillary clinton spoke, after winning i believe it was south dakota that night, she gave a speech that was not a concession speech, but more of a thank you to her supporters, only slightly foreshadowing she would be conceding in the coming days. we have no idea is bernie sanders is going to do anything like that tonight. again, overtly his campaign has maintained now for weeks that there was no question that they would go right to the convention. now, every candidate says that up until the moment when they admit they're not, but it will be very interesting tonight to see whether bernie sanders gives any ground. >> yeah. it's tough at the end of a long campaign, when everyone else is treating this as the end of your effort, what bernie sanders has called a political revolution. we're keeping an eye on this. we'll obviously go to it the moment bernie sanders appears. in the interim, we'll fit a break-in. our coverage continues on the other side. of control. profits... and we pay the price. gouging. block action in the legislature. california. prescription drugs. of the drug companies... relief act.
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man 1: you're new. man 2: i am. woman: ex-military? man 2: four tours. woman: you worked with computers? man 2: that's classified, ma'am. man 1: but you're job was network security? man 2: that's classified, sir. woman: let's cut to the chase, here... man 1: what's you're assessment of our security? man 2: [ gasps ] porous. woman: porous? man 2: the old solutions aren't working. man 2: the world has changed. man 1: meaning? man 2: it's not just security. it's defense. it's not just security. it's defense. bae systems.
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luckily we have chris matthews standing by in santa monica. >> kevin, thank you. >> pleasure to be here. >> everybody knows that politics is not quite as zany as the show you're on, but it gets close sometimes. >> i think we may have surpassed. >> the reality has surpassed the comedy. >> uh-huh. >> somebody's talking to me. who's talking to me? kevin dunn. i called you kevin -- >> it's irish. >> colleen told me to correct myself, an irish woman. do you think it's over for bernie sanders, or are you
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holdout, a diehard? >> inge a big bernie fan. i think bernie feels a lot of allegiance to his voters, and i think he wants to press his agenda. i don't think he'll hang in there till the convention. i'm not sure. i think he'll do what he thinks is right. to me i think the longer stays active in it, i think the more his -- you know, the progressive message is going to have a chance to come through. >> what about -- it's been a tough fight between him and hillary. not just about the global initiative, the clinton global initiative, the shots about her giving $200,000 speeches to goldman sachs, but sounds like there's been an manhattan from the outset like there always is in a campaign. how does he win his troops over to hillary? >> well, i think he's a persuasive guy. i think what he really fought for and believes in is to get
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the big money out of politics. i don't think that's going too o away. i think he'll be able to persuade voters that hillary's intentions are what true democrats are for, and i think he'll push the right -- he's going to take the right tone, not push the right buttons, but i think he's going to make -- really help people believe that she's for them. >> let's talk about these two frontrunners now as performers. hillary clinton stopped the game last week. just stopped it. came back on strong. she had been sort of reacting to trump week after week, day after day, hour after hour. last week she took a couple days out, rehearsed, came back with a blockbuster speech, and riding it ever since. what do you make of the performance? >> well, i think to decompress and collect things. you can't imagine what it must
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be like to run, go from city to city, speech to speech, listen to all the stuff coming at you. it must have really been a good couple days to focus and to figure out how to get through. i think she tempered -- not onlp was great. i think the message went over as well as taking shots at trump. let's face it. he's kind of -- i don't know. i just have a feeling that he doesn't want it anymore. >> you have that sense? i do too, like he's a rock star that's gotten all the way up, this attitude of celebrity, and he can't handle that, or something went wrong last week. >> i just have this picture of not being able to sleep, watching all these movies, coming up with these "liar!" i think he was watching "the man
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who shot liberty vance." it's so frantic now. he seemed to have a way with it when he was in the primary with all these other guys. maybe just because it was shooting fish in a barrel. you know, it's just so amped up. everything he's talking about. the stuff about the judge. where does this come from? >> i don't know. kevin dunn, sir, i've been following your career for a long time. thank you. brian and rachel? >> chris, thanks. thanks to kevin dunn from the series "veep" who plays more of a profane characters in the series. >> and a special challenge to join us on basic cable. >> yes, which he did admirably. another break for us. our coverage will continue after this. ♪ you're not gonna watch it! ♪
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♪ no, you're not gonna watch it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download on the goooooo! ♪
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♪ you'll just have to miss it! ♪ yeah, you'll just have to miss it! ♪ ♪ we can't let you download... uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so... don't fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. a wonderful mother chelsea has become, and could meet our beautiful granddaughter charlotte. and of course i wish she could see her daughter become the democratic party's nominee.
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>> some people have remarked that the speech did not mention her husband, the former speech, who was there with her on stage in brooklyn tonight. and was warmly received by the crowd. this, however, is how the associated press has put it, as they say for the ages, claiming her place in history. hillary clinton declared victory tuesday night and her bruising battle for the democratic presidential nomination, becoming the first woman to lead a major american political party, and casting herself as the beneficiary of generations who fought for equality. that's how tonight will be reminded. >remembered. >> it's a historic milestone no matter what happens in the campaign. what's happened tonight has never happened in our country's history. >> we'll continue on our reporting for tonight. we're awaiting bernie sanders in southern california. he's been a little bit delayed. that and more when we come back.
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>> top of the 1:00 a.m. hour. we're in new york, new york. the story, such as it is, as we enter the shank of the evening, is out in the state of california with 34% of the vote in, and a hillary clinton lead. all of that brings us to the big board, and steve starts off this new hour. steve? >> so let's just give you a sense of what bernie sanders would need to do here if he's going to pull off the comeback. it would be a big comeback here in california. again, this is not all early
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votes. this is not all mail-in votes. some same-day is mixed in here right now, but basically if you say that hillary clinton in the early vote got about 62%, 63% in the state of california, it would mean that bernie sanders in the same-day vote, the vote that's mailed in the last day, not counted for a few days, he probably needs to be getting 56% of the vote to catch up with hillary clinton. that's an extremely tall order. tough to see so far. again, there's not a lot of same-day that we can see. here's an example, though. l.a. county, we saw the early vote came in. hillary clinton was at about 151,000 with the early voting. so there's starting to count the same day here. this is a small amount. it looks like clinton is getting over 50% of what's coming in today. again, that's early. that could change. but that might be a small indication here. bernie sanders is going to have
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to be cleaning up in the same-day vote with hillary clinton, at least what we're seeing so far from l.a. county, still over 50 the 50%. this is a big head start she got with the mail-in voting. we'll see. sanders will have to show big numbers to pull it out. >> steve, thanks. let's go out to santa monica. there is a big, bad article that just dropped on the sanders campaign, which rachel is speed-reading to brief us on. before we do that, chris is covering for us out at the event. chris, it is obviously for an east coast audience, given where we are in this campaign, 1:02 a.m. it's late even on west coast standards. tell us what the latest is from the sanders campaign about the location of their candidate. >> he's been at the hotel,
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looking to leave after looking at the results. he's really punctual, brian but he's running about a half hour late, waiting for clarity in the results for california, which are so critical for him, and right now don't look fantastic. he's also someone, who unlike what other candidates we saw tonight, doesn't read off a teleprompter. he has this battered yellow folder that he likes to scratch notes on. presumably he's been doing some of that. be very interesting to see the tone as well as the message. i think if folks behind me are the people that are really going to be playing heavily on his mind, because this is truly the bernie or bust route. last night about 10,000 people in san francisco learned while they were waiting for bernie sanders that hillary clinton had been called by the associated press, and then nbc the presumptive nominee, and a hush fell over the crowd as people looked at their phones. tonight they came here knowing that. they came here knowing exactly
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where bernie sanders stands. i can tell you from talking to them -- and many have been here for five, six hours shouting, you can hear them now -- they are defiant, people coming up to me, talking about places where they went to vote, where they believe people who supported bernie sanders were forced to take provisional ballots. he's are the folks who are going to push bernie sanders -- try to get bernie sanders to go all the way to the convention. even as he's made this phone call he's going to be talking to the president on thursday, talking to harry reid. it's clear that this is a campaign that seems to be winding down. nbc news confirming with some people close to the campaign that there are layoffs coming. not the kind of thing that happens for a campaign that is ramping up. but people like this, the bernie or bust crowd, who truly believe in what he's been talking about are the ones that are going to make it hard for him to say, all right, it's time for us to move on, do what's the best for the
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democratic party, and the best chance to take the white house against donald trump. brian? >> this can be the toughest time for even the toughest of candidates. chris out in that hangar at santa monica's airport. we're back here in the studio with eugene, nicole, and rachel, who's been tearing through this piece that has dropped on politico. >> yeah. >> it's about the sanders campaign. >> dropped a piece tonight about the sanders campaign. it's one those pieces where you read it for its text, but also for sourcing, because one of the things that happens at the end of campaigns is that the way that campaigns end is sometimes with people turning against each other and trying to make sure they look like the good guy and other people look bad. >> finger-pointing. >> what we've got from politico tonight mostly blames bernie sanders himself for strategic decisions seen as bad moves over the course of the campaign. specifically after the nevada state democratic party
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convention where there was chaos to the point of it being sort of a scary situation. people argue about whether or not there was actual violence, or just threats of violence that came out of that convention. carding to politico piece tonight it was senator bernie sanders, quote, who personally rewrote his campaign manager's shorter statement after the chaos of that state party convention. the statement that the sanders campaign put out after nevada basically said, yeah, yeah, of course bernie sanders is against violence, but this was caused by the convention. they're blaming nor sanders for writing that himself. quote, he was also the one to go after dnc chair debbie wasserman-schultz after his wife read him a transcript of her blasting him on television. it was senator sanders who called hillary clinton unqualified, which pulled the bottom out of any hopes of new york. and when sanders himself wrote one challenging question,
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challenging donald trump to a debate. the piece blaming sanders for those decisions. >> and saying sanders is personally responsible for setting the basic tone of the campaign, and it's quoted as "screw me, no, screw you." >> yes. >> you know, you take these end of campaign stories, i do, with several grains of salt. i mean, because you do have to look at the sourcing. you have to then try to figure -- >> we don't know who on the sanders campaign said that. >> if they're political operatives who are under cloak of anonymity, are they protecting their own reputations by dumping it all on the candidate. >> that's never happened before. >> how silly of me to think that such a thing could happen. >> usually the staffers blame each other, not the candidate. >> well, listen, i've been embroiled in one such case like this. i remember on the morning after
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election day, it was the last time i saw sarah palin, she was at the pool at the hotel in arizona where we had our concession event, if you will, and i said, you know, hang in there, losing campaigns get uglier before they get better. i hadn't seen much of the reporting. it took a few days for it to came come out. we were accused of being people that revealed things about briefing her. it isn't always what it appears, is all that i would caution. there's nothing more grim than the final days of a losing campaign. the stories that get told in the final days aren't always true. they are always driven by emotion. and the people held responsible are not always the ones involved. so these stories are almost like a first draft of sin. sometimes it takes years and several book deals later before the correct version to come out. >> here's the thing where i don't know who's being blamed
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for this, or why this would be here, but here's something really specific. i have no idea why somebody would put this out. aides say sanders think progressives who pick hillary clinton over him are chickens. sanders is so bitter, he would be ready to nix brown if clinton asked his advice for a good progressive champion. why do you throw a bomb at brown at this point in the campaign? >> that's trying to blow up a personal relationship. i mean, campaigns lose for a reason. one of the reasons campaigns lose is because of acrimony inside the campaign. it's clear there was. >> somebody saying this about bernie sanders is not an effort
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to hurt brown, but bernie sanders. >> you've got to take the whole saltshaker when it's somebody telling you what's going on inside bernie sanders' ahead about brown. i'm sorry, but how could -- one can imagine that bernie sanders would have been disappointed not to get brown's support, right, because they've been allies on many issues, and they have a lot of similar views. nonetheless, i just wonder about that. that's all. i'm sure the story is well reported, but i wonder about -- >> should we ask our colleague steve schmidt to join the conversation. what would you like to add about the end of a campaign? >> well, look, it's interesting, because you have these campaigns, they're covered 24/7. they have a legion of political reporters. we had some of our msnbc reporters sitting around the table before. the notion that everything isn't discovered, that everything
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isn't found out over the course of the campaign when you have hundreds of people all in close proximity together, all talking to each other, talking to each on the record, on background, off the record, having drinks together, having breakfast together. it's just fantastic. i mean, these are the most covered organizations in the world to some degree. and everything that happens on the campaign, every decision that's made, you know, is ultimately realized because there's interest in it. there's interest at a consumer level among people who follow this race, political junkies. you know, we're the place for politics. we have people watching. you know, they cover every breath of these campaigns. so when a campaign ends, people find out what went on in the campaign. no one should be surprised about that. >> you're right about blurring lines. you get smooshed together on planes, motorcades. everyone kind of takes on, you know, you're distributing hotel keys if you work on the staff. it's crazy. >> this does have an effect in
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terms of what's going to happen with sanders' supporters, and what senator sanders might reasonably say to them if this sort of thing isn't one story out in the cold, or this takes hold, and this is sort of borne out by other stories and other reporting. the end of this story ends with this line. "top sanders aids admit it's been weeks, if not months, since they themselves realized he was not going to win." if that's true, if the sanders campaign has been operating for weeks, if not months, even knowing he wouldn't get the nomination, then why the torched earth effort to go all the way to the convention, and if you can't get into the convention, to march outside it, and bernie or bust, i'd rather vote for trump, and that takes on a different cast if the campaign isn't angling away from that when they know they have no shot themselves. right? this speaks to senator sanders' supporters right now before it
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ever speaks to history. >> yeah, it does. woe if true. >> how many would-be teddy whites are writing now, with what the fast turnaround in publishing, books that will come out at the very end -- >> and it's amazing story. >> the quirk news book. >> watching from the bleachers, it's obvious that they loath each other. >> clinton and sanders? >> obviously. i mean, he talks about her with such animus, and she seems so irritated by his everlasting presence in the race. i mean, he's mathematically eliminated since march 15th, and yet he remains. their personal dislike for each other, it's like watching a tv show where you can tell that two actors don't like each other in real life. it certainly reads like
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something that could be true, but you never know what's true until everyone shares their side of the story. >> i haven't seen the animus between clinton and sanders as much as i did at the start of the debate season. >> they describe the relationship breaking over her attacks over guns. >> yeah. >> i remember reading about that, and then watching the next debate after she opened that line of attack, and it looked like something had broken. >> at the start of the debate -- i feel it's become sort of not warmer, but that sort of -- that animus that you're talking about, i feel seems like it's cooled a little bit. since then this seems to me about whether or not the sanders' campaign is run by people who are at odds with each other whether or not it's about sanders will let go of his fight against clinton. >> you know even with a few months of distance, this will look like a very, very different story. i mean, just step back one-half
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step, and you see bernie sanders a year ago, a year and a half ago -- >> socialist from vermont. >> you know, a socialist from vermont, 73 years old, or whatever, that he would become this incandescent political rock star who would start a movement that would electricity for a so many young people, bring them into the process, and bring progressive ideas and policies and energy, you know, into the center of the democratic party, center of the station's political discussion. i mean, it's -- it's totally an improbable story. >> next they'll be saying trump will be the gop nominee. >> dan freeman, in bed with the sanders campaign, has reported back sort of to the mothership tonight that after this "new york times" story, which we reported on earlier this evening, which said that sanders is due to lay off half of his
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campaign staff tomorrow -- or actually today. after that story, now this politico story, where they're all blaming senator sanders, blaming each other for these bad decisions, danny freeman is describing the sanders staff tonight as "all wound up about had this sort of press" heading into moments before his crowd, before he ultimately concedes the race, to hear what he has to say. has to be a tough night within the sanders campaign and a fascinating one. >> at 1:16 a.m. that's the focus of our attention. we will keep an eye on it. we guarantee you we'll go there when we see bernie sanders. give us a few moments. we'll take a break and see you on the other side.
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narrator: sometimes it's the things that the rest of us don't see that can make all the difference in california's classrooms. it's part of my responsibility as someone who's experienced to allow the door to be open for younger teachers. the teamwork between the teachers is essential.
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when we collaborate with each other... makes everyone stronger. by helping my fellow teachers be successful, i'm helping kids be successful. narrator: the california teachers association: educators who know quality public schools make a better california for all of us.
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>> tonight we close one chapter in history, and we begin another. our campaign received more primary votes than any gop campaign in history, no matter who it is, no matter who they are. we received more votes. this is a great feeling. that's a great feeling. this is not a testament to me, but a best testament to all of the people, who believed real change, not obama change, but real change is possible. >> this election is not, however, about the same old fight between democrats and republicans. this election is different. it really is about who we are as a nation. it's about millions of americans coming together to say we are better than this. we won't let this happen in america. >> that's how tonight has played out so far.
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in more new york centric media news, the front page of tomorrow's "new york times," clinton claims the democratic nomination. large point type headline for them, and a color photo for all those who get the paper version, as my friend calls it the pitcher version of the website, tomorrow morning's "new york times." >> you can see the right-hand columns, both stories about what's happened in democratic primary, crushing victory in the new jersey primary, a long journey, fueled by grit to the finish. and then paul ryan calls trump's comments racist and party alarm grows. that's still going to be the headline on donald trump tomorrow, despite this very constrained, very restrained speech that he gave off a teleprompter tonight on a night
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he's already clinched the nomination. >> bernie sanders for his part has been in a hotel sweet tonight watching returns, seeing if his numbers or margins will change, or on the move before he appears in this aircraft hangar at the santa monica airport, which is just inland from the santa monica pier where chris matthews continues to report from. chris? >> thank you. i have ted and stephanie here. ted, the drama that remains, the drama after tonight, the meeting on thursday, the convention, how does bernie sanders win as a leader of his team without having the numbers? how does he leave the state as a winner? >> i think he recognizes that he
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has a movement, and tries to keep that movement together, but tries to direct it toward the clinton campaign. so much depends on how he bows out of the race. i don't expect him to do something this evening given the enthusiasm from his supporters, but over the next few days he'll have to examine things, especially if he loses california, because sanders has been here for two weeks. i mean, he's parked himself in the state. a huge margin of victory, that's a big loss for him, and should probably play a big deal in his decision. >> by the way, congratulations, a pro-choice, progressive woman, a democratic nominee for president, a small point to make, but a big one. >> it is definitely not a small point to make tonight, chris. it's truly a historic moment. i've been all day long going through waves of emotions. i think about the 31 years of
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emily, building the pipeline to get to this moment, and to see so many women around the country who really feel like they were afraid to believe, and here it is. we still have a big fight ahead of us. we recognize that, but i think for tonight it's a great time to celebrate. >> you're with "time" magazine, which means you have to do the long view. here we have a big story, bernie sanders running as a democratic socialist, doing what no one has ever done on the left side of the democratic party, building an army with 9 million people. people at his events are still there, there tonight. >> yeah. >> how does he relieve that army, muster them out, or does he keep them together, have them all vote for hillary, and continue the rest of his life, political career, leading these people in the continuing goal of reaching these agenda items he's raised for the campaign? >> well, you have a history of that, right? you have teddy connected, howard dean with these movements they
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started. there's certainly a history where he can keep do this list, this movement, but he has to endorse hillary clinton. >> can i have a big rally in front of the capitol, that sort of thing, keep it going? >> historically you don't see a lot of movements when you're going against the party in power, right? > the tea party only came to fruition when george w. bush left and barack obama came into office. then they became the true opposition. if trump were to win, you'll see bernie sanders with this movement, but if hillary clinton wins you don't want to allow that split to fester too much, because you're in power and you got to govern. >> what do you make of this
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story that came out in politico, that says bernie is the bad guy, making all the mistakes, blaming him for the campaign. by the way, i don't know if it's a story. if something is wrong, the boss will correct it. that's not me, and fix it. the idea that these mistakes were made by the person. they don't list all the smart things he did either in this speech. a leader mistakes decisions. >> it's what i would expect of the sanders' campaign, that he was calling all the shots. supporters would meet him, he was walking around los angeles today. you know, you kind of have this perception, it's this small, lean operation that he's a man of the people, and that's kind of what you would expect, that he's not the candidate who had automatic of these high-priced consultants, even if he really did. but that wasn't the image that he actually projected. so it doesn't surprise me. >> hillary clinton will probably
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get -- if she wins the presidency this year, she'll get renominated the next time in all likelihood. her concerns will not be with superdelegates. could it be she throws in the towel after this, and says, bernie, i've been listening to everything you've saying, what you say about the superdelegates is 100% right, let's get rid of them? >> at this convention? >> yeah. why not? >> i think there's going to be some very serious conversations about how the process worked out. i think the process, you know, has been set for a long time. and hillary clinton did exactly what she needed to do. she won a majority of pledge delegates. that's where we are. i think there will be conversations about what to do next. tonight we're looking at a candidate, a nominee who won the most votes, won the most pledge
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delegates, ran a very, very tight, smart campaign. >> you know drama. what's the next democratic moment? is it thursday with the president? that will be behind closed doors in the white house, between the president and bernie sanders. is that the next drama? >> sure, yeah. that's the next thing. what does sanders say when he gets out of that meeting with the president? what does the president put out a statement after that meeting? >> what does the president say on the phone to hillary clinton afterwards? >> does the president endorse? >> oh. i also want to say about sanders and his supporters, i think that what sanders is probably going to look for is some kind of big aha moment that happens at the convention where they get rid of the superdelegates, or some big gesture for his campaign. >> yeah. >> or the message of his campaign. that will allow him to say, listen, supporters, i made this progress in the democratic party, even though we fell short in the vote and the delegate
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count. >> he has made a lot of progress. i mean, when you look at the long history of this, ultimately he's had a big effect on hillary clinton, brought her to the left on a lot of issues, whether it's trade or student loans. you can say he's had a successful candidacy. >> when you see movements like this in our history, you think of the populist movement of the early 1900s, you know, the good movements really when they're good are taken in by the parties and make the parties, i believe, stronger on the democratic side. i wouldn't say that's been the case with the republican party and the tea party. i think we're going to see a party that comes together and is really going to be strengthened from the new energy that's happened in the primary season. >> so johnson, we're finished. >> thank you. >> thank you, emily. thank you all. i think one fact is in the papers. it's already down there.
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the data is there. the democratic party has shifted left. and hillary has to catch up with it. that's part of the story. thank you, guys. brian and rachel? >> thank you, chris. thank you to your panel. another break for us as we remain squarely focused on that podium in santa monica, to quote the politico article tonight, "sanders knows the ride is about to stop, but he's going to push it as far as he can before it does." interesting bit of reporting tonight. he's due in a few minutes. we're right back.
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>> we're back. this is the story so far in california. the elusive upper right yellow bar tells the story when it appears too early to call. so far 61-38 is how the percentages break out, but that's not reliable with 36% of the vote in. it's where we will hear from bernie sanders. steve is at the board with an interesting look at votes gathered so far. steve? >> in the history that hillary clinton was stressing when she took the stage tonight, that she will become the first woman in american history to be the presidential candidate for a major party, let's put this in some additional perspective. not only is hillary clinton going to be the first female nominee, she's the first woman ever to win a presidential primary, when she won new hampshire in 2008, she became the first to do that.
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look at this, though. these are the votes she won in the 2008 primary. she won over 17 million of them. these are the votes she's won so far this year. that's up significantly when all of california gets counted. she'll be easily over 15 million. but go back through american history. every other woman who's run for president as a major candidate, margaret chase smith, 1964. shirley whic chisholm,, and oth, add their votes together, carol moseley braun, add their votes together, you don't even get a million. hillary clinton, at least 15 million this year. 17 million last time. not only is she the first nominee, she's the first woman to ever get serious traction in one of these races. >> man, great names on that list, sergeant with margaret chase smith. >> 1964, margaret chase smith announced she was running for president. she gave the speech at a women's
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press club. i was watching the c-span footage of it today. i think we'll feature it on my show tomorrow night, when she was walk talking about running for president, getting into the race, even though she was in a friendly audience, she was greeted with rolling laughter, a complete joke, the idea that a woman would even try to run for president was treated as something that was almost absurd, let alone impossible. we've come a long way. one of the things that we've been focusing on tonight is what's going to happen on the sanders campaign next. obviously there is this reporting from politico tonight, which is anonymously sourced. we don't who's saying it, but the sanders campaign, at least somebody speaking with politico tonight is throwing the candidate under the bus in terms of talking about how he's responsible all the worst
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strategic decisions made in the campaign. "the new york times," they reported that the sanders campaign is going to lay off at least half of his campaign staff on wednesday, which is now today. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> in terms of this reporting, what we're expecting from the sanders campaign tomorrow, is it indeed half the campaign staff and which staffers are getting cut? from so from what i can tell right now, sources i've talked to, they said it's going to be a lot of advanced staffers, a lot of field staffers. he had a big cut a couple weeks ago where he had probably like hundreds of people laid off. now with the staffing so much smaller, he's probably going to be cutting off about 50-40 people. his staff will be cut down to 50 people total. >> in terms of what's happening among the remaining staffers, top levels of the campaign, everybody is waiting to find out
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how the sanders campaign is going to handle the end of this primary, whether they'll continue to reject the conclusion by others that secretary clinton has clinched the nomination, whether there will be congratulations, whether he will still demand he should be in the race with a possibility of getting that nomination. do you know how those discussions are going? >> i talk to a senior campaign strategist of the sanders campaign. he said that really this is going to be a decision that comes down to what bernie sanders wants. his staff will be talking to the senator, saying to -- basically asking him what do you want to do, do you want to wrap this up or keep going to the convention? irspent a lot oi spent a lot ofo people in the crowd today. when president obama started congratulating secretary
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clinton, that changed a lot of the people that i talked to, even people that i had spoken to moments before, they came back and tapped me on the shoulder, and they said, you know what, i think bernie sanders should get out. part of this is whether bernie sanders reacts to his supporters here. >> let me ask you about one very pedestrian element of this, which is money. obviously if the campaign is laying off staffers, part of that is because their function in the campaign may be over, and you're out of money to pay them. a bit of a black box right now. we don't know where the sanders' campaign is at financially. is there discussion about that from the campaign? do you know anything about their financial situation? >> when i was talking to the staffers today, who were describing to me the fact they'll be laying off all these people today, the chief concern was the campaign was running out
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of money. last time i broke the story, where he was running off hundreds of staffers a couple weeks ago, that story came about maybe a week or so before we found out that his fundraising had plunged to 40% from the month before. the last time they cut hundreds of people they were losing money, and they had little cash on hand. it's fair to say if they're cutting people again, it's because they're not having the first rounding that they want. i should say if their supporters are watching hillary clinton, watching president obama kind of congratulating and kind of celebrating her win, it's going to hurt his fundraising. they haven't said yet how much cash they have on hand now. to me that signals to me they don't want to talk about how much money they have, because maybe they don't have that much money anymore. >> michelle has been covering the sanders campaign closely for "the new york times," who's a real reason the "times" have had great coverage of the sanders campaign. thanks for being with us.
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congratulations on the scoop tonight. >> thanks. >> thanks. >> bernie sanders' secret service motorcade has arrived at the venue. we are going to attempt to fit in a short break here with this one adish. if we see him, we will bail out of the break and we won't miss any of his live remarks. this is santa monica at the airport. we'll return right after this.
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>> right on cue, bernie sanders and his wife jane have appeared at the big rally in santa monica. as promised, we have put down everything else. the senator's brother behind him. >> that's his son. >> i'm sorry? used the wrong word? that's his son. >> it's been a long night. relatives can be called any synonyms and related words. >> here we go. >> thank you, l.a.!
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thank you! thank you all! [cheers and applause]
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thank you! >> let me thank -- let me thank all of you -- let me thank all of you for being here tonight. [cheers and applause]
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let me thank all of you for being part of the political revolution! i especially want to thank the tens of thousands of volunteers here in the state of california. [cheers and applause] i want to thank the people of california for their incredible hospitality. it's been one of the most moving moments of my life, being out in this state, beautiful evenings, seeing thousands and thousands of people coming out, people who
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are prepared to stand up and fight for real change in this country. all of you know when we began this campaign a little over a year ago, we were considered to be a fringe campaign. over the last year i think that has changed just a little bit. by the end of tonight we will have won, i believe, 22 state primaries and caucuses. [cheers and applause] we will have received well over
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10 million votes. and what is most extraordinary to me is the fact that in virtually every single state we have won by big numbers. the votes of young people. young people understand that they are the future of america, and they intend to shape that future. i am enormously optimistic about the future of our country when so many young people have come on board and understand that our vision, a vision of social justice, economic justice,
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racial justice, and environmental justice must be the future of america. our vision will be the future of america. [cheers and applause] our campaign from day one has understood basic points, and that is first we will not allow right wing republicans to control our government. that is especially true with donald trump as the republican candidate.
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the american people in my view will never support a candidate who's major theme is
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we will bring about real immigration reform and a path toward citizenship. >> we will tell the billionaire class and corporate america that they will start paying their fair share of taxes.
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what we understand, and what every one of us has always understood, is that real change never occurs from the top on down. always from the bottom on up. that is the history of america, whether it is the creation of the trade union movement, the civil rights movement, the women's movement, the gay movement. that is what our movement is about.
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>> you all know it is more than bernie. it is all of us together. it is what this movement is about, is millions of people from coast to coast, standing up and looking around them, and knowing that we can do much, much better as a nation.
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whether wall street likes it, wealthy campaign contributors likes it, whether the corporate media likes it. together we know what our job is, and that is to bring the american people together to create a government that works for us. next tuesday we continue the fight in the last primary in washington, d.c. [cheers and applause]
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we are going -- we are going -- we are going to fight hard. we are going to fight hard to win the primary in washington, d.c. , and then we take our fight for social, economic, racial, and environmental justice to philadelphia!
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[cheers and applause] i am pretty good in arithmetic and i know that the fight in front of us is a very, very steep fight, but we will continue to fight for every vote and every delegate. tonight i had a very kind call from president obama, and i look forward to working with him to
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make sure that we move this country forward. tonight i had a congratulation call from secretary clinton and congratulated her on her victories tonight. our fight is to transform this country, and to understand -- and to understand that we are in this together, to understand that all of what we believe is what the majority of the
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american people believe. we understand that the struggle continues. i want to thank the people of north dakota. i don't think that anybody knows what will end up here in california but i suspect the gap will significantly diminish.


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